Tag Archives: liposuction

Calf Liposuction Sought by Women to Fit in Fall Boots


“I have five pairs of boots in my closet I can’t wear. I get them out as workout motivation. I really miss wearing them. I have to say, it is one of the more depressing parts about being a plus size girl. I have one pair of wide calf boots. They work, but the others are much prettier,” one of my friends shared.

While she uses the boots as workout motivation and sought out wide-calf boots, other women are turning to liposuction for their calves. It isn’t an instant fix though; it can take ten months to recover from this trending plastic surgery procedure. It can take months for the swelling to go down after a liposuction procedure. It also isn’t something that is available for everyone. Women who work out or have muscular calves may not have the amount of fat needed for the microliposuction procedure.

“I could lose 80 pounds and I’d still have a 16” calf,” explained another friend. (more…)

Not Exercising After Liposuction Can Have Dangerous Effects

Liposuction might be a quick and easy way to shave unwanted fat from the body, but it may not be the safest solution especially for those who don’t exercise afterwards.

A new study from the University of Sao Paulo in Brazil showed that for those who don’t exercise after having liposuction, a dangerous kind of fat known as ‘visceral fat’ can return to the body. The result can leave patients in a less healthy state than they were before the operation.

The complete the study, researchers gathered a group of 36 healthy women between the ages of 20 and 35, to have liposuction. Liposuction is an invasive procedure that suctions fat out of subcutaneous fat cells that lie just beneath the skin’s surface. (more…)

Liposonix: An In-Depth Look at the Latest Cellulite Procedure

If you’ve ever wanted to get rid of stubborn cellulite, then you’ve likely researched all of the procedures, creams and pills out there to fight this unsightly fat that plagues so many women. But if you’ve come up short in your search, then there may be hope in the form of a new FDA-cleared procedure called Liposonix. 

After doing a profile piece on the procedure earlier this month, we now have more details about Liposonix from the creators themselves. Upon contacting a representative from the company, we were able to dig up some more information about the cellulite-reducing procedure. Here’s what we found.

Q: Your website is touting one procedure, one hour. But can a patient after the 12 week recovery period receive additional treatments? (more…)

Liposonix: The Latest Craze in Fat Removal Procedures

We all have that pair of skinny jeans that we almost squeeze into. Well, there may be a new tool on the market that will make them fit once and for all.

Liposonix – a procedure that was cleared by the FDA in 2025 – uses high-intensity ultrasonic energy to remove fat from the under-layer of the skin without damaging the skin or organs.

Exactly how does it work? A special machine uses ultrasonic energy to target the fat located in the layer under the skin known as the subcutaneous layer. The zapped fat is then eliminated by the body’s immune system and removed by the liver. The treatment lasts approximately one hour, and the results are usually maximized at eight to 12 weeks.

On average, patients lose 2.8 centimeters, or about an inch. Keep in mind, this is the average fat loss so some people will lose more and some will lose less. I think that’s a pretty big gamble for the amount of money the procedure will cost. For some people that could be the difference between a size six and a size four, which could be priceless to them. (more…)

Fat Removed From Liposuction Reappears in Mysterious Places

Far too often people have the propensity to look for an easy way out when losing weight. While most of us lead busy lives and find it difficult to include exercise, ultimately it’s up to all of us to prioritize our health.

One example of how some people do not address the real issues associated with being heavy is through weight loss surgery. Liposuction has become the most popular plastic surgery, with more than 450,000 operations every year. While the vast majority of liposuction surgeries are done safely by highly trained physicians, there seems to be almost eerie side effect of having the procedure done. (more…)

U.S. Soldiers Turn to Drastic Weight Loss Methods

An Army Times article reported this week that soldiers are taking drastic steps to meet the military’s weight standards. Soldiers have admitted to taking diet pills and laxatives, starving themselves and getting liposuction in order to meet what some see as impossibly low weight standards.

Liposuction saved my career — laxatives and starvation before a PFT sustains my career,” an anonymous soldier told the weekly paper. “I, for one, can attest that soldiers are using liposuction, laxatives and starvation to meet height and weight standards. I did, do and still do.”

Almost half of all uniformed men and women in the US Army do not meet the weight standards, according to a 2025 military fitness report, and those officers are then made to use tape measurements to determine body fat percentage. If the percentages are too high, the soldiers cannot earn promotions or hold leadership roles. A further failure to lose weight is grounds for job loss. More than 24,000 soldiers were discharged between 1992 and 2025 for failure to meet weight standards.
