What is it?
Carbohydrate Addict’s Diet is a weight loss diet claiming it can help prevent addiction to carbohydrates while promoting weight loss. It’s mentioned how certain people can have a metabolism disorder via this addiction which when solved, can help suppress appetite and promote weight loss results.
The idea behind this diet is presented in an official book, which mentions many people have an insatiable addiction that prevents blood sugar and energy from remaining stable. It’s recommended to eat low amounts ofcarbohydrates, and making sure to introduce healthy protein sources. Our review experts have reviewed many kinds of diets, and the most effective overall was found to be the 18Shake Diet. It has a fat burning metabolism boosting diet pill and a meal replacement which can suppress appetite for hours. For more information about the 18Shake Diet, you can read about it in the link here.
Do You Know the Best Diets of 2025?
Carbohydrate Addict’s Diet Ingredients and Side Effects
The diet calls for the following:
• No carbohydrates other than vegetables during breakfast and lunch.
• Dinner allows for a meal with anything you’d like, but only high carbohydrate foods every one hour. One can indulge in a portion of cake or other similar foods.
• Diet soda and coffee are allowed but no snacking in between meals to start with.
• First two weeks: Two small meals consisting of 3 to 4 ounces of meat, chicken or fish, 2 ounces of cheese, and about 2 cups of salad or vegetables .
• After 2 weeks: Different eating plans are introduced depending on one’s own weight loss desires. This can include a snacka day.
• Drinking large amountsof water is advised.
The website discusses carbohydrate addiction:
“The word addict is associated with carbohydrate is not being used loosely”
“We believe that there is a TRIAD OF ADDICTION: that is BEHAVIOR, ENVIRONMENT, and BIOLOGY”
They fail to offer any evidence however that all carbohydrates can cause an addiction. Certain sources such as sugary foods may be unhealthy and can cause addiction, but carbohydrates also come from healthy sources such as vegetables, legumes, beans, and other foods.
The diet also allows for a reward at dinner for higher carbohydrate foods. It’s strange they allow for this while they also claim that it’s potentially dangerous to eat these kinds of foods.
You can also eat one higher carbohydrate food as long as it’s separated by an hour during dinner. This can make it easy to overeat and introduce unhealthy foods as there is no caloric limit set. The emphasized moderation, but certain foods can be high in calories or unhealthy ingredients.
Our experts have reviewed many diets and have compiled a list of the highest rated which is featured here.
The diet does not require any calorie counting which can lead to overeating if one is not careful. Not allowing for many carbohydrates of both breakfast and lunch can lead to side effects as well:
• Fatigue, brain fog, difficulty concentrating.
• Irritability, headaches, and mood swings.
It’s also suggested by the creators of this diet that it is not for everyone, they add how only those with metabolism disorders would really benefit.
MedicineNet.com has reviewed this diet and has mentioned:
“This diet is hardly a favorite of nutritionists or specialists with a medical background… abnormally high insulin levels… is a part of the medical condition known as metabolic syndrome”
They add how this issue:
“has a variety of causes – notably obesity itself “Carbohydrate addiction” has never been shown to be among them”
They debunk a major part of this diet which claims it can help those who have diabetic type of issues. John McDougall a medical doctor who has reviewed this diet also adds:
“The whole premise that we are carbohydrate Addict’smakes about as much sense as telling people they are oxygen or water Addict’s”
Therefore, the main premise behind this diet has not been proven to be truthful about how the body works. For a list of the highest rated weight loss diets, click the link here.
Getting rid of carbohydrates only for a portion of the day makes no sense as one is still receiving this supposedly harmful macronutrient.
EDITOR’S TIP: Combine this diet with a proven meal replacement such as 18 Shake for better results.
Carbohydrate Addict’s Diet Quality of Ingredients
The diet does allow for certaincarbohydrates for the first 2 meals of the day, and the final meal allows for anuncontrolled caloric carbohydrate food every hour. This is a poor quality diet as it does not emphasize counting calories, and there’s no science to back up any of its claims.
It’s been described by a Dr. John McDougall as being:
“a way of tricking people into restricting food intake”
It’s not a comprehensive enough weight loss strategy as it has limited information about food intake, and it’s not based in any real science. Click the link cited for a comprehensive top ranking list of weight loss diets.
The Price and Quality of Carbohydrate Addict’s Diet
Pricing depends on the quality of foods one chooses, and the book itself is sold on Amazon.com for $7.66 currently.
As you’ll see in the “Customer Opinions of CarbohydrateAddict’s Diet”, there are many suggestions made which people mention is outdated and no longer verified. There are many issues with this die due to the claims made about carbohydrate addiction which are not true. There is no evidence to help support the main idea behind this diet.
