Tag Archives: angelina jolie

20 Celebrity Men and Women Who Practice Meditation in Hollywood

When we think of alone time, we often picture ourselves shopping without chasing children, having a quiet pedicure, or simply lying in the bathtub uninterrupted. For some truly quality alone time, you don’t have to go much further than inside your own mind. Meditation is a contemplative state where by you silently remove yourself from the physical and the present to reflect, increase clarity, and find a more serene or deeper state of consciousness.

It’s an ancient practice, often associated with yoga, that’s becoming increasingly popular in our scattered, harried, pressure-cooked society. Business professionals use it to decompress after a tough meeting or even find their center before heading in to the bull pen. Men and women alike use meditation to strengthen their minds, reduce stress, and even attain that “me time” that is so necessary.

It’s something Julia Roberts’ character in Eat Pray Love grappled with during the pray portion of her journey at an Indian ashram. But in real life, celebrities are embracing it seemingly with ease for a vast many reasons.

For instance, Richard Gere says a meditation practice helps him to stay grounded amongst the excess of Hollywood life. Eva Mendes credits meditation for helping her mine her best creativity, according to Well and Good. And Gisele Bundchen, who delivered her second child at home this month, has called meditation the source for her post-baby weight loss.

“A regular meditation practice creates mindfulness. Being mindful helps keep us from feeling distracted and impatient with life when things don’t go our way,” said Jill Lawson, our resident yogi expert. “When we are fully aware of our feelings through the practice of meditation, we can move toward being more proactive, instead of reactive. Taking action versus being frustrated is the first step in living a joyful life.”

We found 20 famous men and women who have dedicated themselves to the art and practice of meditation. If this group can make Power Bracelets, veganism, and the Master Cleanse a storming success, maybe they can serve as models to make us all a bit more mindful out here in the real world. (more…)

Which Star Had the Healthiest Look on the SAG Red Carpet?

Most people tuned in to the red carpet special for tonight’s Screen Actor’s Guild Awards to critique and swoon over the dresses. We tuned in to scope out the healthiest looking stars. These women stand as involuntary models for women every where. We look up to them, an try to immulate the fitness regimens and diets that they follow to make them

We were once again struck by Angelina’s bone-thin frame, which we were first startled by two weeks ago at the Golden Globes. A rumored 600-calorie diet is to blame, as is her propensity for skipping meals.

Michelle Williams’ radiant glow could be due in part to her focused yoga practice. We loved her dress as much as we did her fit and healthy look.

Melissa McCarthy had one of the most beautiful looks on the red carpet, but we’d still like to see one of the funniest and most talented women in the business make changes to improve her health. (more…)

Brad Pitt Pushes Coke on Kids for Breakfast [VIDEO]

For people so active in helping the children of the world, it seems Brad Pitt and long-time partner Angelina Jolie aren’t making the health of their own a priority.

In an interview on CBS Sunday Morning that aired today, Brad opened up about his family, saying he “couldn’t imagine life without any of them.” He also shared that the couple’s brood of six children travels the world with them, wherever their gigs take them. Because of the often harried schedule, not to mention ushering eight people out the door, Brad admitted they turn to a pretty unhealthy breakfast and energy solution.

“Listen, I admit there’s times like, ‘We gotta get up. Get up! Here’s your shoes. Here’s your shoes. Drink this Coke. Drink this Coca Cola. Drink it all. Right now! Drink it! Drink it! Drink it! Just so we could get ’em up and going,” Pitt said.

Coke for breakfast? Come on Brad and Angelina! That’s not good for either of you, much less six young, growing children. You may not realize it, but the foundation is already laid. You’re showing them that making time for themselves isn’t a priority, nor is starting their day with a healthy breakfast. Hurrying out the door? Give them an apple to eat in the car (which has been found to give us more energy than a cup of coffee). (more…)

Angelina Jolie Too Thin at the Golden Globes?

