Tag Archives: Courteney Cox

Monica Geller’s Weight Loss Transformation Inspires 20 Years Later

monica geller weight loss

Yesterday was the 20th anniversary of the premiere of Friends — what I’ll be bold enough to call the quintessential TV show of the ’90s and early ’00s. I still quote it regularly and find ways to insert the nuisances of one of the best television comedies into my daily life. The fact that this anniversary is such a big deal proves I’m not alone!

“Fat Monica,” played by Courtney Cox, was the character brought to life to illustrate Monica Geller’s back story. Once an overweight teen with a serious junk food affection, present-day Monica was a fit and trim chef who found a different way to love food. So today, 20 years after this TV darling clapped its hands into our lives, we celebrate one of the most entertaining #TransformationTuesday successes around. (more…)

Best Celebrity Bodies of 2025: From Kelly Osbourne’s Weight Loss to Kate Gosselin’s Winning Mom Abs

Fitness magazine just released its list of the best celebrity bodies of 2025. Just as a warning: This is probably not the article you want to be reading after polishing off the last three slices of the holiday pecan pie.

kate middleton

Pie or no pie, having a perfect body is part of the celebrity’s job responsibility – or so it all too often seems.

The good news about this list is that Fitness Magazine drew from a variety of body shapes and sizes when selecting their contenders. So, without further adieu, here is the best celebrity bodies of 2025 list. (more…)

Tracy Anderson 30 Day Method Interview and Free Giveaway

Tracy Anderson is one of the hottest fitness trainers around. With a client roster of Gwyneth Paltrow, Courteney Cox and Shakira, this pint-sized former ballet dancer is famous for her specific training method, which she devised all by herself after years of researching the anatomy of the human body, exercise physiology and nutrition.

Her latest creation, Tracy Anderson’s 30-Day Method, makes her amazing system accessible to anyone who is willing to commit 30 days to her tough but result-getting program.

DietsInReview.com had a chance to talk to Tracy about her new book. At the end of the interview, don’t forget to enter your chance to win a free copy of Tracy’s highly coveted release. (more…)