The overall quality is poor as allowing for those who truly have a metabolic disorder to eat as they like can promote unhealthy eating behaviors. Dieters are allowed to gorge and eat potentially fattening foods which is not a proven solution for weight loss.
Business of Carbohydrate Addict’s Diet
The diet was created by a husband and wife duo, Dr. Richard F. Heller and Dr. Rachael F. Heller. Both are retired doctors who specialize in psychiatry and biology work respectively, not weight loss or nutrition.
Dr. Richard Heller was settled a $20,000 lawsuit for allowing controlled substances to be easily accessed by people.
It’s unknown what research either doctor had to do to figure out that this kind of diet would be effective for weight loss. Without any real proof, it’s impossible to determine if this diet is based in real science. They don’t offer any explanation as to how one can become addicted to carbohydrates.
To see a list of the highest rated weight loss diets, click on the link here.
EDITOR’S TIP: The top 10 list of the best diets is available here.
Customer Opinions of Carbohydrate Addict’s Diet
The books official Amazon.com page has a total of 98 critical reviews. Featured below are some quotes from users of the diet:
“Dedicated for 5 months and nearly no loss”
“this diet eventually backfires for many of its users”
“NO WAY I could eat like this for the rest of my life which is what the book tells you have to do”
“I began to feel dizzy and disoriented about the third day until I got my reward meal”
There are many issues with users claiming that the book is outdated, and that the information given is no longer proven effective. People have experienced side effects such as fatigue, brain fog, nausea, loss of energy, mood swings, headaches, and other symptoms.
Some people mentioned how they made sure to follow the advice given, only to experience a lack of any weight loss benefits. There were also issues from people who felt that the restriction on carbohydrates is too extreme, and that it made them no longer want to continue eating the same kinds of foods as it became unsatisfying.
Click the link cited here for a list of the highest rated weight loss diets.
Conclusion - Does Carbohydrate Addict’s Diet Work?
The Carbohydrate Addict’s Diet relies on the idea that certain people have a metabolic disorder that causes them to be addicted to carbohydrates. It’s claimed this is the real reason why people cannot lose weight no matter how long they try. This is not supported by any real science, and nutrition experts agree there is no evidence to support this claim. This makes sense as the creators are doctors who have no background in nutrition and health. Users of this diet also mention how they felt there wasn’t enough support, and there were issues with side effects and a lack of weight loss.
In reviewing many of the top ranked weight loss diets, our experts have found that the overall most effective for weight loss was the 18Shake Diet. It offers a meal replacement that suppresses appetite for hours, alongside a fat burning diet pill. Customers have rated them highly and there are testimonials from those who have managed to lose weight off this diet. There are also no added stimulants, artificial additives, colors, fillers, binders or any preservatives of any kind.
The 18Shake Diet is also backed by an entire 30 day money back return policy. This allows for users to try it for 30 days with no questions asked. To learn more about the benefits of the 18Shake Diet, click on the link provided here.
User Feedback
(Page 1 of 6, 108 total comments)Bud
I am a Critical Care RN that teaches nutrition in a medical and psych setting. This is an excellent book to understand the triggers that carbohydrates can be, triggering cravings. I have shared this book with a number of people over the years. I have incorporated many of the concepts they have discovered.
posted Apr 27th, 2019 3:24 pmLike those who have alcohol or drug addiction, It shows the addiction is guarded with denial, closet eating, lying to others and themselves, volatile responses, justifying...
When you understand the trigger component, makes it clear the problem snacking, poor diet become.
Worked well for me
posted Mar 18th, 2019 10:48 pmI lost 30 lbs over 28 months and it was sustainable
I kept it off for ten years
Ruth Ann
Five years ago I said "enough" and joined TOPS, started counting calories (1200/day) and quit eating sweets. My husband has cancer, so we haven't had sweets in the house for years. I still ate chips, potatoes, bread, rice, pasta, etc., but in reasonable amounts. In 11 months I lost 80 pounds and kept it off for about 2 years. And then the scale started going up. Nothing in my diet had changed. So that after about 2 more years, I had gained about 15 pounds. Still going to TOPS and eating 1200 calories/day. It was very discouraging! My husband also has Crohn's disease which he treats entirely by diet, but was starting to have problems after a round of chemo. He found the Specific Carbohydrate Diet, which helps with Chrohn's, IBS, etc. It removed pasta, rice, beans and gluten. Even with eliminating those from our diet, I still didn't lose any weight. Then I found Keto. Started that over a year ago. I admit it was very hard for me to stick to and I seldom attained the 20 g of carbs or less per day, but it at least stopped the weight gain. And for the last year I gained and lost the same 2 lbs over and over again. A friend told me about the CAD. She had lost over 20 lbs on it and I was tired of the struggle I was having, so I tried it. I am well on my way back to my goal weight. This diet allows me to have a piece of bread or a potato, which I've missed. I don't have brain fog or low energy. I was hungry between meals at first, but that is getting better. My husband, who needs to gain weight, likes the salad every evening. Some doctors are finally starting to see the benefit in low carb diets and are recommending it. Diet is the only tool we have control over to maintain or improve our health, why not use it? Unless you are truly a Carbohydrate Addict, you have no concept of what it is.
