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The Ketogenic Diet

The Ketogenic Diet Review (UPDATED 2025): Don't Buy Before You Read This!

A high-fat, low-carb diet most notably known for helping children with epilepsy.

Top Rated Diets of 2025
What is it?

The Ketogenic Diet emphasizes a high-fat, low-carbohydrate diet for many health benefits. The intended results are improved overall health, weight loss, relief from epilepsy, and many other reasons.

It’s fairlysimilar to other low-carbohydrate diets as well as the Atkins diet. The Ketogenic part of this diet makes it so the body uses ketone bodies instead of glucose as a primary fuel source. Usually the body relies on glucose to help provide energy and regulate the body. Ketones then become the main fuel source which in turn makes fat into fuel. Our experts have rated many diet plans and have found the 18Shake Diet is the most effective. It offers weight loss support via an appetite suppressing meal replacement shake and a stimulant free fat burning diet pill. More information about the 18Shake Diet can be found in the top 10 list provided here.

Do You Know the Best Diets of 2025?

The KetogenicDiet Ingredients and Side Effects

The kinds of foods one will eat can vary greatly, but the idea is to have a low amount of carbohydrates, high fat, and moderate protein.  On average, it’s suggested to limit carbohydrates to 30 grams a day, but 50 grams can be eatentostart with. Protein is recommended at around at one gram per pound of body weight. Meals will consist of large amounts of the following:

         • 25% Protein.

         • 5% Carbohydrates.

• 70% Fats in the form of avocado, olive oil, fatty fish, animal fats, coconut oil, pork rinds, full fat mayonnaise full fat sour cream, full fat milk, macadamia oil, ghee, red pam oil, palm shortening, duck fat, sesame oil, MCT oil, and much more.

It’s also recommended to find substitutes for things like sugar, flour, and other carbohydrate heavy things in the form of:

         • Monk fruit or Lu Han Guo.

         • Almond flour, coconut flour, and cacao powder.

         • Gluten free tamari sauce.

         • Dark chocolate.

         • Stevia.

         • Unsweetened coconut, almond, and cashew milk.

         • Unsweetened herbal teas, sparking water, and coffee.

It’s also advised to stick to eating low carbohydrate vegetables, some berries, and nuts but in moderation. Typically a keto meal will consist of meats, cheeses, vegetables, and full-fat milk. Though these kinds of foods are typically not seen as healthy for weight loss, the claim is that while on ketosis the body burns these fatty foods at a quicker rate. This has been debunked however by Arizona State University who ran a clinical study showing:

“The use of ketogenic diets for weight loss is not warranted”

This is because according to their study:

“KLC diet was associated with several adverse metabolic and emotional effects”

In their findings there were issuesrelated to health that included:

“ketogenic diets have been associated with adverse metabolic events including elevated LDL and cardiac complications”

There were many health issues seen with The Ketogenic Diet. There was a risk for increased bad cholesterol, heart complications, inflammation, and there was no benefit for weight loss as is claimed. For a comprehensive list of the top 10 ranked diet plans follow the link here.

The registered dietician Lisa Cimperman at the University Hospitals Case Medical Center said:

“most of the lost weight is water weight”

She also adds:

“Once your body enters ketosis, you also begin to lose muscle, become extremely fatigued, and eventually enter starvation mode”

According to her analysis, there are far too many negatives to this diet.  Follow the link cited here for a comprehensive top 10 list of weight loss diets.

The claim that water weight is the reason for weight loss means that no actual fat is lost .Carbohydrates store glycogen in the muscle and liver, which in turn can promote up to around 20 pounds of weight. While this does technically reduce the amount of weight one has, it’s not fat.

EDITOR’S TIP: Combine this diet with a proven meal replacement such as 18 Shake for better results.