Stars are rarely more critiqued than they are on awards night. Their hair, their dresses, their performances, their speeches – nothing is safe. That’s true for Angelina Jolie at tonight’s Golden Globes.

During her presentation, Twitter was instantly taken back by her bone-thin arms and “sickly” appearance as one Twitter user posted.

Recently, frightening news has circulated that Jolie, actress recently turned director, was on a 600 calorie per day diet. Photos of her in November, during a trip to Vietnam, revealed stick-like arms hanging from a strikingly thin frame. Sadly, it seems not much has changed since those photos were taken.

Some reports point to her being so busy, between her many professional obligations and as the mother of six young children, that she often doesn’t have time, nor make time, to eat. Skipping meals often leads “what not to do” advice for dieting and weight loss. It can wreck your metabolism, and wreak havoc on your health. (more…)

Salt’s Stunt Trainer Spills Angelina Jolie’s Secrets

Angelina Jolie's Salt Workout SecretsAngelina Jolie’s stunt trainer Simon Crain spilled how she got secret-agent strong for her role in Salt. Ashley Mateo of SELF gets the run-down.

Running around in stilettos is not something you should try without a professional spotter. “Women look great in stilettos, but they are totally impractical.” said Crane. “We had to have several other shoes standing by, ranging from same-colored sneakers to slightly lower heels.”

“I know her strengths and how to capitalize on them,” said Crane, who has previously worked with Jolie on a number of movies. “For her fight training, we got her learning a combination of Muay Thai and Krav Maga very early on. We would then pick the moves she was best at and combine them into a sequence. The training, at the early stages, took up about three to four sessions a week, lasting approximately two hours each.” Once filming started, they trained during lunch breaks and on the weekends.


Angelina Jolie’s Baby Diet

angelina jolie baby diet

This week’s OK! Magazine reveals Angelina Jolie‘s baby diet. No, that doesn’t mean she’s taking a break from adopting and birthing more children. Quite the opposite. “Her goal is to be pregnant by the time Knox and Viv have their first birthday,” reveals the magazine’s source. Even though the doctors of the mother of six have urged her to delay another pregnancy until after July 2025, she’s anxious to get it done sooner than later.

According to OK’s source, “She’s taking prenatal vitamins, has dramatically cut down on her junk-food consumption, and is seeing her obstetrician regularly whenever she’s back in L.A.”

Favorite Healthy Snacks of Celebrities

Gisele Bundchen and boyfriend Tom Brady enjoy her favorite treat, ice cream.

Their lifestyles are magnetic. Their beauty enviable. Their snacks sharable. Over-indulging in greasy or sweet foods could be considered an occupational hazard for these 10 famous faces. So they keep hunger at bay with their favorite snacks.

  • Oprah is obsessed with organic blue corn tortilla chips.
  • Katherine Heigl has a sweet spot for cherries.
  • Angelina Jolie snacks on Cheerios. (more…)

How Hollywood Moms Get Into Shape After Baby

Jennifer Lopez, Angelina Jolie, Nicole Kidman, Jessica Alba – the list goes on of A-list moms-to-be who immediately transform their post-baby bodies into their pre-pregnant shapes. How do they do it so quick?

The overwhelming pressure to be thin in Hollywood is a massive driving impetus for these new moms to whip their bodies back into svelte shape. But all of them work hard to do it. They may have the money for personal trainers, baby-sitters and personal chefs but when it comes down to it, each of these new moms have to put in the work.

Health experts recommend pregnant women gain anywhere between 20 to 40 pounds for a single pregnancy. For those moms-to-be who are underweight to begin with, they are encouraged to fall on the weightier end of this spectrum. For those ladies carrying multiples like Jennifer Lopez and Angelina Jolie, the weight recommendations are a bit more generous.

A few weeks after Jolie gave birth to twins, Vivienne and Knox, it didn’t even look like she had ever been pregnant: Her slender physique showed very little, if any, hint of her pregnant self. (more…)