posted Nov 14th, 2018 11:22 amKimberly Smith
I have lost over 50 pounds on this diet, but it's been over 10 years ago. I actually picked lunch as my reward meal, not dinner, and the weight literally melted off! I have a LOT of health issues, one of them being Diabetes, and I am on a very limited income...so this diet became a bit too expensive for me to continue back then. I need to lose that much weight again and more now, so I will be going back on this. Wish me luck this time around!
posted Aug 9th, 2018 8:39 amPeter L Gordon
I have lost 90 pounds sinc August of 2017. Easy to follow and I haven't given up anything.
posted Jun 4th, 2018 1:08 pmAlison
I agree with the article here that there is not research evidence to back up the claim that the diet works because it cures carbohydrate addiction. The intention of this diet is most likely to trick people into eating less. In the book, the author claims she was overweight and one day, she decided to skip her breakfast doughnut. She found that her sugar cravings went down when she didn't eat in the morning or afternoon. She kept skipping breakfast and lunch and eventually lost a ton of weight.
posted Apr 18th, 2018 9:32 amWhen I was younger, I personally lost weight on this diet. I suspect it is simply because it is very difficult to overeat carbs, so limiting the intake causes one to eat less calories throughout the day. For breakfast and lunch, you can fill up on eggs, veggies, deli meats. Then one meal per day includes carbs. However, it does make eating out very difficult if it is not your reward meal. My friends and family were very annoyed with how "difficult" my eating habits were.
While the science behind carbohydrate addiction is crappy, I think this can work for people who obsess over food (like I do). While calorie intake is restricted for most of the day, you get an hour per day to enjoy eating whatever you want (healthy within reason of course). This reward meal keeps you sane on the diet.
Tracy Hughes
I have been on this diet for the better part of 23 1/2 years. It works. I don't struggle with cravings or unwarranted hunger pains. My weight is good and I'm always accused of being naturally thin. I've introduced this diet to so many people who have had success for a period of time, but would rather have more options during the day than live with the restrictions. I would rather not feel like I'm starving just after having an entire sandwich. I don't know another person on another diet who has had the long term success I have had and I am so grateful for the Hellers for sharing this information.
posted Mar 22nd, 2018 5:46 pmMindy L. Johnston
I have been committed to The Carbohydrate Addicts Diet since February 2013. I have lost almost 70 lbs and kept it off since November 2014.
posted Jan 7th, 2018 5:40 pmYou misrepresented this diet. It does not require "no carbs" at breakfast and lunch, but low carb. I feel well, I am maintaining my weight loss. I am loving it! It's people like you that hide a wonderful way of life and push diet shakes. Shame on you!
Brian D
I lost 40 pounds in five months. I am completely delivered from my cravings! Thank God. Now my whole family has gone on it and they are all losing too including a daughter, after decades of obesity, who has tried every diet known and has never been able to lose until this wonderful solution to her needs.
posted Jan 6th, 2018 4:45 pmllenaa
what does mean? Dr. Richard Heller was settled a $20,000 lawsuit for allowing controlled substances to be easily accessed by people.
posted Dec 18th, 2017 12:22 amis it to discredit their work and to hype yours up?
These people are idiots. Medical doctors don't know the first thing about nutrition. This diet works and YES, there is such a thing as sugary carbohydrate addiction. Sugar is just as addictive as the opioids that they prescribe. Doctors have very little training in nutrition, because they are taught how to push Big Pharma. They should check out their own reviews on 18 shake. Not so great!