The Ketogenic Diet Quality of Ingredients

Certain foods are emphasized which are not often recognized as being good for weight loss. While the foods allowed can be delicious, the issue is with the severe restriction of carbohydrates. This makes it impossible to enjoy bread, pasta, pastries, many fruits, certain nuts, fruit drinks, and many other foods. This can make it difficult to follow for some. It’s also known that once one breaks ketosis that going back into this state can be taxing on the body.

There are common symptoms known as the “keto flu” which are often experienced. This can include side effects such as:

         • Headaches, ill feelings, and fatigue,

         • Nausea, mood swings, and stomach pain.

         • Irritability, dizziness, and brain fog.

There have been multiple studies which have shown that The Ketogenic Diet can lead to many unwanted symptoms. One such study was performed by the University of Munich:

“Short-Termexposure to Low-Carbohydrate, High-Fat Diets Induces Low Bone Mineral Density and Reduces Bone Formation in Rats”

This means it can increase the risk for bone fractures, and that it had an overall negative impact on health. There are many potential issues which have been proven possible while on this diet. Click the link here to see a top 10 ranked diet plans list.

There is also a lack of long term studies showing whether or not this diet is safe and effective. Without first knowing the possible effects, it’s often not advised to try this diet out without medical supervision. There are many potential complications which can lead to serious symptoms, and this has been documented even in short term clinical reviews.

The Price and Quality of The Ketogenic Diet

The foods one can eat are moderate protein high fat foods with low allowances for carbohydrates. The overall price depends on where one sources their foods.

There are websites available which outline diet plans, and some feature more complicated recipes than others. For those who want to mimic carbohydrate foods there are substitutes using things like almond flour for meals like pizza and bread. However, these kinds of substitutes are often more expensive.

The overall quality of this diet has been heavilycriticized due to clinical studies showing how it can be potentially dangerous. Numerous scientific reviews have shown a possibility for increased instability, bone mineral loss, flu like symptoms, nausea, fatigue, decreased physical performance, difficulty concentrating, and much more. Our experts have rated the best diet plans for weight loss in one top 10 list.

Business of The Ketogenic Diet

There are many free resources online which describe The Ketogenic Diet. Some offer sample menus and tips while on this plan.

The body ends up using ketone bodies as a fuel source, therefore an actual metabolic change happens in the body. That’s why it has not been a patented diet.  The businesses who sell books or offer guidance offer tips and suggestions while using this plan. There are many different suggestions offered, and some make more complicated meals than others.

EDITOR’S TIP: The top 10 list of the best diets is available here.

Customer Opinions of The Ketogenic Diet

Many have tried this diet; here are some quotes from those who have used it:

“suffering from cramps, blood pressure surges, sleep disturbances”

“No longer term studies have been done regarding the safety of Ketogenic diet’s”

“ketogenic diet may cause side effects in some people”

“my cholesterol went up”

Some people did enjoy the diet and there were people who lost weight, but there were also issues related to health. Those who had their medicals and blood work done noticed they had higher levels of cholesterol, and that they had hidden issues that they would not have noticed without first getting tests performed.

There were also complaints associated with the “keto flu”. Side effects included headaches, nausea, difficulty concentrating and thinking, and many other symptoms.

For a list of the highest ranking 10 best diet plans follow the link provided here.

Conclusion - Does The KetogenicDiet Work?

The Ketogenic Diet has become popular recently due to its science based approach to overall health. By instead of using glucose as a fuel source, it’s made to help burn fat at a faster rate. There have been multiple clinical studiesshowing issues such as increased bad cholesterol, bone mineral loss, ill feelings, uncontrollable weight loss, and many other symptoms. Many people who have tried it often mention they have fatigue and brain fog symptoms. There are also no long term studies proving the safety of this diet. Far too many unanswered questions make it impossible to determine the overall quality of The Ketogenic Diet.

By reviewing many different diets our experts have found that the most effective solution for weight loss is the 18Shake Diet. It’s a combination of one appetite suppressing nutritionallybalanced meal replacement, and a stimulant free, natural extract derived diet pill. They have the combined effect of burning calories while replacing meals which can have high amounts of calories. Many people have left positive testimonials and reviews on the official website showing how beneficial it is.

