Tag Archives: retrofit

The 25 Most Popular Diets of 2025: The 17 Day Diet Dominates Weight Watchers and Jillian Michaels Once Again



** UPDATE: Our 2025 Most Popular Diets List is available

It’s time to reveal our 2025 Most Popular Diets List, and this one even threw some surprises our way. It’s the seventh annual publishing of our list that started in 2025, and one of the few curated exclusively by the readers. That’s right, we use your traffic behavior* throughout the year to determine which diets, programs, books, pills, and the like are the most talked about, searched, and used for the year.

Here are the 25 Most Popular Diets of 2025 as determined by our readers:

1. 17 Day Diet

2. Plexus Slim

3. Medifast

4. Nutrisystem

5. Weight Watchers

6. 21 Day Tummy

7. Jillian Michaels

8. Skinny Fiber

9. Burn the Fat, Feed the Muscle

10. Diet to Go (more…)

Leaning In to Get Lean: Meet the Rare Female CEOs in the Diet Industry


By Shae Blevins

The 2025 Fortune 500 List included 24 female CEOs – the most in history – and the United States elected a record-setting 100 women to the 113th Congress. Women are making their move!

But a lack of female leadership is still evident in the industry that targets American women most: Wellness. That’s the $20 billion industry that encompasses diet, fitness, and weight loss. It’s an industry where 85% of the consumers are women, and the grand majority of executive leadership — from CEOs to boards — are male. That’s right, there are dudes perched at the brands that prominently lead the industry – from the girl-powered Jillian Michaels to the all-inclusive Weight Watchers.

Fortunately, there are a few brands breaking the industry norm with female CEOs. It’s been two years since industry giant Nutrisystem appointed its first female CEO, and the brand is seemingly better for it. And most recently, Retrofit replaced its CEO with a woman. One feather in this hat was lost last December, when Dana Fiser left her two-year reign as CEO at Jenny Craig.

Meet the three shining female stars blazing trails in wellness: (more…)

Why is Everyone So Terrified to Eat Bananas? A Dietitian Peels Back the Truth

by Amy Margulies, lead registered dietitian for Retrofit

You’ve probably heard people talking, or read articles online, about why eating bananas is bad for you nutritionally and can impede weight loss. While some people insist that bananas are just fine, others are convinced this is a fruit you should stay away from if you’re trying to lose weight – and many do, just in case the rumors are true. But what’s the real deal with bananas? It’s time to peel open this myth.

What the critics are saying

The controversy started with Dr. Susanna Holt, an Australian researcher who developed the Satiety Index, a way to evaluate how full different foods make you feel. “We found that bananas are much less satisfying than oranges or apples,” Holt stated at the conclusion of the satiety study.

Bananas are generally higher in calories from carbs than most fruits. So for those who are counting calories, this may seem like a poor choice for a snack. People have also observed that bananas cause a “binding” effect, or put more simply, they cause constipation. That’s something you don’t want when you look to the scale for signs of progress. (more…)

10 Gym-Free Ways to Burn an Extra 100 Calories

stair climb

By Gary Ditsch, Retrofit Lead Exercise Physiologist

We’ve all heard the saying, “A little bit goes a long way.” When it comes to weight loss, common advice is to make big changes to get quick and substantial results. While rapid results can be motivating and encouraging, the long-term value of these changes are only observed when they become habits. The process of adopting small changes can can be beneficial when it results in lifelong weight loss maintenance.

In the spirit of making small changes, here are 10 ways to burn an extra 100 calories throughout the day:

1. Walk. Choose to walk instead of drive if you’re going somewhere nearby. 18 minutes of walking will burn 100 calories.

2. Climb. Instead of taking elevators or escalators, take the stairs. A cumulative 15 minutes and 20 seconds of stair climbing can burn 100 calories.

3. Yardwork. Mow the lawn for 13 minutes and say goodbye to those calories.

4. Clean the House. Cleaning, sweeping and other general house work can burn 100 calories in about 19 minutes. (more…)

3 Surprising Ways People Get Weight Loss All Wrong

diet obstacles

Sponsored post by Retrofit Weight Loss

There’s no question about it: Losing weight is hard. Whether you’re trying to shed baby weight, get back in shape after an illness, or just get rid of a few extra pounds, there are many things that can stall a diet. Here are the top 3 most common things that people get wrong when they are trying to lose weight, and advice for overcoming these frustrating obstacles.

