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101 Things to Do Before You Diet

101 Things to Do Before You Diet

Because looking great isn't just about losing weight.

Top Rated Diets of 2025
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The book 101 Things to Do Before You Diet is a fun and inspiring guide written by beauty and fashion journalist Mimi Spencer, who has spent years around the catwalk and entrenched in the size 0 culture.

After years of self-deprivation and self-loathing, Spencer has developed the anti-diet, which she describes in 101 practical, healthy, no-nonsense ways to help you trim down and flatter every inch of your svelte body.

Covering everything from how to banish bloat to mixing up a delicious raw beet salad and how to use accessories to look thinner, the UK-born author provides you with a wealth of information, some of which you may have heard before and a lot of which you haven't, so that you will look and feel more vibrant and more in control of your health.

Do You Know the Best Diets of 2025?

  • Incorporate practical and real strategies for improving health
  • Eating plan offered emphasizes eating lots of veggies, whole grains, and lean proteins
  • Offers fashion and beauty tricks for looking slim
  • Not a diet plan per se
  • Promotes sound healthy lifestyle habits like exercise, diet, adequate sleep and stress-reduction strategies
  • Written in a friendly and fun tone
  • For those who need an outlined, day-to-day diet plan, this book does not offer one

101 Things to Do Before You Diet is not a diet plan, but rather it is a guide filled with tons of ideas, tips and information for how to choose food that is wiser and healthier for you.

In addition to two complete chapters (Eat Petite I and II) dedicated to eating, 101 Things also includes a 12-step program to fix your fattening habits for good. From always eating breakfast and eating more brown and green foods (think whole grains and veggies) to eating real meals and noshing on a light supper, the program provides a healthy framework that you can gradually incorporate into your own lifestyle.

While Spencer does not give you a day-to-day diet, she does provide a handful of recipes peppered throughout her book such as red snapper ceviche, in addition to how to deal with food-focused events like holidays, picnics, birthday parties and much more.

In general, 101 Things promotes a clean-eating plan that is full of plenty of veggies, fresh fish and small amounts of indulgent foods like healthy fats, dark chocolate and wine.


Engaging in more physical activity is strongly encouraged. In fact, an entire chapter is dedicated to teaching why and how much exercise you should aim to incorporate into your daily routine.

Spencer emphasizes moving more whether it's through finding more time to walk, discovering a new dance class, ditching your car and even having more sex.

In general, the book recommends that you exercise early, exercise consistently and challenge yourself so that your body and your mind never bore from working out.


101 Things to Do Before You Diet is a charming and action-driven guide to helping you look and feel your best. Written by a beauty and fashion journalist who has clocked hours observing and writing on clothing, cosmetics and super models, Mimi Spencer knows a thing or two about how to eat, exercise, dress and apply make-up to make you look and feel slimmer and healthier.

By incorporating a number of the 101 ideas into your lifestyle, you may just realize that you do not need that diet after all.

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great list of lifestyle changers that help you live healthy instead of fad diet.

posted Apr 24th, 2011 8:16 pm


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