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Makers Diet

Makers Diet

Get Jordan Rubin's divinely-inspired diet plan and start losing weight.

Top Rated Diets of 2025
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In following Jordan Rubin's The Maker's Diet, you'll use this spiritually-guided plan to accomplish your weight loss goal. Rubin suggests that this diet plan would be approved by God and help you dine the way our maker would.

During the 40-day journey of the Maker's Diet, you'll improve your overall health, weight and spirituality. Rubin interprets eating habits from the Bible and uses these teachings to help you lead a more healthy lifestyle.

Do You Know the Best Diets of 2025?

  • The online program has all the great amenities that most of the other successful online plans have.
  • The website doesn't address exercise.
  • Not inclusive, if you don't happen to share Biblical beliefs.

You'll incorporate more organic vegetables, fruits and meat and remove unclean and unacceptable foods from your diet. This natural, organic approach to eating suggests that you should only eat things created by God in the way it was intended. That means no processed foods or those produced with contact to hormones, pesticides or fertilizers.

The maker of the Maker's Diet was terribly sick with Crohn's disease and other health problems including bladder infection, arthritis, chronic fatigue, diarrhea and chronic depression when he says following his Maker's Diet helped cure him. Seven years later he says he is still here, thanks to the recognizable benefits of the organic-focused Maker's Diet.


There's not an organized exercise component to the online program.


The Maker's Diet's all-natural approach to eating, combined with exercise, better breathing and good hygiene can help individuals live a healthier life, while helping them sleep well, reduce stress, improve digestion and decrease colds, among other benefits. While there may be some stretches health-wise by excluding certain foods per the Old Testament teachings (no shell fish or pork), it’s not unhealthy.

Common MisspellingsCommon Misspellings

Mackers Diet, Maker Diet, MakersDiet, Maker'sDiet, Marker's Diet

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(Page 2 of 2, 23 total comments)

R.L. Davis

I don't think this would qualify as a fad diet- but it seems like right now organic and natural foods are really popular. So at least it's not one of those diets that leaves you searching for hard to find foods. My grocery store has a really nice organic section so now i have an excuse to check it out.


As a strong Christian, I can understand where this diet is coming from. When we live our lives according to His plan, we are happier and healthier. If we're feeding our soul with His word, it fits that we would want to feed our bodies with His food. I feel like this "makers diet" is just what I need to live healthier.

Knittin' Anna

I'm happy I found Maker's Diet. We have a cool little health food store by my house and I feel good just walking in there. I've been able to find great food I probably never would have otherwise. Yay!


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