Tag Archives: scarlett johansson

Fall 2025 Tasty Movie Sneak Preview

I’m giddy. It’s time. The fall movie season is officially in full swing. In addition to caramel apples, pumpkin anything and apple cider mixed with Butterscotch Schnapps, movie-going is my favorite part of the season. To get you excited for all those new fall flicks, I’ve gathered up a few that I’m looking forward to and then paired them with healthy “themed” recipes you can eat afterward while you discuss the plot and shake off your buttery popcorn/candy hangover. Remember, no texting, talking or putting your feet on the seats in front of you. You ready? Raise the curtain. Let’s do this!

Fall 2025 Tasty Movie Sneak Preview

Hunger Games

Hunger Games – Catching Fire

In the second installment of the series, based on the books by Suzanne Collins, Katniss and Peeta find themselves in trouble with the Capitol again when the districts of Panem begin to rebel. Before they go back to the arena for another battle, TO THE DEATH, they can’t resist the decadent and often outlandish food prepared by eclectic Capitol chefs.

Tomato and Goat Cheese Tart

The “colorful” citizens of District One sure do love their Goat Cheese Tarts but the odds are definitely in your favor that these are better for you. A simple savory dish that can be served for brunch, lunch or dinner.



The Hottest Celebrity Bodies of Summer 2025 Blockbusters

Summer blockbusters are always entertaining, the chilled theaters offering a reprieve from the scorching heat. These sizzling flicks are also a great time to get some inspiration for the gym. There are some incredible summer movies coming out over the next few months, with equally incredible hotties we look forward to seeing on the big screen!

If Oscar gave trophies for best big screen bods, the academy would have to choose between these actors and actresses!


1. Zac Efron

Efron’s film Neighbors has already been released, but is definitely being considered a summer hit. Playing a college kid living next door to a married couple with a baby, Efron is, well, clearly hitting the campus gym on a very regular basis. Follow his steps. Definitely an inspiration.

cameron diaz sex tape

2. Cameron Diaz

Starring in Sex Tape, Cameron Diaz plays Jason Segel’s really hot wife. Now, Diaz has always had a pretty spectacular body, but starring in a movie revolving around being scantily — or not at all — clad is a pretty big deal. Diaz looks hotter than ever, and the movie looks hilarious. How does she do it? Read about it her new release The Body Book. (more…)

Diet and Fitness Secrets of Matthew McConaughey, Scarlett Johansson, and Other Sexy Celebs

We’re always attuned to what’s going on in the celebrity realm, especially when it’s relating to diet and fitness. It’s kind of our thing, after all.

In a recent interview with health contributors Joy Bauer and Jill Martin, The Today Show gave the insider scoop on the diet and fitness habits of some of Hollywood’s most beautiful stars, including Matthew McConaughey and Scarlett Johansson.scarlett johanssen

One beauty on the list is 27-year-old Scarlett Johansson, who recently starred in the Blockbuster hit the ‘Avengers.’ The shapely star kept her curves in check for the film, having only six weeks to get in tip-top shape. To do so she worked with a trainer as well as her stunt double, and relied on dumbbells and resistance bands during her circuit training sessions three to four times a week.

During training, Johansson followed a mostly vegan diet, meaning no animal products, meat, or dairy. But every once in a while she would give into some of her favorite turkey chili, and one of her favorite dessert – dairy free oatmeal cookies. Bauer says even when she’s indulging, the star manages to wiggle in a few healthy components. (more…)