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Prevention's Flat Belly Diet

Prevention's Flat Belly Diet

The cure for belly fat requires MUFAs and no exercise - so they say.

Top Rated Diet Shakes of 2025
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Popular health magazine Prevention has what they call the secret to getting a flat tummy, and they claim a 91 percent success rate, which by dieting standards is phenomenal. Cynthia Sass, MPH, RD, nutrition director at Prevention assembled a panel to test the diet, and everyone lost weight - 91 percent lost a significant amount of belly fat. The idea of spot reduction - targeting specific problem areas - is targeting specific problem areas - is generally a fallacy. In other words, doing a solid ab routine won't make your waistline shrink. You will have a beautiful six pack... just under whatever fat you may have around your midsection. It requires the total package of a healthy diet and exercise program. But recent research suggests that there may be one way to help target your belly fat. According to a study that appeared in Diabetes Care, by the American Diabetes Association, a diet rich in monounsaturated fats (MUFA) may help reduce abdominal fat.

Another emphasis on the program is water consumption. When you get enough water, your body runs on all cylinders, warding off fatigue and water retention. The Flat Belly Diet has users drink "Sassy Water," which is named after Prevention's nutrition director Cynthia Sass. The water includes ginger, which is good for soothing your gastrointestinal tract.

The online portion of the Flat Belly Diet program is similar to most online diets, in that it provides a way to track your progress, interact with others who are also on the plan, get your questions/concerns answered, and all around support. One problem arises with the de-emphasizing of exercise. It's an optional part of the program.

Do You Know the Best Diet Shakes of 2025?

Rodale, Inc.
  • The Flat Belly Diet offers good value for your money
  • Online network
  • Creator is registered medical professional
  • 91% success rate in studies
  • It downplays the need to exercise
  • Somewhat low in calories

The Flat Belly Diet proudly touts that it's high in fat - good fat. The emphasis is on MUFAs, or monounsaturated fatty acids. Each of your meals include them. Examples of MUFA foodsare olive oil, nuts, seeds, avocado, olives, and even chocolate. Here's a sample dinner recipe:

  • 4 oz. grilled tilapia
  • 1 cup steamed green beans
  • 1/2 cup roasted red potatoes drizzled with olive oil

The Flat Belly Diet says you can target belly fat without exercise, by purely focusing on what you're eating.


The Flat Belly Diet espouses a healthy eating plan. While it's not entirely revolutionary, it is based on some interesting new data. We've known for a while about healthy fats, but the prospects of monounsaturated fatty acids (MUFAs) targeting your midsection is exciting news. It's exciting for two reasons: the results for starters, and second, foods that are rich in monounsaturated fats are super tasty. That's a great one-two punch!


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flat belley diet, flatt belly diet, flat belly deit, flatbellydiet.com, prevention flat belly diet, flat belley diet, flat belly book, belly fat diet, mufa diet

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(Page 2 of 2, 34 total comments)


I live in Australia and had no difficulties finding substitues products. I've lots 9 kg and still losing after 11weeks on the diet. Love it!!!

posted Apr 10th, 2009 6:12 am



I did this diet and followed it pretty well, even though it was hard I made it through and I lost about ten pounds! I also did exercise a little bit but not very much.

posted Feb 17th, 2009 7:32 pm



I like the diet, however, the organic foods are rather expensive (at least in my area) and not in my food budget. Any suggestions? On the jumpstart I lost a few pounds but no inches. And the sassy water was ok, just plain lemon water is better though,lol.
I bought the book online, but found it at my local Sam's Club for $15.00!!

posted Jan 30th, 2009 7:30 am



I lost 5 lbs during the 4 days, I didn't like the sassy water at first but got use to it. I've lost a total of 35 lbs and I've never felt better than I do now and I've only started the diet a few weeks ago

The 35 lbs has been over time half was from the flat belly half from exercising.

posted Jan 22nd, 2009 6:18 am



I'm in to my tenth day. Found the jump start hard as I didn't like much of the food, but things improve (and the number of calories) on day 4. I notice I have more energy, which is great. You have to think ahead and plan, make sure you have the right foods - I guess that's true with any diet. I like not having to worry about what to eat between meals - just eat four times a day, pace it so you don't go more than four hours without a meal.

posted Jan 4th, 2009 4:57 pm



I started this diet and have been following it very carefully. I also do 3 hours of cardio and 2 hours of weight training per week. In a week, I have not lost any weight at all and I have become obssessed with food. I am famished all of the time. It did not work for me.

posted Dec 22nd, 2008 7:28 pm



I just started the diet about 1 week ago and am sticking to this one better than my prior attempts on other diets. The meals seem to suit me, and because you get to eat nuts, avocados and other MUFA fats, I'm not feeling hungry all the time. I've lost about five pounds, and my jeans are really baggy. They even noticed the baggy jeans at work already! I am walking every other day on a treadmill, too, so maybe that's helping, too. I feel very cute, but look about the same in the mirror!

posted Dec 13th, 2008 3:17 pm



I love the Flat Belly Diet! It is a really well thought thru plan.

posted Dec 5th, 2008 1:41 pm



2 days in and the sassy water is something I just wont do. I drink enough regular water that I just refuse! LOL. I do like the meals and they dont take much time to cook from what Ive seen.. no magical flatness in the belly yet, but I have lost a pound. :)

posted Dec 2nd, 2008 1:13 pm



I'm on my 3rd day of the jump start plan and love it already!!! It feels so good to eat right and work towards a healthier goal! I'm very happy so far!!!

posted Nov 19th, 2008 2:27 pm



I've lost 20 lbs and 12 inches in 2 months. Best part is I get my chocolate!

posted Nov 18th, 2008 3:22 pm

Lucy Ogrin


I can't follow the recIpes, since the suggested ingredients are all in American (registred) products. Since sticking to correct number of calories is very important, it means finding a substitute local product. To make things harder, they all state ther calorical value in kilojoules!? Wandering up and down supermarket isles with calculator and asking stuff for their suggestions... So how about a little booklet of suggestions for Australian ingredients of approwed calorical value.

posted Nov 17th, 2008 9:21 pm



Melinda, are you doing the Sassy water or just plain water? That's the one thing I don't think I can stomach.

posted Oct 28th, 2008 3:06 pm

melinda westbrook


This is a great diet, I am on my 3rd day and mt stomach is already flatter and I have lost 3 lbs and feel great!

posted Oct 26th, 2008 7:46 am


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