Tag Archives: courtney crozier

The Best of 2025: From Fearless Selfies to Fitness Leaders, the 26 Must-Follow Names in Wellness

I don’t know about you guys, but we had a really great year over here at DietsInReview.com. We certainly felt the love — hello you named us a Top 50 Health Blog for 2025! — and tried every day to show it to you, too. Together we celebrated some tremendous weight loss successes, fitness milestones, and met so many more of you out there who make this a fun place to be in here.

Along the way, we found a few people who made the Internet a healthier place to be, even enlightening and holding us to a higher standard. They should be recognized, and you should consider following them. There’s a lot of brains, talent, and heart in this bunch of 26 brands and people in our 13 categories, covering food, fitness, and even social networks.

Without further adieu … meet our picks for the best of 2025!


kenlie alan

It was Oxford’s word of the year, you don’t think we’d pass up a legitimate chance to use it, did you? We selected two individuals who are using their selfies to better themselves and those around them. Plus, their selfies are duck-face free, so we can actually stand to look at them!

Alan Ali@Sweating_It_Off

Kenlie Tiggeman@ALLTHEWEIGH


One hundred hours of video are uploaded to YouTube every MINUTE. It would take longer than four days to watch a single minute’s worth of new video content – and no one has time for that! So we saved you the potato couchin’ time and sorted through to find the very best new clips from this year. Honestly, you’ll put them on repeat.

Dance Walking Fitness by Ben Aaron

Prancercise on YouTube (more…)

Dietitian Cheryl Forberg Returns to Biggest Loser in Season 14

One of the most important people behind the scenes at Biggest Loser left at the end of season 12. Changing directions at the show and within her own life lead Cheryl Forberg, RD away from the ranch for the first time since the show’s inception. But when NBC called her out of the blue last month and asked her to return, Cheryl says, “I said yes in about three minutes.”

“Yes, Cheryl is back and we’re looking forward to a great season,” said an NBC spokesperson, confirming the dietitian’s return.

It’s obvious that Biggest Loser is a place this renowned dietitian and chef can call home. When she announced her departure last November there was a lot of shock. She told us then that the seven-plus years she’d worked on the show, helping to co-author the contestants’ nutrition program, was the longest working relationship she’d ever had. Apparently, the “enriching” and “unique” experience she had couldn’t keep her away. The contestants are likely better off for it.

“She’s a very warm lady who is always there to help us even to this day,” said Mark Pinhasovich, the season 10 at-home winner, upon learning of Cheryl’s return.

Cheryl has already been out to the ranch to meet the newest batch of contestants, who will debut in season 14 this upcoming January. With a week or two of filming and training already under their shrinking belts, they’ve no doubt already gotten a heavy dose of Cheryl’s medicine. Early impressions are good from her viewpoint.

“I just spent a few days with the new cast and I love them all,” she told us. “Their positive energy and enthusiasm is contagious and I’m certain you’ll feel it when you watch the first episode.” (more…)

Courtney’s Summer Challenge Kicks Off 10 Weeks of Fitness and Fun

Are you ready to be challenged to reshape yourself mentally and physically? We’ve tasked our Biggest Loser correspondent Courtney Crozier with pushing you guys outside of your comfort zones once again with this year’s Courtney’s Summer Challenge!

It’s a ten-week challenge that starts right now and will help you think differently about food, fitness, and your self.

Each week Courtney will present a new challenge and you’ll have seven days to meet that goal. You’ll find yourself on your feet, in front of the mirror, and in the kitchen, but either way, we promise it will be a little bit fun and a little bit trying. We also promise that you CAN do it!

Courtney’s Summer Challenge is sponsored by Truvia® natural sweetener, who will be sharing prizes and recipes throughout. (more…)

The Mental Switch That Leads to Weight Loss Breakthroughs

Last week, while doing a book interview with the author of “The Cure for Everything,” something happened. I had an ‘a-ha’ moment that made me realize one of my unhealthy habits: I was eating too much.

I wasn’t eating terrible. I wasn’t eating unhealthy; just too much. And I was justifying it with exercise. But all it took was for Timothy Caulfield to say, “We just don’t need that many calories.”

Cue: light bulb. I had a mental switch that made me realize more exercise isn’t the answer, eating wisely and thoughtfully is.

You’ve heard about the mental struggles weight loss and healthy living can bring. More often than not, those mental and emotional realizations are half the battle in having breakthrougs that lead to finally achieving a healthy lifestyle.

One such moment took place for personal trainer Stephanie Mansour when she got to college and dove into an absolute eating free-for-all. Having no regular sports activity and a deep love for food, Stephanie – founder of Step it Up personal training – found herself overeating often as a result of not being mentally connected to her body. These habits led her to develop intense anxiety, sleeping problems and migraines, all three of which required medication. (more…)

Trainers Bob and Dolvett Get Little Face Time on Biggest Loser 13

By Courtney Crozier

The Biggest Loser is kicking off yet another couples season on January 3. The motto for the season is “NO EXCUSES!” which is very fitting for the start of a new year. The two trainers on season 13 are Dolvett Quince and Bob Harper, who we had the opportunity to speak with this morning. He answered a few of our questions as we await tomorrow night’s season premiere.

