Tag Archives: tuna

Food Blogger Spotlight: Lauren from I. AM. YOU.

I’d like you to meet Lauren, a Cali girl with a Princeton education who moved to New York and left her job as vice president of Morgan Stanley to create I. AM. YOU. Located in Manhattan, I. AM. YOU. is a, “lifestyle company based on Yoga, Nourishment, and Music.” You guys, she is just the coolest!

If doing yoga in NY is not on your to-do list, first of all, where are your priorities, second of all, no problem, her site still provides a wealth of information about healthy living and a ton of delicious recipes you’ll want to make – right after your sun salutation. Namaste!

Lauren  I AM YOU

More from Lauren –

Why did you start your food blog? As soon as I started I.AM.YOU. in 2025. I view wellness and happiness as one integrated theory, one in which movement and sweat (in my case, yoga), a strong mind, and nourishment all play vital parts. So blogging about food was an obvious necessity.

How would you describe your approach to eating/health? Simple. Indulgent. Realistic. Accessible. With I.AM.YOU. I try to show people how noninvasive healthy eating can be to your lifestyle. Eating and health do not have to be a big, stressful, dogmatic endeavour. It just has to be clean, enjoyable, and un processed. I eat what I want, when I want it, and just avoid processed foods and believe greens and veggies should be half of a person’s diet.


Top 7 Healthy Foods to Keep in Your Tornado Survival Pack

Now that it’s spring, mother nature is reminding us just how much power she can bring by hitting several states with tornados. Officials say this is only the beginning of what looks to be a very busy tornado season.

If you live in an area where tornado activity is possible and if you haven’t already, you must get a tornado survival pack prepared. It doesn’t take a lot of time and most items are around your house already. If you ever do find yourself in a severe storm with the potential of tornados, you’re going to be very thankful you prepared ahead of time.

Your list should include obvious things like a flashlight, radio, batteries and medical supplies. But you should also include nonperishable snacks and food. You may think tossing in some twinkies is good enough, but if you do find yourself dealing with a disaster your body is going to need good nutrition to maintain your immune system and health. So what are some healthy items to keep in your survival pack? I thought you would never ask. I have come up with seven healthy items you must include. (more…)

Top 10 Must-Haves on Your Grocery List for Weight Loss

When you lead a busy life, grocery shopping can be a time-consuming chore. If you’re beginning a new diet, you have probably seen a number of resources that offer sample grocery lists and suggested items that deserve a permanent place in your pantry or refrigerator.

While those lists can be helpful, they are sometimes more confusing than useful. Recently, we caught up with Caroline Cederquist, M.D. and founder of BistroMD, a gourmet meal delivery service developed by physicians. Cederquist shared her top ten grocery list items that she recommends patients purchase when they want to eat a healthier diet.

“The shopping list consists of top 10 mainstay items that help you stay on track, lose weight, and add lots of flavor to meals and snacks,” Cederquist said. “A lot of these items can also be used to substitute higher calorie foods for healthier ones.”


Try These 6 Healthy Foods for Your Kids

By MyDailyMoment.com Editorial Team

Making sure your kids are eating healthy is hardly child’s play. Good nutrition is integral for ensuring that your children develop healthy minds and bodies. The sooner you introduce power foods into your child’s diet, the better. They’ll quickly become acclimated to feasting on nutritious foods.
Here are our picks for six of the best foods for kids.

Oatmeal is a great source of fiber. Additionally, cognitive performance is increased because there is a slower release of glucose into the body’s blood system when fiber is eaten. Oatmeal doesn’t have to just be served for breakfast. Enjoy it in in other foods and snacks, such as cookies and bars. Instead of adding sugar to sweeten the pot, try honey, fresh berries, dried cranberries, granola or crushed walnuts.

Try this: Apple Cinnamon Oatmeal

Eggs are a great source of protein and are also rich in important vitamins and minerals. Eggs contain vitamin D, some iron and are rich in choline. Eggs help the body absorb calcium, along with building and repairing muscles. Although eggs contain some cholesterol, they do not have a lot of saturated fat, or bad fat. So an egg every other day is perfectly fine. Scrambled eggs in the morning or an egg sandwich at lunch can be an egg-scellent way to get your kids on board.

Try this: 5-Minute Breakfast Crumble (more…)

The Truth About Canned Tuna: Is it a Healthy Choice?

Formerly “weight challenged,” Denis Faye dropped 50 pounds following a 5-year jaunt through Australia, a trip that helped him become the extreme sports and fitness enthusiast he is today. His sports include swimming, scuba, rock climbing, spelunking, mountain biking, trekking, and—most importantly—surfing. He’s been a professional journalist for 20 years, writing for Outside, the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, Los Angeles Magazine, Wired, Men’s Health, Men’s Journal, GQ, Surfer, and Pacific Longboarder. Denis now writes for Beachbody, which provides effective home workout dvds such as the very popular P90x program and the cardio workout dvd, TurboFire.

