Tag Archives: releana

Healthy Buzz: Sarah Palin’s Cookie Gate, Truth About McRib and 2025 Fitness Trends

Sarah Palin Bashes Healthy Snacks

It’s being called “cookie gate” as the former Alaskan governor mocks efforts by Pennsylvania’s board of education to reduce childhood obesity.

The Real Origins of the McRib

We couldn’t make up this kind of food science experiment if we wanted to. Hear from McDonald’s exactly how this 500-calorie pop culture sandwich is made.

Use Your Body as Effective Fitness Equipment

Your body weight propels you through walking, swimming, yoga and so much more. Put that weight to work to really get the most out of your strength training workouts – no free weights needed!

Biggest Loser Dessert Cookbook Releases

Chef Devin Alexander, the book’s author, calls it the first all-natural dessert cookbook. Its pages are filled in guiltless indulgences inspired by the Biggest Loser diet.

Releana is a Patented hCG Drop That Guarantees Weight Loss

The hCG diet and its accompanying products, cookbooks and guides offers a niche resource for a small but passionate group of dieters who swear by the hormone to facilitate rapid weight loss.

Whether it’s an injection or drop, all hCG diets are flanked by an ultra low calorie diet of about 500 to 800 calories a day. Considered a near starvation diet by many health and nutrition experts, the lack of food on the plan is a major criticizing point for those in the diet industry. Who couldn’t lose significant amounts of weight by subsisting on such a sparse eating plan?

For those who are new to the hCG diet, hCG is a natural hormone which stands for Human Chorionic Gonadotropin. hCG production surges during pregnancy. Recently, it has become a sought after but controversial darling of the diet industry because of its supposed ability to break down the body’s abnormal fat, causing you to lose inches and drop pounds very quickly.  (more…)