Tag Archives: atkins

Day After Super Bowl Biggest Diet Decision Day for Men

Chips, football and Six Pack of Beer and TV

According to an online US survey, 1 in 4 football fans claim to have gained an average of 10 pounds during football season.

The survey, conducted on behalf of Nutrisystem by Harris Interactive, found that out of 1,283 American football fans polled in early January 2025, 25 percent reported that they gained weight during the football season. For those that reported weight gain, the average was 10 pounds, while 16 percent admitted they gained 20 pounds or more.

Here’s another shocker: According to the USDA, the Super Bowl is the second largest food consumption day behind Thanksgiving. Americans will eat 30 million pounds of snacks, with the average football fan consuming 1,200 calories and 50 grams of fat, reports The Calorie Control Council. And that’s just from snacking- it doesn’t even take into to account all the alcohol and calorie-laden beverages that are also consumed.

This weight gain can be made even worse if you’re a fan of the losing team. According to a recent study published in Psychological Science, fans of the losing team tend to load up on saturated fats and sugars the Monday after the big game, whereas fans of the winning team opt for healthier foods.


Kim Kardashian Using Atkins 40 to Drop Baby Weight Again

Kim KardashianKim Kardashian recently gave birth to a baby boy and has resumed her role as Atkins ambassador to lose the 40 pounds she gained during her pregnancy. Kim followed the controversial diet after her first pregnancy, and said she had such great results, she’s doing it again.

We spoke with Colette Heimowitz, vice president of nutrition and education at Atkins Nutritionals, Inc. who is working with Kim directly to shed the baby weight this time around.

Heimowitz told DietinReview.com Kim will be following the Atkins 40 program, an extension of Atkins 20, which is the same high-protein, low-carbohydrate diet, but gives people more flexibility in the foods they eat and a few more grams of carbs to work with while still promoting weight loss.


Google World Diet Trends for 2025: Dukan and Atkins Compete for World’s Most Popular Diet


Hands up if you vowed to lose a few pounds in 2025 by following a diet plan? You’re not alone.

If you want to find the latest and greatest in, well, anything, you probably head to Google and researching a diet plan that fits your lifestyle is no exception. From only eating food that a caveman would eat (Paleo diet), to half-hearted vegetarianism (flexitarianism), there were certainly a wide variety of diets to choose from in 2025.

According to Google research done by Aetna International, one of the world’s leading health benefits providers, the most searched-for weight loss programs online were two high-protein, low-carb diets: The Dukan Diet and Atkins.


7 Healthier Spring Weight Loss Methods That Work


We are well into the swing of 2025. How’s it going so far? Do make resolutions and then walk away? Or do you check-in with yourself? Spring break is the perfect time to reassess your progress to goal and what you can adjust to help keep you on track and see that resolution through to the end.

If you’ve tried something that didn’t work for you, maybe consider switching gears a bit. Or if you’re using spring as the impetus for making healthy changes, then you’ll need a place to start.

Here are new players on the weight loss scene — big program changes to age-old standards a few exciting new faces that deserve your attention!

The Atkins 40

Atkins revealed a new diet plan at the start of the year, a fresh take on their famous low- or no-carb way of life. The Atkins 40 is a new, revised program that focuses on sustainability and results. People are encouraged to eat from all of the major food groups, starting at 40 net grams of carbs instead of the previous 20. The program is best designed for people who have less than 40 pounds to lose.

What You Can When You Can

The #WYCWYC meme has taken the social web by storm, and this incredibly refreshing theory will be available in a book in just a few weeks. Written by Roni Noone and Carla Birnberg, the What You Can When You Can philosophy focuses on living in the moment — something that will likely appeal to everyone. The book will be released at the end of April, thanks to a hashtag that has already gone viral. If a healthy lifestyle on your own terms appeals to you, without any pressure or guilt, then it’s time to see what you can do… when you can! (more…)

See How the Stars are Dieting in 2025


Diet is the word of the season, no matter what you claim as your profession. Celebrities aren’t immune, and their diet proclivities make front-page news. Here’s how some of the biggest names have lost some of their winter pounds, whether living in the real world or prepping for the red carpet season ahead.