If ever a food confused health conscious eaters, it’s canned tuna. On one side, there’s the ascetic dieter, who eats the stuff right from the tin along side his single celery stick. On the other side, there’s your mom’s awesome cream-of-mushroom soup-drenched tuna casserole, which is trumped anti-nutritionally only by that greasy diner mainstay, the tuna melt. (True fact: in many restaurants, the tuna melt outdoes the hamburger for both calories and fat.)

And then there are the questions of mercury and overfishing and omega-3 fatty acids. Is this a healthy food or not? What’s a fish eater to do?

Fortunately, once you break it down, it’s not that complicated. As it turns out, a can of tuna can be healthy, ethical, and yummy – as long as your get your hands on the right can.


Fast Lunches for When You Don’t Have Time to Eat

When the day seems to slip away from you, full of  meetings and deadlines, lunch is the last thing on your mind.  Studies have proven that skipping meals can hurt weight loss efforts, not to mention affect your physical health and concentration.

Instead of skipping your midday meal in favor of a marathon status meeting, keep these mini-meals at your desk for when you need a healthy lunch in a pinch.

Starkist Tuna Salad Sandwich-Ready Pouch: For just 100 calories, the pouch comes with with low-fat mayo, water chestnuts, celery and relish already mixed in—just pack whole wheat crackers or bread for a quick tuna salad with all the fixings.


Make Your Own Homemade Sushi

Ever since I moved to the west coast, I have been a die-hard sushi eater. I am a huge fan of spicy tuna, spicy shrimp, and spicy salmon rolls. I’m getting hungry just thinking about it!!

Today, I am going to teach you how to make your favorite healthy sushi roll at home.

First, you need chopped raw tuna steak, shrimp, or salmon and mix them with a spicy low calorie sauce (I use a combination of two tablespoons of sriracha and a teaspoon of wasabi) in a large dish. (more…)

Recommended Daily Protein Intake

“How much protein should I eat?” Have you found yourself asking this question? Well, the recommended daily value for protein is 50 grams. For those of us that exercise and push the body to the extreme, we need a few more grams per day. If you are exercising at a moderate to high intensity level, I recommend consuming 0.8 grams of protein for every pound of your body weight.almonds

For example: if you weigh 150 pounds, then you should be consuming 150 x 0.8, which is 120 grams of protein per day. Be careful and don’t over-do it though; protein is broken down into amino acids and excess amino acids are converted to fats and sugars and then stored in the body. Below are a few examples of the best sources of protein! (more…)

Fast-Food Fish Sandwiches Make for Lenten Calorie Bombs

With Lent beginning next Wednesday, February 25th, Catholics around the world will have to forgo eating meat each Friday and opt to eat meals centered around veggies, grains and fish. Eating fish is pretty “in” these days considering the massive amounts of research which has elucidated the powerful health benefits of eating a diet that regularly contains certain fish like wild-caught salmon.

Most fish are a lean source of protein and provide you with a healthy dose of essential fatty acids and other nutrients. But lean white fish, when dredged in breadcrumbs, deep-fried and smothered in artery-clogging tartar sauce is not so lean after all.

As Lent beckons your need to swap out your burger or roast beef sandwich for fish, how does your favorite finned sandwich fare from fast-food restaurants in regards to nutrition? Here is a comparison of the most popular fish sammies and their stats: (more…)

Do mercury levels scare sushi lovers?

The United States has been reporting for the past couple of years, on the dangerous levels of mercury contained in certain fish, most notably, tuna. In high concentrations, this metal can cause very serious brain damage which is why pregnant and nursing women and children are often recommended to severly limit their intake of fish known to contain mercury.

Last week, The New York Times reported that eight of 44 pieces of tuna sampled from restaurants all over the city contained levels of mercury that meet the Food and Drug Administration’s measure for taking the fish off the market completely. That’s scary stuff, especially when sushi restaurants are almost as ubiquotious as pizza joints. Well, maybe they are not at that level of popularity yet, but we’re getting close.

Having been pregnant myself, I still find myself adhering to most of the restrictions that pregnant women are supposed to follow in regards to diet (no raw fish, no unpasturized food or beverages, no alcohol and no caffeine). Why? Because I feel that these restrictions, which are for the benefit and safety of the woman’s health and her baby’s, say something about the unsafety of our own food supply, or at least the unknowns of the food that stocks are grocery store shelves. And I care too much about my health and my longevity to give in to a passing craving for a piece of tuna sashimi.

If you are pregnant, give these pregnancy diets a look.
Pregnancy Diet