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3-Day Solution Plan

3-Day Solution Plan

Is this solution just too restrictive?

Top Rated Diets of 2025
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Author Laura Mellin, an expert in weight loss at the University of California's San Francisco School of Medicine, is a New York Times' best-selling author who has penned a book she says answers all of your questions about weight loss. The 3-Day Solution Plan suggests exactly what you're probably already thinking - diets just don't work.

In some respects, diets treat the symptom and not the problem. The problem? For most people struggling with their weight, it's deeply seeded emotional issues that cause them to reach out to food. Instead of telling you how to eat better and leaving you with a half-solution to the problem, The Solution Plan teaches you how to look inside and learn more about yourself and your needs - then tackle the food issues. Once you're more comfortable with yourself, you're better prepared to take care of yourself.

You'll begin with a three-day plan that asks you to completely isolate yourself to begin a detox process and learn the rules of the plan. Mellin even asks you to turn off your cell phone for three days so you can fully concentrate on yourself. Prepare to do some emotional housecleaning, eat healthier and change the way you exercise. By the end of the three days, Mellin says you can expect to lose up to six pounds, and then move forward with following The Solution Plan and living healthier for life.

Do You Know the Best Diets of 2025?

  • Rated a top 10 medical advance in 2000 by Health Magazine
  • Can have long-term effectiveness
  • Eat only when you're hungry and still feel satisfied
  • Provides recipes and menus
  • Provides helpful substitutions for eating out
  • Promotes working from the inside-out
  • No caffeine or alcohol permitted
  • Very restrictive
  • Time consuming

Your diet with The Solution Plan will be made up of 40 percent carbs, 30 percent protein and 30 percent fat. You should only eat foods from the recommended list on the 1-2-3 Eating System. There you'll find many delicious recipes and daily menus.

An example of a day on The Solution Plan looks like this:

Breakfast - Eggs with Strawberries
Mid A.M. Snack - Apricots
Lunch - California Chicken Salad
Mid P.M. Snack - Apple and Almonds
Dinner - Flank Steak with Green Beans

While The Solution Plan does not exclusively eliminate any single group of food from your diet, it can be fairly restrictive. For instance, the plan allows you to give in to cravings periodically and treat yourself. However, you'll pay for it later. If you decide to go for that piece of cake at the office party, then plan on skipping that night's dinner and spending some extra time at the gym.

The only items that are off limits are alcohol and caffeine. Otherwise, you can eat carbs, meat, fruits, vegetables and dairy- all within the guidelines of The Solution Plan's 1-2-3 Eating System.


Following The Solution Plan requires a one-hour commitment to exercise each day. You should split that with half being done in the morning and the other half at your choice during the day. The plan encourages all types of exercise, and really you could think of it more as activity. Get back to nature with walks, horse-back rides or make it a fun, social experience with tennis, soccer or basketball.

During the first three days of the plan, you should try something different each day.
Day 1: Get outside and enjoy nature
Day 2: Do something just for you
Day 3: Try a social activity


The Solution Plan positions itself as the book that answers all of your diet problems. While the exercise and diet components are healthful and well thought out, it still has one thing that becomes a deal breaker for dieters - rules. The plan is fairly restrictive, requires a lot of time and a concentrated effort to stick to all of the rules. For anyone looking for a simple, straightforward approach to weight loss, this might not be for you. However, if you've got plenty of time and interest in trying something different that also helps you do a little soul-searching, then grab a copy and start working toward a thinner, healthier body.

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I did the plan and found it very helpful. What the review doesn't mention is that the eating plan is only suggested -- it's not a specific diet like some other plans. The key to it is planning out your day and using skills the book outlines for gauging your emotions and de-stressing yourself so that you CAN eat healthily and are not driven to overeat to comfort or numb yourself. I think it's very sensible and explains why most of the "diets" I try fail pretty quiclkly.

posted Jun 23rd, 2009 3:46 pm


this diet sounds like it would work, but if I was disiplined enough to eat like that, I wouldnt need a diet in the first place!


I tried this for about a week. The diet worked but I just couldn't stick with it. There needs to be a more gradual approach.


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