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- Product: A natural berry that grows in the Amazon rain forest
- Accessibility: Online and some retailers in pill form
- Diet Type: Dietary supplement
- Gender: Male and female
Do You Know the Best Diet Pills of 2025?
Just the mention of a product coming from the Amazon has the overtones of possessing mysterious health benefits. Acai (pronounced ah-sigh-ee) is the high-energy berry of a special Amazon palm tree. Its nutritional benefits are so powerful, Dr. Nicholas Perricone lists it as one of his top 10 Super Foods at Oprah's Web site.
Studies have shown that the Acai berry is one of the more nutritious and powerful foods on the planet. Harvested in the rainforests of Brazil, Acai tastes like a mix of berries and chocolate. Hidden within its purple pigment is what makes it the perfect energy fruit. Acai is packed full of antioxidants, amino acids and essential fatty acids. You probably won't find it in your local supermarket, but you may have better luck at health food stores, or from the many products springing up online.
The benefits of Acai are purported to be good for detoxing and maintaining optimal health for balancing your pH level. Proper pH balance is vital to our immune health and for disease prevention and correction. Other benefits you'll enjoy:
- Acai has a high concentration of antioxidants that combat premature aging. It has 10 times the antioxidants that red grapes have, and as much as 30 times the anthocyanins of red wine. Anthocyanins may have antioxidant effects, possibly fighting cancer, diabetes, and bacterial infections, to name a few.
- Healthy monounsaturated fats, dietary fiber and phytosterols together help promote cardiovascular and digestive health.
- An amino acid complex in conjunction with valuable trace minerals, help with muscular health.

- Research concludes that there appear to be significant benefits to Acai
- On Dr. Perricone's list of Super Foods
- Natural ingredients have disease-fighting qualities
- Increases energy
- Offers antioxidants and amino acids
- Good source of fiber
- Organic products available
- Many juices and other products available in major grocers
- Like other exotic products, Acai can be pricey
- Many imposters
Each Acai product will vary in its ingredients. Be sure to look for Acai products that are all-natural, and do not include a long list of other ingredients. Acai in its purest form is most effective.
Acai comes in many forms, including the whole berry, juices, powders, capsules and pills, food items and more.
Like any weight loss product, you should commit to a consistent exercise regimen. Be sure to look for Acai products that support a balanced and active lifestyle.
Exotic health foods, like the Acai berry, can provide untapped health benefits, if you can afford it. For whatever reason, these organic products are often on the steep side. But what else is more important than your health? If you can find room in your budget, a product like Acai is worth exploring.
Asai, Akai, Ackai, Acia, Acai Berry, Acaiberry, Acai Deit
User Feedback
(Page 12 of 28, 542 total comments)Peri Clark
+I signed up for one of the free trial offers and didn't they ended up charging me for 3 separate orders... Needless to say it was an unpleasant big hassle to get it all fixed. It took 3 months!!! I really did like the Acai Cleanse stuff as it I did loose weight. I just did some searching and found a site that apparently trys the different programs and reviews them. I ended up signing up again about a month ago and the company I used actually called me to offer a flat fee month to month program instead of auto billing me. I hope, for those who want to use try the different acai diets, you can find something that works for you.
posted Mar 3rd, 2009 11:14 pm- Peri
+ive been on the pill for a couple days now. i feel more alert and able to sleep. but heard from the customer service rep that sold it to me that it does not aid in weight loss.
posted Mar 3rd, 2009 9:05 pmVicki
I too got messed up in the free trial offer. I read the terms to the auto program. I received my free offer and then cancelled in plenty of time to stop any future auto shipments. Got charged in January and February. I was told to report my card stolen and a new one reissued. What a pain!! If anyone wants to try this product, I'd recommend going to GNC or a local health food store. Product works the same and is MUCH more reasonable cost wise. I love this stuff, and would only purchase through a store now.
posted Mar 2nd, 2009 5:34 pmMatt
There are a lot of scams out there, and if you are one of the poor people that got scammed, why not do your part to put them out of business?
posted Mar 2nd, 2009 8:28 amMy suggestion: Google "Acai diet" - when the results come up, start clicking on the ad ("Sponsored Links") results in the right hand column. I'll click on each ad about 10-15 times.
Why do this? Google ads can cost advertisers a lot of money. If everyone starts clicking on their ads (but obviously not buying anything), the scammer is going to have one HUGE Google ad bill.
Have fun!
