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Juice Diet

Juice Diet

You will lose weight... but at what cost?

Top Rated Diet Shakes of 2025
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The name is a little deceiving, but the Juice Diet is really just a fast to help cleanse your body and help jumpstart your metabolism for a long-term diet.

The obvious lack of calories and flushing of your system will quickly drop pounds. Juice Diet followers are warned that this is primarily water weight and once they revert to their old eating habits, the pounds will come back.

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  • You will lose weight, but it will be most likely be water.
  • Just about everything. It's not healthy to go on a liquid diet for any length of time.

For the Juice Diet, you'll replace your food consumption for up to five days with fruit and vegetable juice. Drink only 100 percent juice, with good choices being carrots, pineapple or celery. For best results, freshly prepared or purchased juices are best. You should also drink a lot of water and get plenty of sleep.


The book addresses exercise, but you would have little energy during this diet period.


There are negative effects associated with a Juice Diet and individuals should not commit to making this a long-term practice. While you're ridding your body of many harmful toxins during a Juice Diet, you're also more vulnerable to headaches and decreased energy and strength. Before beginning a Juice Fast, consult your doctor.

Common MisspellingsCommon Misspellings

Juic diet, Juice deit

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  • Has Good Appetite Suppressant
  • Has Only Natural Components
  • Good Taste
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I will try this diet. But im going to try to juice only for lunch and try to eat all heathly meal for breakfest and dinner. And work out every day. I will try this diet for two months to see how it works.

posted Feb 9th, 2013 4:44 am



My inspiration is from the movie, fat sick and nearly dead. This movie which you can see short video's on you tube is very inspiring. He lost 60lbs in 90 days juicing across the country. His story will inspire you and answer alot of questions you may have. Good luck.

posted Aug 25th, 2011 7:28 am

melody rodriguez


what is the name of this diet juice??

posted Jul 22nd, 2011 8:36 am



how to lose everything that i gained?and go back to 110 pounds in 2 weeks?or less? look,im 14....5.1 and 125 pounds....before i was 110 pounds...then my parents mad me so insecure,that made me feel worse and ate alot,and became 115....i lost 5 pounds when i didn't eat for the whole week cause my mom told me i was fat.and i got so depressed....then i ate again.i gained pounds and i became 120 pounds.and my school works are not good either...my science teacher hates me......and our cafeteria is so big...so i ate alot and now 125 pounds

posted Apr 21st, 2011 4:34 am


jason vale-the juice masters ultimate fast food....(it has all the recipies,juices and diet plan)

posted Apr 16th, 2011 6:16 pm

caitlyn young

it was great i lost 1 half stone in 1 wekk and a half

posted Apr 14th, 2011 10:50 am

Irene T.


Good day to you all. Before anything, let me emphasize on the fact that any non-balanced in nutrients diet, is a danegrous diet. BUT... the juie diet is a good way to get rid of the first few extra kilos, a good way to de-toxify your body and a d*** good ego-boost to get you going through the rest of your "fights against fat". I used to weigh 112 kilos (247 lbs) while being 1.72m (5ft 8in). I was never patient enough to carry on and reach my target weight anytime I tried to start a healthy balanced diet and exercise. I wanted results, and I wanted them now! After a couple of weeks, or as soon as my weight got "stuck" I would give up and start eating again in my previous unhealthy manner, as I forgot to mention that I loath fruit and vegies, especially as I chew them. It makes me want to throw up. Not the taste... but the texture. I don't know how or why.

One day I looked at myself in the mirror and got really depressed for a few days. My boyfriend was really tired of all those mood swings I had with all thse strict diets and all my insecurities while on holidays (went to the beach all dressed up!), in bed (never with the lights on). But he loved me just the way I was! He told me that I am the most beautiful woman in th world in his eyes and nothing would ever change that, so I should stop totrturing myself.

That was it! That exact moment... I wanted to reward that man for his love and devotion to me (now my husbant and father of my childern) through all those years and being able to see the person behing all these tons of flab! I know myself well enough to comfidently say that I needed an express diet to get me started so I can be so excited with the results, that I will be motivated to stick to it. I stopped eatting solid food for three months. A pint of milk in the morning, a pint of milk before bedtime, lots of fruit jiuces throughout the day and I kept drinking my 8.00 and 19.00 coffee (1 tbsp instant coffee, 1 tbsp of aspartame and 15ml of condensed milk). The results were amazing!!!! My mood? I was on top of the world!!! My sex drive? Like a bunny!!! My energy level? Catch me if you can! All that fat was lifted off my body and I felt like I had been carrying one more person through all these years! I feel as light as a feather! I now have a balanced diet. I carry on with my pint of milk morning and night, a juice at 10.00, another juice at 12.00, at 14.00 meat and green salad with 1tbsp greek extra virgin olive oil from zakynthos, 1 tbsp grated cheese "ladotyri" made only in zakynthos and a little bit of balsamico). 16.00 another juice, 18.00 another juice and a pint of warm milk before bedtime. My weight now? I was keeping that for last. An astonishing 60kg which is 132 lbs!!!!!! In how much time? Well... 2 1/2 months of juice and milk fasting. Years have gone by and I never put it back on ever since. Even after I had my little baby-girl! The pregnancy kilos went away in the blink of an eye! Just a week of juice and milk fasting!