Dolvett, Bob, and their teams are competing against each other, so the obvious question is, “How do the trainers get along?” At least, we and @wlcmomof3 on Twitter wanted to know. Bob told us they “get along just fine,” but he doesn’t focus on Dolvett because he is focused solely on his team during workouts. Behind the scenes, Dolvett and Bob do not get the opportunity to talk much as they are separated most of the time. It’s not like the Bob and Jillian Michaels duo that we’ve seen in seasons past! (more…)

Biggest Loser Recap and Elimination Interview: Season 12 Week 2

If you had to miss Biggest Loser 12 last night, or just want to relive its best moments, then watch Courtney’s exclusive video recap. She weighs in with comparisons to her own experience on The Ranch, noting that she’d promised herself never to give in to the temptations. Something John R. wishes he’d done.


Biggest Loser Season 12 Premiere Recap and Elimination Interview

Biggest Loser returned to NBC last night for its 12th season! You wouldn’t have found us anywhere but on our Twitter @DietsInReview where we’ve live tweeted the show for four seasons. Last night we gave away a four-pack of Bob Harper’s DVDs, who knows what it will be next week!

If you missed the episode, or just want to relive the highlights, then you can’t miss the first video recap from Courtney Crozier, fan-fave from season 11. From the game-changing twist that happened before the contestants even set foot on the ranch to the first cat-fight of the season, Courtney’s got the good dirt.


Courtney’s Summer Challenge: Finish the Summer Strong

Well, you guys did it! You made it to week 12 of Courtney’s Challenge! You’re surely no worse for wear, more like better for it. Courtney says “it doesn’t matter how you started, it’s all about how you finish,” and with that, she’s issuing one heck of a final exam for week 12.

This week, you’re asked to choose three challenges and do them each day. You can click here to see the complete list of challenges, and then choose the three that you either enjoyed the most or could use another chance at accomplishing. Then, report back like you do every week. Tell us what you chose and why, how you managed them this time as opposed to the first time, or even what you got out of this summer challenge. Our final winner gets free Wholly Guacamole and a DIR hooded sweatshirt!

Plus, join us TONIGHT, Tuesday, September 6 for another live Yackit! video chat event! It’s your chance to meet Courtney face-to-face online and ask her the question you most want answered. Wholly Guacamole will be there giving away delicious prizes; we’ll have some T-shirts to giveaway too. It promises to be the most fun you’ve had on a Tuesday night in a while. Just click here to get all the details, and click here to join us tonight at 8pm EST / 7pm CST.

Courtney’s Summer Challenge Week 11: Do Your Squats

It’s our second to last week in Courtney’s Summer Challenge and she is not taking it easy on us. In fact, she’s turning up the heat a bit. Fair enough, we’ve been at this for almost three months, surely we’re ready to take on a total body workout.

Your challenge this week is SQUATS! You can do them just about anywhere, they don’t cost anything, and they require very little of your time. All of that and you get some serious return on investment… working your thighs, glutes, and even abs (if you’re doing it right).

Join Courtney this week for the squat challenge.

One participant wins a DIR T-Shirt and some Wholly Guacamole.

Courtney’s Summer Challenge Week 10 – Eat Your Fruit

Courtney’s come up with a real fruity idea this week, one you’ll want to sink your teeth right into. Eat fruit with each meal!

This really isn’t that hard. The difficulty comes in resetting your habits. So when you hit the grocery store this week, spend a little more time in the produce section. Apples, bananas, and oranges can usually be bought in bulk bags at an affordable price. Also try to take advantage of some of the fresh in-season fruits for summer. Grapes, watermelon, berries are just a few.

And a little known fact… avocado is a fruit… so maybe add a dollop of Wholly Guacamole here and there!

One participant this week will be rewarded with some Wholly Guacamole, our sponsor, and a DIR T-Shirt.

Watch the video and post your comment to tell us how you’re enjoying your fruit.

You’re invited to attend a live Yackit! video chat event with Courtney!

Click here to watch the first Yackit! video, and get all the details for the next, scheduled for September 6!

Courtney’s Summer Challenge Week 9 – Pay It Forward

We hope you’ve spent the past eight weeks working to better yourself – emotionally and physically. Now, Courtney wants you to give a little of that back with week nine’s Pay It Forward Challenge.

You don’t have to go out of your way, or even spend a lot of time or money, to pay it forward. Often it’s the littlest things that are the most noticed and appreciated. Pick up a friend’s coffee, give another friend a chance to talk through her concerns, or offer to give a ride to someone who needs it. The options are really quite endless.

One participant this week will be rewarded with some Wholly Guacamole, our sponsor, and a DIR T-Shirt.