1. You lose weight too quickly.
Shedding more than 1 to 2 pounds per week should raise a red flag for dieters, according to the National Institutes of Health. Yes, the results might be encouraging, but those pounds are more likely to come back. “Losing too much at one time is a sure sign of a fad diet,” says Amy Margulies, lead registered dietitian at Retrofit Weight Loss. “That kind of weight loss means the dieter is likely depriving their body of nutrients and will risk gaining the weight back as soon as they revert to old eating habits.” To avoid rapid, unsustainable weight loss, Margulies recommends that dieters make two small changes:

  •  Set up a consistent eating plan of three meals and two snacks per day.
  •  Measure your breakfast so you know just how many calories you are consuming.


5 Top Athletes Prove Being a Pro Doesn’t Mean You’re in Perfect Shape

We look to professional athletes as the pinnacle of health and fitness. In many cases, however, that’s far from the truth. Professional athletes are a prime example of how someone can appear fit and healthy without either one being true.

We want to celebrate the athletes that who made the effort to lose unhealthy pounds or do more to be truly fit. In the long run, a healthy lifestyle is more beneficial than a pro sports career, and we think it’s great these athletes make the commitment to health and fitness.

Steve Atwater
As a two-time Super Bowl champion with the Denver Broncos, Steve Atwater was in peak physical condition. That changed after he retired and put on weight. Now, he has lost 21 pounds with Retrofit. He says his biggest hurdle to losing weight was his mind. “I knew I had a problem, especially when it came to large, multiple servings. I couldn’t resist. I knew I needed more discipline.” After joining Retrofit, he said the changes that led to weight loss were fairly easy. “It didn’t seem like I had done anything major. It didn’t really feel like dieting because I just made small adjustments.”


The Exercise Goal You Should be Making

By Gary Ditsch, lead exercise physiologist for Retrofit

There are many reasons we say we “can’t” fit exercise and activity into our lives. But for all the excuses we use there are just as many strategies and daily hacks that can help us become healthier and more fit. When you commit to add activity to your routine, one of the best strategies for making the habit stick is to also start tracking your daily movement.

fitness tracker

Over the last couple of years, the popularity of activity trackers has continued to grow. It is now common to see someone wearing an activity tracker in almost any setting. With an activity tracker you get immediate feedback and create more opportunity for success. We have found at Retrofit that every step matters when it comes to weight loss. In fact, clients who achieve 10,000 steps or more per day are 2.7 times more likely to reach their weight loss goal!

If you are not currently tracking activity, where should you start? Here are several steps (literally) to get started.

First, take an assessment of your current activity. The best way to do this is to wear your tracker for two weeks to get an honest assessment. Take the average step count for the two weeks and use this as your established baseline.

Next, set up your individualized activity goal. While 10,000 steps might be the ultimate goal, your first threshold should be something relative to your baseline measurement. A suggestion is to take your baseline metric and add 2,000 steps per day to create your target.

Now that you have an established baseline and a personalized target, it’s time to find the small ways to add more activity and boost your step count. A few effective strategies might include:

  1.  Aim to add 500 steps to your tally each time you get up to use the restroom. (1,000 to 3,000 extra steps per day)
  2.  Take 1,000 steps at work before your sit down at your desk. (1,000 extra steps per day)
  3. Set an alarm to go off every hour then take 200 steps each time it rings. (1,600 to 2,000 extra steps per day)
  4. Add 1,000 steps around the office after work prior to leaving the building. (1,000 extra steps per day)
  5. Set a 2,000 step requirement to “earn” morning coffee; take 1,000 steps with coffee in hand. (3,000 extra steps per day)

As you can see from the examples, it’s easy to add more activity around the moments that already exist in your routine. Start with just one step-boosting strategy. As taking those additional steps becomes more natural, add another strategy, and another. Soon you’ll be much more active than before and well on your way to better health!

This post sponsored by Retrofit.