This is the only way of eating that works for me! I love it!
posted Sep 29th, 2017 1:06 amKristen
Disappointed with this review. I feel like it pushes a shake diet that you have to pay for :( I am not a scientist but I know that when I eat a carb for breakfast like wheat toast with peanut butter I am hungry all day long. But when I choose a protein like an egg with spinach or with a slice of bacon I am not craving sweets or processed carbs and lunch time is a protein like chicken or Tuna wrapped in lettuce. Then comes dinner. I have what I want but I try to balance the carb with veggie and protein and because I eat what I want once a day I do not feel deprived. Having the carbs only at night for me keep me from eating bad carbs all day. My Motto " It's not that I can't have that, I just cant have that right now" I save the sweets, pasta, pizza, fresh bread for my reward meal. I have not just lost weight, I never get an afternoon slump when I eat this way, my BP has gone down to a normal range and this is a way of eating I can do for life.
posted Sep 19th, 2017 3:19 pmAmanda
Fabulous way of eating. Thought I'd mention for those of you worried about overindulging at reward meal -- I found that tapered off after a few weeks. It took me 6 weeks to really notice any change, and then it just went smoothly. Slow for me, but that's ok as I'm that sort of person. Other people had faster results. Thing is, this way I keep all food groups, variety, and enjoy myself.
posted Sep 4th, 2017 9:36 amKyla
I was 214 lb at my heaviest. I tried the Carbohydrate Addict's Diet and lost 60 lbs in 9 months. I followed the diet religiously for 11 months until my physician told me I had PCOS and needed to go on a diabetic diet, which was so easy to switch to after being on the Carbohyrate Addict's Diet for so long.
posted Jun 1st, 2017 11:47 pmRuth
I like it! This is what I can stay on for life. I am definitely a carbohydrate addict. With this diet I am not even interested in carbs the rest of the day. The Reward Meal is just that. A meal. Not a carb binge. The creators of this diet are very clear about that. Within the framework of 'a meal' you can eat what you want. Baked potato, pasta, fruit, deserts etc.just don't binge on these foods. If you read the entire book you will read this instruction over and over. Those who don't get all the information and then incorrectly apply the diet in their life will fail. Don't blame anyone else. They also say that this diet only works for people who are carbohydrate addicts.One type of diet does not work for everyone. It will not work for anyone else. With their instructions it is a healthy well rounded diet. One I can stay on for life.
posted May 20th, 2017 12:36 amlsd
this is a poorly understood and poorly reviewed report on the CAD. Read the reviews on the review. That's the truth of how good and successful this diet/lifestyle is. Calories are going the way of the dinosaur. Carbohydrates are the only thing worth counting. And this is far less restrictive than Atkins and just as successful.
posted May 12th, 2017 10:33 amGeorge
One week into this plan and I'm really enjoying it. I find it easy to eat in this way. I'll admit I've found myself stuffing it in during my reward hour but I think that will subside as I do this more. I know the recommendation is to only drink alcohol during the reward meal but does anyone have experience pro or con drinking non-carb and or low carb-drinks during the other meals? Just wondering what folks have found.
posted Mar 21st, 2017 1:37 pmLeslie
This diet works. It is simple, low cost, and easy to understand.
posted Mar 17th, 2017 6:26 pmI lost 30 lbs. on this diet in 2 1/2 months. My husband dropped about 15 lbs. very quickly when he needed to be weighed for a new job. And my 16 year old niece lost about 20 lbs. one summer eating this way. It seems to work for almost everyone who makes an effort to keep within the guidelines.
1. For 2 meals a day and a snack, eat only low carb. Keep carbs to under 4 total for meal. ( usually this means a protein source with low carb veggies)
2. Do NOT snack between meals.
3. For 1 hour a day eat whatever you want. Don't count carbs, fat or calories.
(The newer versions have guidelines concerning this meal. I have found it doesn't matter. ) Eat and drink what you want for up to 1 hour.
That's it. Easy.
My reward meal is usually a nice dinner of whatever I want and like and ending it with a piece of fruit and a dessert of some sort. Cookies, ice cream, bowl of cereal.
How wonderful to eat this way everyday and lose weight.
Stick to the rules and this works.
Break the rules and you will fail.
Susan Smith
I saw Dr.Richard and Dr.Rachel Heller on the Dr.Phil show. I was so impressed I bought the book "Are you a Carbohydrates Addict",followed it religiously,and the weight was melting off. I never did any exercises. It seemed like all I did was rearrange my foods and never had any cravings for the junk foods. And the best part is the Drs. explain how your body works when you eat good foods,bad
posted Feb 24th, 2017 8:21 amfoods,and not eating at all. This is the first time someone has explained in simple words how the body works with foods. It's not a diet. It's a way of eating food. And you're not deprived of your favorite foods. You have to try it to believe it. Buy one of their books and you will never spend countless amounts of money on diet gimmicks ever again Thanks to the Drs. who found a way to make losing weight so easy and not being deprived of our favorite foods.
Remember people,they did their research on themselves.