Gwyneth Paltrow

Though Paltrow does not have a need to lose weight — she has been deemed “Queen of the Cleanse” — she recently posted about her “annual deep cleanse.” Her annual diet consists of three meals and one snack and focuses on ridding your body of toxins in your system. No dairy, sweeteners, alcohol, caffeine, wheat, or any meat, including seafood.

Soleil Moon-Frye

We spoke with Frye recently about her incredible 23 pound weight loss, something she is very proud of. Frye lost the weight using Nutrisystem‘s My Way and Fast 5, programs that helped her keep on track after a third baby. The former Punky Brewster star looks great, and is happy to be able to eat whatever she likes!

Timothy Spall

Spall, the well-known Harry Potter actor who plays Wormtail, emerged at the Film Critics Circle Award quite a bit lighter. Spall credits his weight loss to the motivation of his wife, a personal trainer, and a huge change in his diet. Spall’s son has also recently celebrated a huge weight loss of his own. (more…)

New Year, New Atkins: The Low-Carb Brand Launches Atkins 40 Program


Were you one of the many who tried the Atkins diet years ago, but couldn’t quite sustain? The idea of no carbs isn’t appealing—and isn’t necessary— for many, so falling off the bandwagon for this diet became all too common.

But after years of conducting and reviewing up-to-date research, Atkins is back at it with a revised and improved program meant to improve sustainability and results. Starting today, the brand is back with their all new Atkins 40. We spoke with Colette Heimowitz, Vice President of Nutrition and Education for Atkins Nutritionals, Inc., to get a thorough understanding of the details around Atkins 40.

Atkins 40 will serve as a “new entry point into the Atkins program,” says Heimowitz. “People can eat from all food groups, and start the program at forty net grams of carbohydrates per day, instead of twenty.” After the company reviewed the literature, they found that most individuals could maintain a fat-burning metabolism at 50-grams of carb intake or less. “This allows them to maintain the benefits of burning fat for fuel instead of sugar, while still seeing the same Atkins results,” Heimowitz explains.


Atkins 40 is still founded on the same principles that made it famous in the first place: high protein, low carb. With this new program they hope “to be more sustainable. You could eat this way healthfully for the rest of your life!” (more…)

Justin Wiseman’s 420 Pound Weight Loss Story – “Rosie O’Donnell was My Beacon of Hope.”

justin wiseman rosie o donnell

Just when I thought my life was over, I found a whole new beginning, maybe your ending is really a brand new start.  ~ Justin

Recently Justin Wiseman joined the ladies on The View where he finally got to hug Rosie O’Donnell. After exchanging messages on Twitter about their mutual weight loss struggles, the two bonded. Justin credits Rosie with inspiring him to lose weight. Now he’s paying it forward by tackling the childhood obesity epidemic.

More from Justin and his amazing 420 pound weight story in his own words –

Tell me when your weight struggles began. My struggles began well before I was consciously aware of what I was doing. By the age of five I weighed 100 pounds.

What habits specifically led you to gain weight? I was a food addict pure and simple. Food was my whole world. Every time I ate, I ate to the point of being Thanksgiving-stuffed. That feeling was my high, my pure bliss.

justin wiseman before after

What caused you to realize you needed to change? I had a gut feeling I was going to die soon, which was confirmed by a doctor. I had uncontrolled type 2 diabetes, my sugar was running in the 500s every day. It was so high that sugar was crystallizing on my skin. I had non-obstructive sleep apnea, the weight on my chest was causing me to stop breathing over 200 times a night and my oxygen was dropping below 60. I had high blood pressure, triglycerides, cholesterol, and was even suffering from cirrhosis of the liver. The cirrhosis was causing me to retain massive amounts of fluid.

How did you lose the weight? I looked into weight loss surgery, but at first I was too unhealthy to qualify. I started slowly by making healthier choices and following a lower carb diet. I ate a KFC grilled chicken almost every day. Over 6 months I lost 130 pounds. Following that initial weight loss, I had gastric sleeve surgery to reduce the size of my football-sized stomach. After that I followed the Atkins Diet.

What diet and exercise methods did you employ? At first I couldn’t do much. I could barely get up and down. The very first exercise I did was to dance in my living while Ellen was dancing on her talk show. Slowly I was able to do more.

