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Jenny Craig is one of the most popular names synonymous with diet and weight loss. With its specific diet and its own line of prepackaged and pre-portioned food, it seeks to be a model of healthy eating according to variety, quantity and nutrition.
Jenny Craig now offers a new at-home delivery service to its members. Rather than meeting at your local Jenny Craig center to check in and pick up your food, you can have your Jenny Craig meals and snacks delivered to you at your home. Jenny Direct is this new service that allows you to still maintain the support of the Jenny Craig program, but for those members who don’t live near a Jenny Craig center or are too busy to get to one, this at-home meal delivery service is a convenient way to stay on track with the Jenny Craig diet from the comfort of your own kitchen. You are still required to check in each week with a Jenny Craig counselor to plan your weekly menu, discuss any challenges and celebrate any weight-loss successes.
Do You Know the Best Diets of 2025?
- Jenny Direct is a convenient way to eat healthy
- Takes the guesswork out of measuring, preparing and thinking about what you are going to eat.
- Each meal or snack meets certain nutritional requirements
- Success is still dependent upon the support and guidance from the Jenny Craig staff
- Jenny Craig is a long-trusted brand for weight loss
- Supports a diabetic diet
- Expensive
- Hard to learn portion control from prepackaged foods
- Hard to learn how to prepare your own meals in a healthy way from prepackaged food
- Jenny Direct does not offer the full in-person support that weekly visits to Jenny Craig centers do offer
- Vegetarian options are limited
- The individual will miss out on the maintenance phase of the program which provides instruction on how to go about eating, cooking and living in the real world without the dependence on the Jenny Craig program.
Each package is delivered to your home every two or four weeks, depending upon the frequency of delivery your request. The meals are delivered to you in the form of breakfast, lunch, dinner and snacks. Just like the Jenny Craig program, you supplement your diet with certain grocery store-bought vegetables, fruits, whole grains and reduced-fat dairy products.
Each weekly package comes in a refrigerated pack that is either shelf-stable or kept frozen until consumed. Meals need to be reheated before eating. There are more than 80 menu items to choose from that you can select from your own personalized and planned menu. The menu is adequate for most diabetics, but the vegetarian options are limited.
The success of the Jenny Direct program will also depend upon your activity level. As a Jenny Craig member, you will work with a counselor who will help lay out a physical fitness routine for you to follow each week in addition to adhering to your meal plan.
Jenny Craig encourages you to participate in physical activity five days a week (at least 30 minutes each of those days) and to generally be more active.
Jenny Direct is a convenient solution to those Jenny Craig members who are unable to get to their local center for weekly weigh-ins and consultations. But as efficient as this meal-delivery program is, it does not replace the one-on-one support that comes from successful Jenny Craig members visiting their local Jenny Craig center to receive support and guidance from staff and other members and monitor their own progress.
Keep in mind too that you will still have to purchase additional items like fruits and vegetables in addition to the weekly cost of the delivered Jenny Craig meals.
Jennie Direct, Jenny Craig Direct, Jenny Craig Meal Delivery, Jenny Craig Diet, JennyCraig

Jenny Direct
User Feedback
(Page 1 of 1, 9 total comments)MadgePadge
+I called Jenny Craig one day out of the blue. I had gotten sick and gained 74 lbs, over the course of a year and a half, and I was so depressed. I had never dieted in my life, so I had no idea how to go about loosing the weight.
posted Mar 28th, 2012 5:16 amWhen I called Jenny, the person that signed me up didn't tell me there was a Jenny center about 20 minutes from my house ~ I found this out later, so I was spending additional money to have the food sent to my home.
I found the initial phone call to be very confusing, and I didn't really understand how much the food was going to cost. Also, my first consultant was doing the ordering, and she was ordering everything in sight ~ literally. My first food order with the shipping was over $700. I hid the invoice, because I didn't want my husband to see how much I was spending.
