Tag Archives: the dr oz show

Dr. Oz’s “It’s Not Me” Campaign is a Sad Attempt to Clear His Name from Products He’s Endorsed

  • Dr. Mehmet Oz appeared on the Today Show this morning to discuss a new campaign he’s launching to address an issue that’s caused some confusion amongst his fans as to which products he endorses.
  • The campaign is called “It’s Not Me” and is seeking to fight against brands illegally using his name to endorse their products. “I don’t sell any products,” said Dr. Oz. “If you see my name next to a product being sold to you, they’re lying to you.” Dr. Oz reports that he has teamed up with Google, Facebook and other large “internet vendors” to address this issue.
  • Dr. Oz considers supplement ads to be most concerning because they’re potentially dangerous when mixed with medications, something the average consumer is not educated on. “Someone, I believe, will die this year because of some of these fraudulent ads,” he said. (more…)

Moringa Extract is Not a Miracle Weight Loss Supplement

There’s another “miracle” weight loss supplement on the market and some are claiming it may be the new solution to our nation’s obesity epidemic. It’s called Moringa Extract and has been sold in other forms such as Moringa Oleifera, and it’s derived from the Moringa tree that’s grown in remote areas in Kenya, Ethiopia and the Hemilayas. This natural supplement is being praised by many for its amazing weight loss results without side effects.

Moringa is beneficial for humans because it stands heads and shoulders above the competition when compared to other dietary supplements. Some even claim it has the ability to help prevent more than 300 health conditions as it contains an extremely high amount of vitamins, minerals and amino acids.

According to a news release at PR Web, it contains seven times the amount of vitamin C in oranges, four times the amount of calcium in milk, four times the amount of vitamin A in carrots, and two times the protein in yogurt. Dr. Oz even featured Moringa Oleifera on his show earlier this year saying it contains three times more iron than spinach and helped naturally boost energy.

Moringa is also thought to cause weight loss as it’s been found to slow the rate at which sugar is released into the bloodstream. This is beneficial because excess sugar turns into fat in the body which can lead to weight gain. In this way Moringa is able to naturally boost energy levels while simultaneously burning fat and promoting weight loss. (more…)

Rosie O’Donnell Becomes the Face of Heart Attack Advocacy

On the Dr. Oz show October 25, Rosie O’Donnell gave her first interview since her recent heart attack. She talked about how she ignored all of the classic signs of a heart attack and that it’s a miracle she is still alive.

“I did not call 911, and I should have. And I’ve come to find out that 50% of women, while having heart attacks and suspecting they’re having heart attacks, do not call 911. And it was the stupidest decision I ever made in my life,” O’Donnell said in the interview.

One the day of her heart attack, she describes having pain in both of her arms and chest and feeling fatigued. However, O’Donnell went about her day with her family, chalking up the symptoms to other causes. Even when her son told her she “looked like a ghost,” she continued with her routine until the next day, when she visited a cardiologist. He told her that her left artery was 99 percent blocked and immediately booked her into the hospital for a procedure to insert a stent.  (more…)

Look Fabulous After 40, Today on Dr. Oz

“If you’re about to turn 40, you can’t afford to miss this show,” says Dr. Oz of an upcoming episode focusing on women’s health issues after the age of 40. The show focuses on equipping women in their 40s, 50s and 60s to feel reenergized about the second half of their life. 

In what Dr. Oz calls his, “My Book of 40: The Ultimate Guide to Surviving the Second Half of Your Life,” he presents solutions that every women needs for her later years of her life.

Dr. Oz will address a number of health and beauty concerns, including everything from menopause to sexual health to aging fears. For a taste of what to expect, the first chapter of “My Book of 40” is called Fatigue Fighters. This segment will walk viewers through ways to feel re-energized thanks to simple items that can fit in your purse like cheese, tea and edamame – which contains 11 grams of protein per half cup serving.

Two other important topics to be discussed are menopause and sex drive. One expert on the show suggests using progesterone cream to re-boost sex drive and even help stabilize hormone levels.