Did you have any “ah ha” moments along the way? Yes, the first of many was when I started planning my own funeral because I didn’t think I could do lose the weight. The are so many people around the world who are given a death sentence and would do anything to live, but here I was willing dying. How selfish. I also realized how much life I had missed out on and how much I wanted one day of complete freedom before I died.


Is Kim Kardashian’s Rapid Weight Loss Preparing Her for Another Baby?

By Cat Poland

Oh, Kim Kardashian. That curvy, raven-haired reality TV star we can’t seem to get enough of. Especially the curves. Did we mention those?

While Kim may have been known for her shapely figure before giving birth to baby North last year, her post-baby body has drawn even more attention. After gaining 50 pounds during her pregnancy, she was able to shed the weight in merely six months and strutted her stuff in an itsy-bitsy-teeny-weeny white bikini on the cover of US Weekly to celebrate.

kim kardashian

6 Booty Lifting Yoga Poses to Get a Kim Kardashian Butt

She then reportedly lost another 20 pounds in advance of her Paris nuptials to Kanye West. With rumors flying of whether or not baby #2 will soon be on the way (and whether or not Kanye’s on board), we’re wondering if her weight loss successes affect her decision to get another bun in the oven as quickly as possible.

While she’s squashed recent binge eating rumors, we don’t exactly know what this famous yo-yo dieter is up to now. But if history repeats itself, we do know some of the ways she’s managed to not only keep, but improve her enviable figure in the past. (more…)

One Big Problem with High-Protein Diets: Eating Mostly Meat Shortens Life Span

Almost all of today’s most popular diets are low-carb, high-protein. Atkins has been big for decades; Paleo is an ever-expanding movement, thanks in part to its following of cross-fit fans; and other plans like Dukan, Medifast, and Southbeach aren’t got anywhere anytime soon. But, while this eating formula may result in noticeable weight loss for most folks, a new study, profiled in a Huffington Post article, suggests high-protein diets may also shorten your life. That’s a pretty big deal.


Here’s what we know:

  • Diets that are high in protein and low in carbohydrates help the body shed fat. There are two main reasons for this: Protein is harder for the body to digest than other nutrients so you automatically burn extra calories as you digest and metabolize it. Also, proteins are more filling than many other types of food. Eat a bowl of pasta and you may be hungry again within the hour. Eat a chicken breast and you may forget to eat your snack.  (more…)

Joseph Vindiola’s 241 Pound Weight Loss Started with Atkins

Joseph Vindiola’s story is one that many of our readers can relate to. He had been overweight most of his life and still remembers the bullying and ridicule that eventually led him to drop out of school. Even though friends, family and even his doctor expressed concerned about his health and asked him to lose weight, he wasn’t ready. He knew he wouldn’t be successful until he made the decision to get healthy for himself. The day he woke up and said, “This is enough,” he started his journey with the Atkins diet.

Joseph Vindiola Collage

Joseph reveals more about his journey in today’s true weight loss story –

What habits specifically led you to gain weight? As a kid I was sick a lot and wasn’t allowed to do any physical activities. I come from a family that likes to indulge in food. As I got older, I stuck to what I knew best. That meant no exercise and I ate what I wanted.

How did you lose the weight? I started the Atkins diet and followed the plan strictly during my first year of weight loss. I stayed under twenty carbohydrates a day. It was very hard for me to adjust my lifestyle, but I pushed through. I’ve also made other changes including not drinking soda. I still continue the Atkins lifestyle on the maintenance stage. It has changed my life.


President Taft’s Restrictive Diet Reveals Diets Haven’t Changed Much in a Century

When news broke last week of an unearthed smattering of parchment containing obese President William Howard Taft’s daily diet regimen, Mary Hartley, RD was the first person I thought of. Our resident nutrition expert with the fiery attitude would surely have a wicked take on Big Billy’s nutrition, and she didn’t disappoint.

When asked if diet and nutrition had changed a great deal since Taft’s presidency 100 years ago, she replied, “Not much. And it pisses me off!”


Now why would Mary be pissed off at Taft’s diet? First, I’ll break down exactly what he was eating.

Breakfast: gluten biscuits and lean meat

Lunch: lean meat, butterless veggies, and unsweetened fruit

Dinner: plain salad, lean meat or fish, more flavorless fruits and veggies, and one more dusty gluten biscuit

Queue Mary: “When is the medical community going to learn restrictive diets don’t work?” (more…)