The 18Shake Diet is supported by an entire 30 day risk free return. This makes it easy to make a return with no questions asked. Learn more information about what the 18Shake Diet has to offer by clicking the link here.

How Does The Ketogenic Diet Compare?
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charlene peppard

They dont care if you made a mistake all they care about is getting you to order. I made a mistake and ordered to much and less then 5 minutes after ordering. I tried to cancel but they dont cancel like that. 2 to 4 weeks to return your money with out even processing the order. Whatever read read read and then read again cause they will get u

posted Jul 6th, 2018 10:30 am

Brad F

As being a doctor, this diet is not a functional preform ace.
Bad for your heart and health

posted Dec 3rd, 2017 8:40 am


I think this review is promoting the 18shake diet. I think it is a fake review. Ketogenic has nothing to buy. It is free. So, something is rotten in Denmark.

posted Nov 8th, 2017 11:21 am


Anyone wanting to adopt the 'keto lifestyle' should take a look at this programme. It's fantastic. Has helped my lose 35kg so far without feeling like hard work. http://bit.ly/2wvttLn Click on the link & have a look.

posted Sep 19th, 2017 9:55 pm


Lost 40 lbs in 9 months. Size 20 to a size 12. I am never hungry. The mid day crash ceased to exist. My skin looks clearer, aches and pains from bad joints also improved. It is NOT a meat and butter diet (although plenty of that is incorporated). I eat more veggies now than I ever did on any other diet. I also find it very easy to eat at restaurants as meats and side salads are on almost every menu. The only caveat is that this is not a diet.... it's a lifestyle.

posted May 5th, 2017 10:46 pm


I've lost 47 pounds in 4.5 months on this diet, with almost no exercise and a little bit of portion control !
Before this diet, I had accepted the fact that I wouldn't be thin anymore, but this diet made it happen. My BMI has already moved from the "obese" category (>30) to the healthy weight category (20 - 25)
I love meats and also carbs, but I found it is not too hard to give up on carbs, as long as we stick to tasty alternatives. And there is plenty of that, especially if you love meat !

posted Apr 13th, 2017 1:04 pm


Whoever wrote this is full of shit! Better look into the current research idiot. I have lost 173 pounds. Dan that's a lot of water. I am also a veteran and have my blood work done every year. My numbers are perfect! Doctor's are amazed. [Except for the one who also follows a keto lifestyle. You might want to try something yourself before spouting off some stupid as outdated phony resesrch!

posted Apr 10th, 2017 1:08 am


This article is a bunch of nonsense. If you are interested in keto, do your research!! Notice the endorsements at the end? Use your intelligence please. Achieving a ketogenic state is free and not that hard. Research, research, research! The benefits are endless!

posted Feb 22nd, 2017 8:45 pm

Brian Murphy


sugar substitutes on ketogenic diet? can i use sugar substiues like sgar twin ,equal or splenda while on this diet

posted Apr 3rd, 2013 10:28 pm



Super-awesome. It's a diet that isn't a money-backed fad. It's simple science. Lost 10 lbs within a month on this.

posted Jul 20th, 2012 5:04 pm

Jon W


What is with this list of alleged "cons?" What is with this list of alleged "cons?" If you do some research on the topic, you will find that the -science- shows this list to largely be false. It is not hard on the liver or kidneys. It practically cures fatty liver disease, for one. Is a very viable solution to long-term weight loss. Fatigue phase can range from nonexistant to a week. Cholesterol and triglyceride profiles nearly ALWAYS greatly improve. Lacks vitamins and minerals? Take a vitamin and eat your vegetables. This biased review has no supportive evidence.

posted Mar 20th, 2012 1:37 am



This is working great for me for short term weight loss before a New Year's Day vacation!

posted Nov 25th, 2008 2:22 pm



This is working great for me for short term weight loss before a New Year's Day vacation!

posted Nov 25th, 2008 12:28 pm


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BACKGROUNDBACKGROUND Start the Diet Now Advertisement

Eat cheesecake and creamy chicken salad and lose weight? For some this may sound like a dream diet come true, but for others, eating this way is a medical necessity.

