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- Product: A natural berry that grows in the Amazon rain forest
- Accessibility: Online and some retailers in pill form
- Diet Type: Dietary supplement
- Gender: Male and female
Do You Know the Best Diet Pills of 2025?
Just the mention of a product coming from the Amazon has the overtones of possessing mysterious health benefits. Acai (pronounced ah-sigh-ee) is the high-energy berry of a special Amazon palm tree. Its nutritional benefits are so powerful, Dr. Nicholas Perricone lists it as one of his top 10 Super Foods at Oprah's Web site.
Studies have shown that the Acai berry is one of the more nutritious and powerful foods on the planet. Harvested in the rainforests of Brazil, Acai tastes like a mix of berries and chocolate. Hidden within its purple pigment is what makes it the perfect energy fruit. Acai is packed full of antioxidants, amino acids and essential fatty acids. You probably won't find it in your local supermarket, but you may have better luck at health food stores, or from the many products springing up online.
The benefits of Acai are purported to be good for detoxing and maintaining optimal health for balancing your pH level. Proper pH balance is vital to our immune health and for disease prevention and correction. Other benefits you'll enjoy:
- Acai has a high concentration of antioxidants that combat premature aging. It has 10 times the antioxidants that red grapes have, and as much as 30 times the anthocyanins of red wine. Anthocyanins may have antioxidant effects, possibly fighting cancer, diabetes, and bacterial infections, to name a few.
- Healthy monounsaturated fats, dietary fiber and phytosterols together help promote cardiovascular and digestive health.
- An amino acid complex in conjunction with valuable trace minerals, help with muscular health.

- Research concludes that there appear to be significant benefits to Acai
- On Dr. Perricone's list of Super Foods
- Natural ingredients have disease-fighting qualities
- Increases energy
- Offers antioxidants and amino acids
- Good source of fiber
- Organic products available
- Many juices and other products available in major grocers
- Like other exotic products, Acai can be pricey
- Many imposters
Each Acai product will vary in its ingredients. Be sure to look for Acai products that are all-natural, and do not include a long list of other ingredients. Acai in its purest form is most effective.
Acai comes in many forms, including the whole berry, juices, powders, capsules and pills, food items and more.
Like any weight loss product, you should commit to a consistent exercise regimen. Be sure to look for Acai products that support a balanced and active lifestyle.
Exotic health foods, like the Acai berry, can provide untapped health benefits, if you can afford it. For whatever reason, these organic products are often on the steep side. But what else is more important than your health? If you can find room in your budget, a product like Acai is worth exploring.
Asai, Akai, Ackai, Acia, Acai Berry, Acaiberry, Acai Deit
User Feedback
(Page 16 of 28, 542 total comments)Virginia Weimer
-I cannot use this product because of other medication I have to take. Please cancel my membership and don't send me any more Acai Pure and do not bill my credit card for any more shipppments. Thank you.
posted Dec 29th, 2008 8:30 amRachel
+Everyone above who is complaining about the "free trial" and then having to pay should learn how to read the fine print. It says the price there and the details. Plus acai is mostly taken ground up and frozen with granola and guarana
posted Dec 29th, 2008 4:54 amsheila
-would not return my money charged me twice for 1 order. Yelled at me and hung up on me, never returned emails or phone calls.
posted Dec 28th, 2008 11:02 pmJen
-Do not order online! My credit card company denied the charge due to numerous complaints from other cardholders and closed my account immediately. They said the Co will charge your acct more than once but under different names. I got lucky!!!
posted Dec 28th, 2008 10:37 pmsarah
-The phone# listed for customer service puts you on hold, then hangs up. I had to change my credit card# in order to cancel service. What a scam.
posted Dec 28th, 2008 7:19 pmkim
-If you will read the fine print at the bottom of the ad under payment or privacy it states that you will be billed after 2 weeks the 88.95 + shipping and additionally every month therafter. It also states that products will not stop coming if return to sender is used. You also have to write to the company to cancel the charges
posted Dec 28th, 2008 6:57 pmJasmine
-The key is to EAT CLEAN! All this fad diet crap is all BS! Buy a book called the EAT CLEAN DIET. It shows you how to eat clean and has great recipes. Good luck.
posted Dec 28th, 2008 4:00 pmrash
-try to call to cancel it but phone does not work, i kept on calling, but no respond. but then they keep on charging my credit card, which is not good way to sale products, what a rep off
posted Dec 28th, 2008 2:03 pmmalisa
+If you use this product you will also have to change your whole diet as well.... i eat yogurt in the morning with a pill, salad for lunch and protien for dinner. If i get hungry i drink water. I also have been doing Pilates on my free time. This is not a scam its a matter of detication and not being lazy .... i have lost 50 pounds.
posted Dec 28th, 2008 1:25 amLindsay
-charged a total of 200 dollars for something i tried to cancel but was not able to. had to cancel my credit card and block merchant from further charges.
posted Dec 24th, 2008 11:30 amDO NOT BUY A "FREE TRIAL" - Instead, go to a vitamin shoppe.
posted Dec 23rd, 2008 6:06 pmAshley
-It sucks,it did nothing,as a matter of fact i gained wait! its a joke and a rip off!!
posted Dec 23rd, 2008 2:19 pmLinda
+I have been drinking acai juice (2 tablespoons) and the rest pomegranate juice in a SHOT glass. I take it first thing in the morning 45 minutes before I eat anything. I have notice more energy. What I really LOVE is my libido has really increased ! My hubby loves it too! I do have increased energy, but have not lost weight. I believe it helps with hormones. One draw back is that if you take too much, you will get the runs.
posted Dec 23rd, 2008 11:03 amEeniepen
+A lone does NOT help to lose weight
posted Dec 23rd, 2008 10:30 amGives energy Cheaper to Buy at Sam's Club or Gnc
Walmart, Shop rite Acme sells it as a tea that really easy to use and taste great
+For all of you saying that thye keep charging your credit card... its never a good idea to give your cc# or bank info online anyways..if you wnat to purchase something online you should get one of those prepaid visa or mastercard gift cards then you dont have to worry about them continuint to take money from you..duh!
posted Dec 23rd, 2008 10:19 amalma
-oKAY i'M OFF. I just checked my bank account and you deducted $69.95 with emaliing or giving me notice!!!!!!! I don't want your product and I want my monday credited back to my bank account by Monday. in Texas!!!
posted Dec 20th, 2008 9:48 pmdarla
+i have really been trying to research this product!! i just had a baby 4 months ago and i am breastfeeding i have lost some wieght but now i am at a stopping point and i need help!! is this poduct safe to use while breast feeding???
posted Dec 18th, 2008 5:22 pmdani
+I really like acai berry. I know others sometimes report not feeling or achieving success with it, but it may be the quality of the particular product they purchased. I am in my first week, and I can feel a definite improvement in my energy level and alertness. So far, I love this! :)
posted Dec 18th, 2008 9:57 amKDN
-I just placed my order and i hope that doesn't happen to me with the credit card problem. I really don't want to be charged for something with out someone not asking me first. It better not happen, that's all i got to say. I'm a bride-to-be and really you don't want to piss me off!!!!!
posted Dec 17th, 2008 1:07 pmKiraly
-Tried Acai Berry Supreme. Not only did it not work but they company sent product and kept charging my credit card until I cancelled my credit card. Would not let me return product and if it came back just marked "return to sender" they would not credit my card. Huge rip off and I have $200 in charges for something I do not want or like.
posted Dec 17th, 2008 7:08 am