Tag Archives: Hunger Games

Katniss and Brave’s Merida Put Archery Workouts on the Map

By Chrissa Hardy for HelloGiggles.com

It’s 2025 and finally werewolves and vampires are stale enough to take a step back and make way for humans again. Not just any humans though. Arrow-shooting, bow-wielding, masters-of-archery humans. The Year of the Dragon is apparently also the year of the Archer. This sport has been around for thousands of years and thanks to the ferocity of Katniss, the spunk of Merida, and flash of Hawkeye, it looks like it’ll stick around just a little bit longer.

Katniss is fierce, independent and her focus is unwavering. To keep up with the advanced skill of her character, Jennifer Lawrence trained with US Olympic Archer Khatuna Lorig. Lawrence trained in 15 one-hour sessions with Lorig and continued her practice on her own by shooting 80-100 arrows per day to improve her technique. After seeing the film, Lorig was extremely pleased with Lawrence’s form and hopes to work on the upcoming films in the franchise. (more…)

Josh Hutcherson’s Intense Hunger Games Military-Style Workout

Josh Hutcherson, one of the lead stars of The Hunger Games, explained how he got into the shape of his life leading up to the film.

Hutcherson, who plays the role of Peeta Mellark, had to maintain a strict high-protein diet along with a military-style exercise regime before filming started. He explained how he had to make a lot of changes during this process.

“I had to put on a lot of weight, so I was in the process of eating chicken, eggs and protein and all that fun stuff.”

Hutcherson referred to his intense exercise regime as “fun stuff.” It seems he was being sarcastic as he explained that he was “in a constant state of soreness!” (more…)

Hunger Games-Inspired Workout Turns Participants Into Tributes

Stop the bus. The Hunger Games has its own workout. Can you tell I’m only a little excited?

Starting this week at the Philadelphia Sports Club, members and non-members alike can put their survival skills to the test in a Hunger Games-inspired workout that mimics the popular book series in every way.

Named by New York Sports Club Trainer Eric Salvador, the “Train Like a Tribute” workout is a competition-style circuit that’s CrossFit in nature and gives participants the same intense, physically demanding experience the tributes felt in the arena. For one hour, participants become Panem tributes, fighting to complete the workout as fast as they can to emerge the winner.

During the class, tributes race from station to station utilizing equipment like plastic bows, free weights, mats and sheer grit. Could you survive it? I think I could. I have run a half marathon after all.

Salvador designed the moves to mock various skills tributes in the book possess, such as pulling back bows and scaling trees. Katniss Killers require tributes to draw back a bow 10 times on each side. Capitol Crunches mimic tree climbing, requiring tributes to lie flat on their back holding a weight overhead, and then complete 10 full sit-ups. Jabberjay Jacks are 20 cross-legged jumping jacks. And Peeta Presses are 10 squat presses with weights and then a sprint around the arena. (more…)

Jennifer Lawrence Says ‘No’ to Dieting, Instead Embraces Healthy Figure

Jennifer Lawrence. Ah, that body.

Beautiful, toned and trim. And one of the reasons we’re so envious of it is that it looks natural – like the she stays active and eats well without depriving herself. And naturally, that’s exactly what she does. Lawrence even admits to being OK with looking ‘a little chubby’ on camera if it means being healthy.

That’s what we love to hear as proponents of healthy, balanced living, even though Jennifer’s clearly nowhere near chubby.

According to a recent Daily Mail article, Jennifer believes in feeling healthy and happy over being stick thin. And she doesn’t buy into over-restrictive diets saying, “I’m miserable when I’m dieting, and I like the way I look.”

And her approach to food and exercise are sensible, especially when it came to her preparations for The Hunger Games, which reportedly involved lots of running, and even enduring extensive training in archery from a true Olympian. “I don’t diet. I do exercise! But I don’t diet. You can’t work when you’re hungry, you know?” (more…)

Healthy Recipes Inspired by The Hunger Games

For those swept up in the romance and thrilling plot of ‘The Hunger Games,’ it’s a well known fact that leading lady Katniss Everdeen and her fellow citizens were living a life far from luxury in District 12.

Starvation was a daily reality for most everyone confined within the city walls, but Katniss’s time spent in the Capitol training for the Hunger Games pitched a different tone – and menu. Delicacies like lamb stew, foie gras, and chicken in rich, creamy sauces were in well supply, tempting her taste buds and nourishing her body through the rigorous training she endured for her battles in the arena.

To give you a taste of the two vastly different words Katniss experienced – both of living in plenty at the Capitol, and living in want in District 12 – here is a list of 5 healthy recipes to help set the tone and table for all of your Hunger Games festivities. (more…)