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 The Only Fitness Tracker Review Guide You Need for Holiday Shopping

Get Paid for Working Out with Earndit

Why Americans Aren’t Walking Much and Conservatives are Walking Even Less

Lose Weight at Work

A growing number of companies are implementing wellness-at-work programs, and for good reason: A report from the American Heart Association reports that for every dollar invited in corporate wellness, a company saves somewhere between $3 and $15. In general, employees who participate in wellness programs are sick less often, pay lower health insurance premiums, and are less likely to file for disability pay or worker’s compensation.

salad at desk

There are many approaches to improving employee health. Some offices hand out pedometers or Fitbits or organize company sports teams. Others  serve up healthier foods in cafeterias and vending machines or hire in-office fitness instructors to teach classes. But for many people, more guidance is needed to create lasting health effects. That’s why one of our favorite strategies for encouraging wellness at work is bringing in actual weight loss and wellness coaching for employees.


Jillian Michaels Overtakes Weight Watchers on the 2025 Most Popular Diets of the Year List

The most popular diet of the year is none other than the incomparable Jillian Michaels. It’s not entirely surprising when you consider she’s been one of the most consistent players on our list since 2025, with her online brand, detox product, and earliest workout DVD ranking each year. In fact, the latter two were both on last year’s top ten list. We expect to see Curves, ranking for the first time since 2025, as the Biggest Loser trainer just announced a new partnership with Curves.

jillian michaels

What is most surprising is how Jillian Michaels knocked the giant that is Weight Watchers out of the number one position. That’s only been done once before, by 17 Day Diet in 2025. Even that year Weight Watchers held on to number two, but this year they slipped in to the fifth most popular spot.

And 17 Day Diet grabbed ranking number four, hardly losing any ground since its overwhelmingly popular release in late 2025. Its position on our annual Most Popular lists, ahead of Weight Watchers once again, will no doubt help with the release of 17 Day Diet: Breakthrough Edition on the 31st.

The only constant between last year’s list and this – Medifast. They’ve got number 3 on lock, with the meal delivery diet staying strong in the top ten since 2025.

Another staple of our list fell pretty hard this year, with hCG falling down to number 14. No, the supplement boom isn’t over, as its disappearance only made room for brands like Skinny Fiber (a shocking number 2) and Plexus Slim (at number 6) to move on up the list. Dr. Oz-endorsed Raspberry Ketones (17) and Green Coffee Bean Extract (20) were other weight-loss-by-pill categories that did especially well this year.

Check out the 25 Most Popular Diets of 2025* as determined by you, our readers.best diets 2013

1. Jillian Michaels

2. Skinny Fiber

3. Medifast

4. 17 Day Diet

5. Weight Watchers (more…)

How the Gift of Presence Can Help You Lose Weight This Season

Holidays can be challenging, especially when it comes to the variety and amount of food you encounter at gatherings. That’s why this can be a time of year you look forward to, and yet dread. If you struggle with your weight, should you do your best to make peace with the scale? Or should you avoid it all together; after all, you can always start again with the new year, right? Instead, we say plan accordingly.

Remaining present can be a challenge. Knowing what to expect this time of year and planning to approach it a bit differently can make a big difference in maintaining your weight and experiencing more peace, love, and joy (with yourself) this time of year.

christmas eating

Retrofit offers a personalized approach to weight loss and a sustainable, healthy lifestyle by identifying the key challenge(s) individuals face when trying to lose weight anytime of year. Each client takes a Lifestyle Patterns Assessment (LPA) developed by Dr. Robert Kushner, a weight-loss physician with decades of experience. The pattern(s) identified for each individual allows the Behavior Coach (or Weight Loss Coach) and client to work on the area(s) keeping him or her from being successful at losing the weight for good.

Clients are rarely surprised by their LPA results; they usually know what they should do to lose weight and make healthier choices. We use the patterns identified to build successful strategies. In short, the Behavior Coach helps clients close the gap between what they know and what they actually do, providing encouragement along the way. (more…)

The 5 Diet Hurdles You Can Overcome for Weight Loss Success

Have you ever thought to yourself, “Why can’t I lose weight and keep it off?” Today, we are going to talk through the five biggest diet hurdles that many people face and the simple tips to overcome them.

