Tag Archives: paleo diet

Top 25 Diets of 2025: Reader’s Choice

It’s here!!!

We are halfway through 2025, and nearing closer to the summer months day by day.  To help you navigate the endless diets out there, we’ve compiled the ultimate guide to our top 25 diets as determined by you, our faithful readers.

From pills to Paleo, to counting points to cabbage soup, see what hot diets every one is talking about this year!


Top 10 Diets for 2025: Editor’s Picks

weight watchers blog size

With summer peering its head right around the corner, the time has come to shed the cold weather coat that has been keeping you warm the past few months.
However, with so many diet approaches on the market these days, the vast selection can be paralyzing when beginning to work toward your weight loss goals.

Luckily, our Editors have compiled a list of the top 10 diets so far for 2025 to not only make choosing a diet that much easier, but so you can better your chances of seeing results that much sooner.

1. Weight Watchers
This diet allows you to eat whatever you like within your personal daily ‘points’ range. This approach teaches you how to incorporate any and all foods into a healthy diet, and learn the portion sizes that are right for you.

2. Plexus Slim
This diet is a stimulant-free, powdered supplement that you mix with water and consume 30 minutes prior to a meal. The antioxidants help to release fat, reduce appetite, and also provide beauty benefits.


Paleo Diet Could be Best for Postmenopausal Weight Loss

Vegetable writing: Paleo

A recent article from Web MD suggests that adhering to a Paleo diet may help post menopausal women lose weight, as well as reduce their risk of diabetes and heart disease.

Researchers claim that these benefits can be experienced without calorie restriction due to the nature of the Paleo diet.

What is Paleo?

The Paleo diet encourages eating foods that our ancestors in the paleolithic period consumed. This means only eating foods found in nature such as lean meat, fish, fruit, vegetables, and nuts and seeds while foods that modern farming brought to the table, such as dairy products, grains and legumes should be limited, if not completely eliminated, from the diet.


Day After Super Bowl Biggest Diet Decision Day for Men

Chips, football and Six Pack of Beer and TV

According to an online US survey, 1 in 4 football fans claim to have gained an average of 10 pounds during football season.

The survey, conducted on behalf of Nutrisystem by Harris Interactive, found that out of 1,283 American football fans polled in early January 2025, 25 percent reported that they gained weight during the football season. For those that reported weight gain, the average was 10 pounds, while 16 percent admitted they gained 20 pounds or more.

Here’s another shocker: According to the USDA, the Super Bowl is the second largest food consumption day behind Thanksgiving. Americans will eat 30 million pounds of snacks, with the average football fan consuming 1,200 calories and 50 grams of fat, reports The Calorie Control Council. And that’s just from snacking- it doesn’t even take into to account all the alcohol and calorie-laden beverages that are also consumed.

This weight gain can be made even worse if you’re a fan of the losing team. According to a recent study published in Psychological Science, fans of the losing team tend to load up on saturated fats and sugars the Monday after the big game, whereas fans of the winning team opt for healthier foods.


Google World Diet Trends for 2025: Dukan and Atkins Compete for World’s Most Popular Diet


Hands up if you vowed to lose a few pounds in 2025 by following a diet plan? You’re not alone.

If you want to find the latest and greatest in, well, anything, you probably head to Google and researching a diet plan that fits your lifestyle is no exception. From only eating food that a caveman would eat (Paleo diet), to half-hearted vegetarianism (flexitarianism), there were certainly a wide variety of diets to choose from in 2025.

According to Google research done by Aetna International, one of the world’s leading health benefits providers, the most searched-for weight loss programs online were two high-protein, low-carb diets: The Dukan Diet and Atkins.


The Ultimate Paleo Grocery List: Prepping Your Paleo Meals Made Easy

eggs, chicken, vegetables and text paleo diet

If you’re following the Paleo diet you already know that grocery shopping and meal planning are going to be key to your weight loss success.

The Paleo diet, also known as the Caveman Diet, only permits foods that were available and consumed 10,000 years ago, during the Paleolithic era. Because there was no agriculture at this time, the Paleo diet prohibits most foods people rely on – and in some cases, eat exclusively – in today’s society, like grains, sugar and dairy. Simply put: if a you couldn’t eat it as a caveman, you can’t eat it on Paleo.

Ok, to do the diet you’re going to need to know more than that. We’ve got you covered.


Paleo Vs. Whole30: The Big Differences Between the Biggest Clean-Eating Diets


Ironically, you’d have to have been living in a cave to not be somewhat familiar with the paleo diet. It was massively popular in 2025, and it doesn’t appear to be losing any steam as we start 2025. The diet that encourages eating like our ancestors has become a major player in the health and fitness industry, sparking interest in many other similar diets.