The Ketogenic Diet is a diet that is most often used for medical reasons to treat children with epilepsy, but it is also a regimented diet program that aids in weight loss. The diet is a high fat, high protein and very low carbohydrate program. The purpose of this tightly scheduled eating plan is to put the body in a state of ketosis so that it is using ketones for its primary energy source rather than glucose. Ketones are the by-products of fat being broken down.

Normally, our bodies run on glucose. Glucose can only be stored for 24 hours until it is used up. When all of the glucose is used up, your body then turns to stored fat as its energy source. The Ketogenic Diet keeps the body in this constant state of burning fat for energy. For reasons still unknown, this ketogenic state prevents seizures in children with epilepsy, thus it is often used as an alternative treatment to seizure-controlling medication.

The Ketogenic Diet has been around for many years and it is believed that The Atkins Diet is a moderate offshoot from this more rigid diet. It is comprised of 80% fat and the remaining 20% comes from protein and certain carbohydrates. Calories must also be monitored to ensure that you are not getting more calories than what your body needs to function.

Given its ability to place the body in a continual state of burning fat for energy, it has been used to help people lose weight. Body-builders often adopt a ketogenic diet to create a "cut" or chiseled look to their muscles.

Do You Know the Best Diet Pills of 2025?

  • The Ketogenic Diet is a drugless solution to refractory epilepsy in children
  • Can help in weight loss
  • Burns body fat
  • The Ketogenic Diet puts strain on liver and kidneys
  • Kidney and gall stones are a common side effect
  • Food plan is very rigid
  • Not a long-term solution to weight loss
  • Fatigue is a likely consequence during the first two weeks of the diet
  • Cholesterol and triglyceride levels will likely increase
  • Lacking vitamins and minerals
  • Eliminates most carbs
  • No exercise guidance

The Ketogenic Diet is a stringent plan to follow. Dieticians closely monitor those who are following it for medical reasons. Even without medical supervision, those following it to lose weight must pay special attention to the kinds of foods they are eating in order to ensure that the 4:1 ratio of fats to protein and carbohydrate is constantly being met.

Eighty percent of your calories will come from fatty foods like milk, cream, full-fat yogurt and butter. Sugar, grains, flour, cereals, rice and pasta are all excluded. Egg, tuna and chicken salads made with full-fat mayo, cheesecake, shakes and omelets are just some of the commonly-eaten foods while on the Ketogenic Diet.

A supplement is also needed since the diet is void of many essential nutrients and minerals.


There is no specific exercise program while on The Ketogenic Diet. The diet will likely cause fatigue and energy loss for the first few weeks. Therefore, an individual should workout according to how his or her energy state.

For those who are on the Ketogenic Diet for medical reasons, an exercise schedule will be worked out with his or her dietician.


Eating cheesy eggs and thick milkshakes may sound like an ideal diet to lose weight. The Ketogenic Diet, which has been around for over 80 years and most notably has helped thousands of children reduce their seizure episodes. In addition, it is sometimes used by people who want to lose weight or by body builders who want to refine their musculature before an event.

The Ketogenic Diet is not a long-term solution to weight loss. Even children who adopt this diet only do so for a maximum of two years. It is not only a very strict diet but it also comes with medical complications.

If you are looking to lose weight and the food plan behind this diet appeals to you, talk to your doctor first. You can also start researching the Atkins Diet, which is a more gentle form of the Ketogenic Diet that does not carry the great potential for all of the additional adverse side effects.

Common MisspellingsCommon Misspellings

Ketogenics Diet, Ketogenetic Diet, Epilepsy Diet, Epileptic Diet, Ketosis Diet, Ketones Diet

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