+I loved this product. I have lost 18 pounds so far on it. I cancelled the day i ordered and i never got charged anything. They were happy to cancel my order because i just told them that i was not satisfied. I love it and now i am going to GNC or any other store to get it for a lot cheaper =)
posted Mar 1st, 2009 12:24 pmLiz
+Hey guys, dont buy it online, unfortunately, lots of people already have, thinking it was free. Instead, go to gnc or another health store and buy it there, like I did. I bought it and I noticed a difference! I sleep better and have more control with appetite, even my skin looks better. I've only been on it a week. I have high blood pressure and anxiety, and have to be careful when I take new products, but so far, my blood pressure has been fine, and no anxiety espisodes. It's seems safe to me.
posted Mar 1st, 2009 1:26 amThank you
Thank you all for letting me know the actuall facts.. I was almost there but thanks to all of you who posted your experience. I guess what I am doing now, which is excersising and the green tea pil, is good!! Thanks again!!!
posted Feb 28th, 2009 10:07 pmmmmmmmmisssyyyy
-THIS IS HOW I HOPEFULLY TOOK CARE OF THIS::: I got caught up in the Acai Berry - Colon Cleanse scam as well. I had three $83.00+ charges on my credit card before I realized what was happening. The following is what I did and so far it is has been successful. I started with contacting the Better Business Bureau in Florida for FWM Laboratories. Then I contacted my credit card company and submitted fraud alerts for the three charges. I also had my credit card company issue me a new number (as if I had lost my credit card) I then called the numbers listed on my credit card statement for each company (2 charges were same company and one charge was the other company) and was able to get through to a person on each of the two numbers and received a cancellation number on the one (from a very foreign sounding person) and was told I would receive an email confirmation on the other one. Never received it - ended up calling back and getting an email address. I emailed the company to confirm my cancellation and to get a return address to return the product. After getting a lecture by email on how I had agreed to the auto delivery program they told me they would reimburse me half of the 80 something charge and I could keep the product. (Yeah like I would ever take any of those pills now!!!). To date, my credit card company had deducted the three charges. However, I am still going to check my credit card online daily just in case. That's how I did it. I covered as many bases as I could. Good luck to all. FYI - The two numbers I called ((Acaiberry&lifecleans 866-949-0138)) and ((Ids*max Colon 866-8707042 Ca))
posted Feb 28th, 2009 8:04 pmJessica
+I like it and it is my first time trying it,
posted Feb 24th, 2009 7:11 amAnne Jackson
Please do not send me any more of your product. It may be a great product, but I can not afford to pay $79.95, I called and ask not to be sent any more product and there is another charge on the 18th of Feb.. When contacted regarding this product, I agreed to pay s& h for the sample only. the next thing I found all of these charges on my account. I just lost my husband and Iam grieving. Please leave me alone. Thank you
posted Feb 23rd, 2009 10:47 pmciara
I ordered it last week! When does it come in??
posted Feb 22nd, 2009 11:13 pmDale
-DON'T DO IT!! THIS IS A RIP-OFF and a SCAM!! Not only did I not lose weight but it mademe feel ill.
posted Feb 22nd, 2009 1:54 pmTo add insult to injury, the big ad of 30-day free trail is reduced to 15 days in fine print. THEN, after I cancelled and stopped in future shipments, I was still billed $82.22 -- for nothing since I never received another shipment. AND they refuse to credit my account. I have filed a dispute with the credit card company. DON'T DO IT -- Don't get ripped off like I did!!
I love acai!
posted Feb 21st, 2009 5:00 pmEver since I got my two free trials of acai and probiotic from I have felt great and I lost 15 pounds
Irina Arkhangelski
-I really got upset of not having any changes in 3 weeks, and when I called
posted Feb 20th, 2009 12:54 pmto cancell my account you already charged my credit card which is not
agreable. If that is free trial send my money back.
Rebecca Ireland
+Have been using Acai Berry diet for a little over a week and have gotten much more energy, and don't feel as hungry; which was something I thought would never happen with me. I decided to check my weight just to see if I had been losing any pounds and found in only 9 days have lost 8 pounds! Very happy with this!
posted Feb 18th, 2009 10:51 pmd stewart
-I wish to have my 78.81 refunded. The trial pills did me no good. they only constipated me and i had to stop taking them. pls send cancellation# to my email address. I called 2/16/09 and was promised a cancellation # but have not rec'd it.
posted Feb 18th, 2009 9:06 pmalex
you people who have tried this free trial should learn and keep in mind that THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS A FREE LUNCH which means that NOTHING IN THIS WORLD IS will end up paying for it sooner or later.....
posted Feb 18th, 2009 12:04 amBecky
I went to the website for the "free trial". At the VERY bottom of the screen there is a link for "terms and conditions". This is where you will find the information about being billed for the next shipment after the "free trial". I'm with you guys, something that is free should be exactly that, not free for now, but we'll charge you later.
posted Feb 16th, 2009 3:25 pmRhonda
-I was going to order it but as I scrolled down to the bottom of the website I did see the fine print and closed out the web page. Better off buying at a local vitamin or nutrional store! The products ARE Good for your health - just not your wallet online!! !
posted Feb 16th, 2009 1:58 pmMargi
-I see many of you, have done as I have, these acai berry 'free sample' ads, are deceiving. I have learned this the hard way. If you have ordered the free sample, only to find your credit card billed for some large amount a month down the line, I urge you to go to this website, and report it. Free Samples, should be just that, Free, no auto billing down the line. There are many, many sites like this, if we all complain, the laws will be changed. Please go to this link, if you thought you were getting a free sample, only to be billed at a later date, for a 'refill'. This is the only way to this. Whether or not it works, it is still deceiving, and it should be up to us to decide, if we want to re-order, not theirs.
posted Feb 15th, 2009 11:03 pm