Tag Archives: Sarah Nitta

Biggest Loser Resort Helps Karen Eaton Earn the 100 Pound Award at Weight Watchers

By Sarah Nitta for Biggest Loser Resort.

This week I received an email including an experience of a guest that spent three weeks at Biggest Loser Resort at Malibu and it brought tears to my eyes. I am grateful she shared her story and I believe that there are so many out there who can relate. With her permission I am sharing this with you today.

My name is Karen Eaton, I’m a first grade teacher in Northern California. I joined my first weight loss group when I was 10-years old and in the 5th grade. Over the years I let my horrible choices destroy my self-esteem and my weight ballooned to 311.4 pounds. I was in my 20s and miserable. My mom convinced me to join Weight Watchers and I was motivated at first and about 90 pounds. This was about 8 years ago. I was so excited to have made that accomplishment. For some reason it didn’t stick and slowly I started going back to old habits and poor choices, the weight started creeping back on. Last year I was back to being miserable. I hated getting dressed in the morning and wasn’t motivated to do anything and really just cried a lot feeling like a failure. I was watching the Biggest Loser one day and saw an ad for Fitness Ridge. I thought “Wow, that sounds like something I could do!” (more…)

Dig Deeper to Find Untapped Fitness Energy

By Sarah Nitta for Biggest Loser Resort.

I had an eye-opening experience this week during my weekly visit to Fitness Ridge. I got a chance to jump in on Sharon’s kickboxing class and was having a great workout! Toward the end of class we were instructed to hit our bag with all our might for a straight 90 seconds. I was ready! I started in on my bag, giving it everything I had until my energy was drained. Around 30 seconds into it I started getting tired and could feel my starting to slow down. Out of the blue, a guest came and joined me on my bag. She started punching on the opposite side and was yelling out “come on, Sarah! Pick it up! You can do this. Punch harder! I can’t feel you!” The most incredible thing happened. A surge of energy rushed through me and my punches started coming out faster and faster. (more…)

Biggest Loser Resort Inspires Sarah Nitta’s Weight Loss Journey

Hi everyone! This is Sarah Nitta from The Biggest Loser season 11’s pink team. Just about a year ago I stepped foot onto the Biggest Loser Resort at Fitness Ridge in Malibu for the first time to train with the unknown trainers (Brett Hoebel and Cara Castronuova) and to change my life. I always thought that if I could make it on the Biggest Loser then I would finally be able to lose weight, and all of my dreams would come true.

What I didn’t realize was that while the the show provided me an opportunity to lose weight, I still had to do it! It was ME that still had to work, hurt, fight, and CHOOSE to do it every day.

I looked around at the guests at Fitness Ridge and saw that they were no different than I was. They may not have had a camera in their face or someone yelling at them as much, but they were doing it just like me. That’s when I realized that my belief about needing to make the show in order to lose weight was false. The show doesn’t lose weight for anyone, it is still up to that person. (more…)

Weight Loss Renews Hope of a Healthy Pregnancy for Biggest Loser’s Sarah Nitta

It’s one of the most natural desires a woman can have – to start a family. And when Sarah Nitta experienced multiple miscarriages, it forced her to look at the reasons why, with her weight being a primary culprit. Her starting weight on Biggest Loser season 11 was 261 pounds, a lot for her small 5-foot-six-inch frame to carry. “My goal going into this was to get myself healthy enough to have a child,” she said in a post-elimination interview. Focused on getting to her finale weight goal, she said after that her first goal is to “try to carry a healthy pregnancy.”

Like most women, she has concerns about the pregnancy weight gain, but is already educating herself on the best way to go about that, citing the recommended amount of weight a woman can healthily gain for a pregnancy (about 35 pounds). She has spoken with her trainers and Biggest Loser’s Dr. Huizenga and they tell her “exercise is such an important part of pregnancy.” She also hopes to have more success in losing the weight and maintaing her new-found healthy habits after her pregnancy. “If I can’t get pregnant, then I’ve done my part [losing the weight], and we’ll try other options,” she said.

Listen now to our post-elimination interview with Sarah. She opens up about the perceived retaliation by her black team in sending her home and inadvertently being responsible for Arthur’s elimination in week 10. “I was very surprised at the decision” she says. She’s also working out at the Tapout gym in Las Vegas, with the same trainer who prepped Koli Palau and Mark Pinhasovich for the at-home prize wins. “That’s exactly what I’m shooting for,” she says of her decision to train with Robert McMullen.


Meet the Biggest Loser 11 Contestants

Season 11 of the Biggest Loser has already generated a lot of buzz, thanks in part to crew members going on strike during the show’s filming. Happily, the disagreements were resolved, and we’re looking forward to the show’s premiere on January 4th at 8:00.

The biggest news of all, Jillian says this is her last season.

Season 11 is the fourth season of The Biggest Loser to feature couples, but like season 10, you can be sure there will be some new surprises. However, the tough-love trainers Jillian Michaels and Bob Harper will still be pushing contestants to their limits, while the lovely Alison Sweeney will host.

The definition of “couples” on The Biggest Loser isn’t limited to those who are romantically involved, as contestants include a mother-daughter team and twin brothers. All of the 22 contestants will compete to lose weight and shape-up, facing down emotional baggage and ridding themselves of unhealthy habits.


Sarah Nitta: Biggest Loser 11 Contestant

Follow Sarah Nitta’s journey during Biggest Loser season eleven. DietsInReview.com will update each contestant’s weight loss, as well as accomplishments, videos, and more following weekly episodes.

Learn more about Sarah now!