Yet another expert featured on this episode will explain how what you eat, and changing what you eat can help normalize your blood sugar levels and fight off weight gain and fatigue. (more…)

5 Easy Energy Boosters on The Dr. Oz Show

Today on The Dr. Oz Show, TV’s favorite doctor will be posing the question, “Are you tired and sluggish and ready to collapse from juggling all of life’s demands?” If you answered ‘yes,’ be sure to tune in as Dr Oz. shares his five simple ways to kickstart your day and boost your energy.

According to a preview on his website, Dr. Oz. will be sharing his personal secrets to boosting energy, including his personal recipe for ‘energy cubes,’ an all-natural energy-blasting supplement, a simple trick for deep breathing, a pick-me-up to keep in your purse, and a ‘magic button’ that helps power you down at night.

Dr. Oz’s energy cubes, are comprised of spirulina and lime juice; spirulina being a green, mossy plant that comes from the sea and is a complete source of protein. Dr Oz. recommends combining spirulina with lime juice, freezing the mixture into an ice cube tray, and then popping two cubes into water for a refreshing energy drink. (more…)

Dr. Oz Promotes ‘Fat-urday’ Cheat Day for Weight Loss

Does the thought of cheating on your diet get you excited? It does me. I eat clean Monday through Friday and once the weekend rolls around, visions of hamburgers and chocolate bars start swirling my mind. And because I believe in balance I don’t consider indulging ‘cheating,’ but rather allowing myself an occasional treat as a ‘reward’ in a sense. In fact, I eat ice cream and pizza just about every Sunday and I don’t feel bad about it since it’s a rare occurrence.

Apparently, having a ‘cheat day’ is quite a popular topic as Dr. Oz is dedicating an entire show to the idea. He’s calling it ‘Fat-urday,’ saying we should eat whatever we want one day of the week because it will lead to more weight loss.

This means if you eat healthy the six days of the week, Dr. Oz is giving you a license to eat whatever you want on Saturday be it donuts, milkshakes or an entire plate of french fries. Or all three! (more…)

Tune In: Age Defying Secrets on Dr. Oz

Tune in to the Dr. Oz Show tomorrow to learn the doctor’s secrets on how to ‘Defy Your Age.’ One of the many tips he’ll share comes from Dr. Rovenia Brock. Prior to her appearance on the show, Dr. Oz polled his audience who guessed her age at 34 years old. But as is revealed on the show, she’s actually 56.

Dr. Brock shares one of her favorite age-defying recipes, which includes such ingredients as coconut water which hydrates the skin, wheat grass ice cubes to fight wrinkles, fresh spinach for plenty of antioxidants, lemon, and fresh ginger.

Dr. Brock says she drinks one of these smoothies every morning, which she calls her ‘fountain of youth’  shake, because it helps prohibit premature aging with powerful detoxifying qualities. (more…)

Qnexa: The Dangerous ‘Silver Bullet’ Weight Loss Pill

UPDATE 7/17/12: Qnexa was approved by the FDA on July 17, 2025. This marks the second weight loss drug approval in 2025; the first weight loss drugs approved since Alli in 1999. The prescription drug will be sold as Qsymia.

Many people have inquired about ‘The Silver Bullet’ weight loss pill since we posted about its appearance on the Dr. Oz Show several weeks back. And to clarify what exactly the silver bullet pill is, it’s the controversial weight loss drug Qnexa, which has only received preliminary approval from an FDA advisory panel –  not from the FDA.

While Dr. Oz says may this be the ‘magic bullet’ America has been waiting for, we would caution consumers before buying into that thought.

Qnexa promises to suppress appetite, cut cravings and increase weight loss. But that’s because it’s comprised of two potentially dangerous drugs called topiramate and phentermine. Phentermine, a type of amphetamine that stimulates the nervous system and increases heart rate and blood pressure, has been commonly used in diet pills because it suppresses appetite. It’s most often recognized as the “Phen” in the weight loss drug Fen-Phen, which was pulled from the market by the FDA in 1997 after being deemed ‘too dangerous for consumption.’ (more…)