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Sugar Busters! will show you how to live a healthier lifestyle by reducing the amount of sugar you consume. You'll relearn how to eat and introduce exercise to maintain this healthy lifestyle. You will not dismiss all sugar from your diet; you'll just eat less of it and learn how to eat it.
Why is sugar such a dieting hurdle? Sugar, a carbohydrate, is converted to fat in your body by insulin. This creates additional fat stores that are unnecessary. Since more fat in your body is derived from sugar than actual fat, there's your motivation to get rid of it.
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- Promoted a healthy understanding of how sugar compromises your health.
Following Sugar Busters!, you'll consume a diet rich in vegetables and whole grains, fruits, lean proteins and plenty of water. Not only will you be limiting the sugar you consume, but also increasing the fiber, which offers increased digestive health. Saturated and trans fats should be strictly limited, and you should choose low- or no-fat products when necessary (like milk or cheese). All the sugar your body needs will be provided by natural sources, like the fruits and grains. Splenda is a choice substitute of Sugar Busters!.
You'll need to commit to three meals a day with approved snacks in between. Skipping meals is not part of the Sugar Busters! plan as it is an unhealthy habit. You'll also learn how to eat appropriately sized portions, as eating even too much of a good thing can go bad. Avoid eating snacks or meals too close to bed, as these late-night munchies increase insulin and start producing more fat.
Sugar Busters! also promotes exercise in this well-rounded program. Sugar Busters! recommends enough exercise to get your heart rate moving- 20 minutes, four times each week.
The information that Sugar Busters! Presents isn't new. These days, people should know that most white foods and sugar are a prescription for weight gain. But if you need some guidance in your search for dropping pounds, Sugar Busters! Will get you the information you need to make sound diet decisions.
Sugar Busters! recommends consulting your physician before switching to this low-sugar diet.
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- Sugar Busters!
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User Feedback
(Page 1 of 1, 4 total comments)brandon burden
+hi my name is brandon buredn i am 17 years old . i weighed 210 pounds when i started my diet now i weigh 174 . but i am on the wresting team and being a wrestler u need to lose weight so i tryed this diet for 6 months and lost a lot now ive noticed that i am felling great i have energy all day long . and not like cutting calories i am neever hungry . but if your are planning to cut a few or a lot of weight u need to commited and it isent so much of a diet but a life style
posted Nov 23rd, 2008 9:41 pmif you need help or have a question or comment email me at the link above.
thank you.....
Sugarbusters! was recommended to me 11 years ago. I was overweight all of my life. My doctor told me to read the book and try this lifestyle. It literally changed my life. I lost 54 lbs. and still holding. Of course, I have not lived without sugar all of these years, but moderation is the key along with exercise. It took 9 months. This is a lifestyle of incorporating or making simple changes. White rice to brown. I even made fried chicken with wheat flour and seasoning. It's not something that I eat on a regular basis, but is a great treat. I love how this program doesn't take whole food groups away. I highly recommend.
posted Jul 8th, 2008 12:35 pmtraci
good info
posted May 12th, 2008 4:59 pmAnonymous
Always a good idea to cut the sugar out of your diet! Cut soda out full stop..