I started to loose weight pretty quickly, and within two months, I had lost about 18 lbs. I was ecstatic. However, I didn't like my Jenny counselor. She acted like she was about 12 years old, would ask me the same questions week after week, and she knew nothing about how to work with a middle aged, sick woman ~ me. She never explained the program to me entirely, and when I would receive literature from the company, example: Mind, Body, Etc., she could never really explain what it meant.
Each time she would place a food order, she would order all of the salad dressings, frozen entrees, and other items that racked up the bill. I was finding that she was ordering foods that I really didn't like and they were stock piling in my freezer.
Well, one day I fell out of her calendar, and I was grateful. No one called me for three weeks, and I called the corporate office and got a new counselor. The 2nd person was great. She let me order my own meals, which cut my food bill down to about $460 per month. I was no longer stockpiled with items that I didn't like. Then, one day out of the blue, my counselor stopped calling me. I waited a couple of weeks, and I got a voice mail message from a guy, and he advised that he was my new Jenny contact. At this point, I was on my third counselor, and I had lost 42 lbs. I never called him back, stopped ordering the food, and finished all of the meals that I had in my freezer.
I found this food to be quite edible. The shelf stable food is disgusting, and there were a few frozen entrees that I just couldn't stomach. The snacks were excellent, and I made sure to only order sweet treats, and I loved the Jenny bars.
I would have liked to stay on the program, but it just got too expensive for me. I stayed on it for six months, and lost approx. 7 lbs per month. I didn't meet my goal of loosing 50 lbs., I've moved onto the Smart for Life Cookie Diet and I have lost 4 lbs. in 5 days. I should be able to meet my goal weight by the beginning of June ~ Perfect for swimsuit weather, cause this 50 year old woman is getting her butt back into a bikini this summer. YEA!
-Most of the Jenny Craig food is better tasting than lean cuisine or other grocery low calorie meals. Most are also lower in sodium and fat content. That's the good. The bad. The cost of the food is just about twice as much as similar products that can be purchased in a store. Jenny direct itself is a mess. Whether getting 1 - 4 wk shipment or 2 - 2 wk shipments the cost is $65. Basically on top of the high cost of food getting it shipped directly to you cost $65 a month. One shipment contained 1 item I didn't order, but was short 1 item I did. So that was okay. My last shipment was short 2 items. I tried the 12 lbs for $12 deal. I just finished week 6 and I lost just over 10 lbs. That's the good. The cost over $1100 for 8 wks of food, not counting my fruits and veggies which I buy anyway. That's over $100 a lb.
posted Jan 20th, 2010 6:44 pmhazel
posted Aug 26th, 2009 2:34 pmstella
+I have a question ... can anyone tell me how much Jenny direct is ? Thanks!
posted Jun 8th, 2009 9:27 amMary
+Jenny Craig Direct is great for people that are really busy or don't have a centre location that is convenient. You get to have your meals delivered to you so you don't have to pick them up weekly! This is also really great for people that would like to keep their weight loss efforts more private.
posted May 12th, 2009 2:35 pmKaren
+I've been on it for a week. The food is very varried- some things I love, some I don't like. After your first shipment on their directed program, you can pick and choose which meals you want to order and which you do not which is a nice feature to design your meals based on your own preferences. It is much less expensive than other plans. I am struggling with the amount of sugar, I wish there was less as I think it is causing me to have cravings. hopefully I will lose the 15 pounds I want to!
posted May 11th, 2009 12:02 pmPEG
posted Jan 20th, 2009 7:54 amjenniferb
-I am not a fan of the jenny Craig meals. I think fresh food is the way to go.
posted Oct 5th, 2008 11:29 amGeri
Although this program is expensive, it is definitely worth it. I went on the JC program after having a baby and lost 60 pounds! It was amazing. I had a weight problem my whole life and I would recommend this program to anyone who needed to lose over 20 pounds. My personal belief is that it would be too expensive for anyone who needs to lose less than that.
posted Sep 1st, 2008 8:32 am