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The book "Never Say Diet: Make Five Decisions and Break the Fat Habit for Good," is authored by Chantel Hobbs, who once weighed 349 pounds after the birth of her third child. Having lost over 200 pounds, Hobbs focuses on faith and looking inward rather than outward as she encourages the reader to change the way they think about food. She divides her program into five separate phases each with their own set of exercise and eating plans.
You won’t find any gimmicks, pills or herbal teas in this program to aid you in any quick weight loss. Having battled with weight her whole life, Hobbs knows that short-cuts end up backfiring. Instead, her program relies on equal parts healthy eating, exercise and self-empowerment.
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- Never Say Diet is a realistic approach to long-term losing weight
- Author shares personal experience
- Ideal for a faith-based approach to weight loss
- Generous exercise guidance
- Not for someone not interested in a Christian approach
- Does not provide a specific eating plan
“Never Say Diet” tries to refocus your perspective on food by having you understand how you look at food first and then changing your behavior. Hobbs tries to get you to focus on health and making healthful food choices rather than falling into the trap of skipping meals to reduce calories and then binging on cookies late at night. Complete with shopping lists and healthy meal ideas, this book does not put forth a specific diet for you to follow. Rather, by following her program of healthy eating, exercise and introspection, the pounds are intended to come off.
“Never Say Diet” includes a specific exercise routine for each of the five phases of Hobbs’ program. Exercise is a combination of cardio and strength training and they are intended to be done on most days of the week.
“Never Say Diet” is a book that focuses on providing you with the motivation, information and encouragement you need as you work toward your health goals. Written by a housewife who once topped the scales at more than 300 pounds, Hobbs believes that long-term weight loss comes from working on your inner self first. Her honest approach to weight loss and humor will connect with many other readers who have had decade-long battles with food and weight. The book’s religious references may turn some off, but if her overall message speaks to you, you can easily replace “God” with the religious term of your comfort level and choice.
“Never Say Diet” is a self-empowerment book packed with nutrition and exercise information that is meant to yield long-term changes in how you feel about food and how you look.
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Never Say Diet
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