One such program is Whole30. In fact, the two are often presented together, with Whole30 acting as a way to “try” going paleo. However, there are some small, yet significant differences between the two that can derail your diet if you’re not careful.

There’s no denying these diets are similar. To help you pick the right one for you, we’re breaking down what each diet is, as well as their similarities and differences. (more…)

The Pegan Diet Dr. Mark Hyman and I Live By: Are You a Paleo-Vegan?


As a health coach, it is my job to help guide my clients to find the best way of eating for them. A common response is, “Well, what works for you? How do you eat?” I struggle with this because I don’t want them to be subliminally influenced by my choices, but also because it never quite had a label. I have created some sort of hybrid diet that my body happens to thrive on. Lots of vegetables, nuts/seeds, good fats, some fruits, no dairy, minimal grains if possible, and mindfully sourced protein from both animals and plants.

It’s not quite paleo, and it’s not quite vegan. I had been calling it Plant-Based Paleo…but only in my own head.

Imagine my surprise when holistic physician and public health figure Dr. Mark Hyman — a regular columnist for the Huffington Post and contributor to the Katie Couric Show — posts an article to his website saying that he is Pegan a kind of hybridized version of paleo and vegan. Ha! I now feel strangely validated. (more…)

7 Basic Steps to Cleaner Eating Without Going Paleo


It’s quite the buzzword these days. Much like “organic,” “gluten-free,” or “free range,” you can’t avoid the term “clean eating” when looking to live healthier.

What’s all the fuss about eating clean? It goes hand-in-hand with the often fitness-inspired Paleo Diet, and the idea that we should all be consuming less processed food-like products and more real, whole, natural foods. Going Paleo can be a bit extreme for some, so clean eating is a little less structured and a little more attainable for anyone no matter how they get fit.

Here are 7 basic principles to clean eating:

1. Avoid processed and refined foods. 

This includes things like white flour, sugar, bread, and pasta. Enjoy complex carbs such as whole grains or Paleo alternatives such as almond or coconut flour as your base for baked goods. These Back to School Cookies are super clean, but you wouldn’t even know it!

2. Get label savvy. 

Eating clean typically promotes choosing less packaged foods, but when you do opt for anything with a wrapper, learn to read the label. The shorter the list the better. If you can’t pronounce the ingredient, then your body can’t either. (more…)

Where Your Paleo Diet Actually Came From in National Geographic’s Evolution of Diet

evolution of diet

Paleo is certainly a buzzword in the diet and health communities, but do people really know what it means when they say they “want to eat like their ancestors?” National Geographic’s Evolution of Diet investigates what an original Paleolithic diet might have been, and how the modern diet developed.

To start, they first looked at the few groups of true hunter-gatherers remaining — those whose diets haven’t changed much in thousands of years.

“Hunter-gatherers are not living fossils,” Alyssa Crittenden, a nutritional anthropologist at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas, told National Geographic. “That being said, we have a small handful of foraging populations that remain on the planet. We are running out of time. If we want to glean any information on what a nomadic, foraging lifestyle looks like, we need to capture their diet now.”


Ben Affleck and Tim McGraw – Two Intense Workouts With Results That Prove 40 Is The New Hubba Hubba

Ben Affleck was a brief topic of conversation the other night when Jennifer Lopez stopped by the Bravo TV Clubhouse to chat it up with host, Andy Cohen. Among the dish was an assertion by J Lo that she helped Ben with his fashion choices during their two year relationship saying, “I did kind of like say, ‘you need to be, you know – You’re a movie star! You should wear a suit. . . ‘

Oh, Ben is going to wear a suit alright, a BAT SUIT! And by the look of some recently leaked photos, he’s going to fill it out nicely. My goodness. Is it warm in here?

ben affleck batman collage

When director, Zack Snyder, made the announcement that Ben Affleck would play the iconic role in the upcoming Superman sequel, Batman Vs. Superman: Dawn of Justice, the interwebs wasted no time declaring that the actor best known for roles in ArmageddonGood Will Hunting, and Argo, had no business playing a super hero.

Ben shrugged off the bat-hate and then went out and just got ripped, you guys. Though no details have been released about his prep for the movie, we do know that he’s working with celebrity nutritionist and natural bodybuilder, Rehan Jalali, who also helped him get cut and chiseled for the 2025 movie, The Town.

According to Jalali, Ben’s previous diet consisted of six to seven small meals per day with a focus on lean protein (wild salmon) carbs (sweet potatoes), plus essential fats (almonds). In a Twitter Q&A session this spring, Jalali would only say, “the training is very focused and intense. We’re going for a real-life super hero look.”