Go for it! You'll feel AND look like godess!!!!

posted Feb 11th, 2011 10:08 am



I have started my second day of this diet and completely understand it's just a quick kick start to flush my system out and a benefit of that will hopefully be some weight loss. The juices taste lovely and I am consuming far more fruit and veg then I would normally do in a week. I have stopped feeling hungry and I hope it will also reduce my appetite as I was eating far too large portions previously.

I bought and downloaded the Juice Diet 7lbs in 7 days and plan on definitely doing it for 5 - unfortunately the real world gets in the way. The one things I have found harder than anything else is feeling that I can't socialise until I have finished the diet. A lot of my social life is based around dinner with friends or drinks in bars and I can't turn up at a restaurant with my juice in a flask!!

I think above anything else this has made me excited about substituting juice more into my diet and cutting out the more unhealthy snacks.

posted Feb 9th, 2011 1:29 pm



I had always been curious about trying this diet. Yes I know the best way to lose weight is to eat healthier and exercise but I wanted results fast for an event. I didn't know what juices to get, I normally grab my daughter this pear juice that she loves called GoGo Juice, i like it because it's organic and has no additives or artificial flavors or preservatives. So I decided to try that one out. The company recommends diluting it with water to cut the calories and natural sugar content so I did and it worked wonders! Not only does it taste good but it also helped with my digestion. I shouldn't have been surprised cause pears do have a lot of fiber but yeesh! i wasn't expecting that from a juice. I've been on this diet for a week and I've already lost 3 pounds, I think I'm going to give it one more. I definitely recommend this juice for the diet.

posted Feb 7th, 2011 10:12 pm


well, if this juice diet makes you squirt out all the pulp in you, how is that water weight? It seems to me to be just a good cleanser. I'm starting a fast in the morning.

posted Jan 2nd, 2011 4:31 am



I Wont to start the diet but. What do I need to do to start it .....Can some one help me..????

posted Oct 20th, 2010 4:10 pm



soo cool

posted Oct 17th, 2010 6:25 pm


Im going to start the juice diet in the morning. I hope it works ;)

posted Sep 3rd, 2010 12:30 am



gapeachy & lilo, what juice diet are you guys talking about? Is it a book that I can buy? Can someone PLEASE let me know??

posted Aug 13th, 2010 7:17 pm


In short:
I gained energy, improved my dry skin, and lost 15 lbs. Make sure you have sufficient protein intake, and you track your nutrients and vitamins. Do not fast for a significant length of time. Also brush your teeth regularly because fruit juice can wear down enamel. And *remember*, that miracles don't happen overnight - you must stay consistent.

More info:

Where I get my juice: I go to whole foods and buy all sorts of their juices from the produce section since i don't have a juicer. The benefits of this are: they have a HUGE variety to choose from, it says right on the bottle what nutrients, vitamins, calories and servings are (no figuring out for the lazy folk), and they are convenient when you are on the go. I started the juice diet not on purpose but because they are good and filling and found myself just drinking the juices and never feeling hungry ! I also drank the vanilla soy chai tea one because it has a ton of protein and vitamins and VERY low fat. If you tolerate soy products you should try it.

Benefits of Lemon water: Obviously, no diet is substitute for exercise, but simple lemon water will improve your energy, alertness and digestive system so you actually feel like exercising. Also, try lemon water. What I do is refill water bottles with a pitcher in the fridge so its always extremely cold, and squirt some lemon juice in. I have chronic kidney stones so the lemon water is perfect for dissolving stones and crystals in your urine, and lemon has a lot of other benefits as well. I used to not drink water because it has either no taste or a metallic taste (to me) and the lemon helps with that as well.

Avoid: drinking caffeine and alcohol (or at least reduce your intake). Not only are they dehydrating and unhealthy but they also interfere with your sleep. But you knew that.

Here are just some of juices I have tried and what I know of them (pure of course):

Carrot : one of the richest sources of Vitamin A, and aids in cleansing the liver, gallbladder, improves skin, eyes and bones. It has a unique, creamy taste with a touch of sweet carrot. It's surprising! This one is easy to make yourself and more companies are bottling it. There is also a purple carrot variety which is mixed with other fruits to make it sweeter.

Apple, unfiltered: an apple a day keeps the doctor away and its true. Apples are full of antioxidants and has been PROVEN to improve brain function and memory.

Acai mixed with Blueberry or Pomegranate: Everyone knows the hype, but this mixture tastes good and is of course, full of antioxidants. But it also contains essential omega fatty acids, magnesium (which many are deficient of), and folic acid among others.