Watch our G+ Hangout with Stefanie Painter, RD from Retrofit who explains more.

True Hunger

With food in our sights while walking down the street, in our office break room, or next to the cash register at the store, we are prompted to want to eat at any turn. Also, many times we will use food for comfort after having a stressful, long, or emotional day. However, our bodies do not know that we got yelled at by our boss, had back to back meetings, or broke up with our boyfriend. So, eating outside of hunger sabotages our efforts. When we have ignored what true hunger feels like for a long time, we have to retrain our bodies (and brains) to understand when and how much we actually should be eating for a healthy weight.

Think of a hunger gauge like a gas tank: On empty, we are the most hungry we have ever felt in our entire lives, like when you have had to fast for a medical test. At full, we are so stuffed that we can’t imagine eating another bite, like on Thanksgiving. These are the extremes that we need to avoid as much as possible. When you are feeling hunger (belly rumbling), then you are at one-quarter of a tank and it’s time to have a meal or snack. As you are eating, slow down and savor each bite so you can feel when you hit half of a tank. This is when hunger is gone. Four to five bites later, you will hit three-quarters of a tank and it’s time to be finished, no matter how much food is left on your plate.

women salad

Moderation vs Deprivation

Most diets require us to take something out of our food choices or make certain foods “off limits.” While this will create a calorie deficit and result in weight loss, it is not realistic for a long term lifestyle, especially because we are often forced to stop eating some of our favorite foods. Deprivation can quickly lead to disaster!

Make ALL foods part of our healthy eating plan! Yes, focus on the healthiest foods — fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, dairy products, and whole grains, as your main choices — but plan for treats and heavier meals in your day or week. For example, if you love chocolate, have one small piece (of dark) every day so you do not feel deprived. If your favorite meal is a burger and fries, make that part of your weekly plan so you can enjoy it. No food is “bad” when we plan for it!

Produce, Produce, Produce

Fruits and vegetables are truly powerful foods. They are super nutritious, low calories, and crazy high in fiber. When we work on adding more produce into our life, we can fill up on lower-calorie, high-fiber foods and decrease our portions of higher-calorie foods. Plus, fiber is much harder for the body to break down, so our metabolism goes in to over drive to digest and use produce for fuel. This helps boost our metabolism and burn more fat.

Getting in more produce can be a challenge, especially when we aren’t used to eating it often. Start small… add a piece of fruit with breakfast, then some veggies at lunch and dinner, and lastly work on using fruits and vegetables as part of a snack. The ultimate goal is to have 50 percent produce at all of your meals and snacks.


Portion distortion is running rampant. Everywhere we go, bigger is better, but not so much for our waistlines. As mentioned before, one of the best ways to start to decrease portions of higher-calorie foods is to aim to make half of your meal or plate produce.

Another handy tip is to use your hands as a portion size guide. Put both of your hands out in front of you flat, fingers closed, thumbs tucked in, and touching. This is the appropriate portion of a meal for your body. Most restaurant meals, or even meals that we cook at home, are much larger than this. Pairing your hands as a portion size guide with listening to your hunger/fullness queues using the Hunger Gauge is a dynamic combo to keeping your portion sizes in check.

Planning Ahead

Planning ahead can seem daunting, but it doesn’t have to be. It’s not so much about planning, but more about being prepared for whatever your specific challenge may be.

  • If you are going to a restaurant, check the menu and nutrition info online first so you don’t have to make a choice while you are tempted by the dozens of menu items.
  • Headed to a party? Have a snack before you go,so you are not as hungry, and give yourself a drink and/or food limit, such as, one plate of food and two glasses of wine.
  • If you struggle with nighttime snacking, think about what your nighttime snack is going to be as you are preparing dinner. Put together your nighttime snack then, too. Set an alarm on your phone so you know when and what you will be enjoying as your late treat.

Thinking about diet hurdles you have faced in the past, how can some of these tips help you stay on track in the future?

retrofit weight loss program____________________________

By Stefanie Painter, a registered dietitian for Retrofit. You can save $50 at Retrofit with this coupon. #Sponsored

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