Cranberry: Good for those with urinary issues.

V8: Unfortunately, vegetable juices are often packed with salt and for good reason - its pretty bland without it! Personally the salt content deters me, as the only nutrients worth listing are potassium and vitamin c.

50/50: One way to drink veggie juice without all the salt is to get a 50/50 blend of fruit and veggies.

Other things to look into: Try plain greek yogurt (like fage 0%). It is very thick and rich and I always use it to substitute sour cream. Add some organic honey and you've got a delicious, healthy dessert!

For a snack try almonds or pistachios. Their benefits outweigh the fat content, which are good fats anyhow. Guacamole (or just plain avocado) is good fats also. When you're at the movies, ask what kind of oil they use - if they use coconut oil, pass. A regular size bag of popcorn friend in coconut oil has more (or relatively similar amounts of) calories and fat than 3 fast food cheeseburgers! And that's without the 15 squirts of butter...

Even if you don't need to 'diet', making better choices will improve your energy level, skin, hair, eyes, and digestion among many other things. Beauty comes from within, literally!

posted Nov 25th, 2009 4:14 pm



Where I get my juice: I go to whole foods and buy all sorts of their juices from the produce section since i don't have a juicer. The benefits of this are: they have a HUGE variety to choose from, it says right on the bottle what nutrients, vitamins, calories and servings are (no figuring out for the lazy folk), and they are convenient when you are on the go. I started the juice diet not on purpose but because they are good and filling and found myself just drinking the juices and never feeling hungry ! I also drank the vanilla soy chai tea one because it has a ton of protein and vitamins and VERY low fat. If you tolerate soy products you should try it.

Benefits of Lemon water: Obviously, no diet is substitute for exercise, but this will improve your energy, alertness and digestive system so you actually feel like exercising. Also, try lemon water. What I do is refill water bottles with a pitcher in the fridge so its always extremely cold, and squirt some lemon juice in. I have chronic kidney stones so the lemon water is perfect for dissolving stones and crystals in your urine, and lemon has a lot of other benefits as well. I used to not drink water because it has either no taste or a metallic taste (to me) and the lemon helps with that as well.

Avoid: drinking caffeine and alcohol (or at least reduce your intake). Not only are they dehydrating and unhealthy but they also interfere with your sleep. But you knew that.

Here are just some of juices I have tried and what I know of them (pure of course):

Carrot : one of the richest sources of Vitamin A, and aids in cleansing the liver, gallbladder, improves skin, eyes and bones. It has a unique, creamy taste with a touch of sweet carrot. It's surprising! This one is easy to make yourself and more companies are bottling it. There is also a purple carrot variety which is mixed with other fruits to make it sweeter.

Apple, unfiltered: an apple a day keeps the doctor away and its true. Apples are full of antioxidants and has been PROVEN to improve brain function and memory.

Acai mixed with Blueberry or Pomegranate: Everyone knows the hype, but this mixture tastes good and is of course, full of antioxidants. But it also contains essential omega fatty acids, magnesium (which many are deficient of), and folic acid among others.

Cranberry: Good for those with urinary issues.

V8: Unfortunately, vegetable juices are often packed with salt and for good reason - its pretty bland without it! Personally the salt content deters me, as the only nutrients worth listing are potassium and vitamin c.

50/50: One way to drink veggie juice without all the salt is to get a 50/50 blend of fruit and veggies.

Other things to look into: Try plain greek yogurt (like fage 0%). It is very thick and rich and I always use it to substitute sour cream. Add some organic honey and you've got a delicious, healthy dessert!

For a snack try almonds or pistachios. Their benefits outweigh the fat content, which are good fats anyhow. Guacamole (or just plain avocado) is good fats also. When you're at the movies, ask what kind of oil they use - if they use coconut oil, pass. A regular size bag of popcorn friend in coconut oil has more (or relatively similar amounts of) calories and fat than 3 fast food cheeseburgers! And that's without the 15 squirts of butter...

Even if you don't need to 'diet', making better choices will improve your energy level, skin, hair, eyes, and digestion among many other things. Beauty comes from within, literally!

posted Nov 25th, 2009 4:08 pm



please help me loose weight..
with friuts?
anything a diet plan

posted Nov 12th, 2009 10:22 am


Iam not with the way I look Iwant to start the diet

posted Oct 29th, 2009 6:38 am


imm going on vacation in about 2 weeks and im really not happy with how i look in a bathing suit, does anyone have the juice recipe because i woulld really love to give this a shot =)

posted Jul 16th, 2009 2:11 pm



i really want to know the real recipe for it i really want to start this diet cause i know im definately not "regular" and i need to get clean. If i really like this diet, i will continue it more but i want THE REAL RECIPE...?anybody know?

posted Jul 6th, 2009 11:58 am


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