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- Product: A natural berry that grows in the Amazon rain forest
- Accessibility: Online and some retailers in pill form
- Diet Type: Dietary supplement
- Gender: Male and female
Do You Know the Best Diet Pills of 2025?
Just the mention of a product coming from the Amazon has the overtones of possessing mysterious health benefits. Acai (pronounced ah-sigh-ee) is the high-energy berry of a special Amazon palm tree. Its nutritional benefits are so powerful, Dr. Nicholas Perricone lists it as one of his top 10 Super Foods at Oprah's Web site.
Studies have shown that the Acai berry is one of the more nutritious and powerful foods on the planet. Harvested in the rainforests of Brazil, Acai tastes like a mix of berries and chocolate. Hidden within its purple pigment is what makes it the perfect energy fruit. Acai is packed full of antioxidants, amino acids and essential fatty acids. You probably won't find it in your local supermarket, but you may have better luck at health food stores, or from the many products springing up online.
The benefits of Acai are purported to be good for detoxing and maintaining optimal health for balancing your pH level. Proper pH balance is vital to our immune health and for disease prevention and correction. Other benefits you'll enjoy:
- Acai has a high concentration of antioxidants that combat premature aging. It has 10 times the antioxidants that red grapes have, and as much as 30 times the anthocyanins of red wine. Anthocyanins may have antioxidant effects, possibly fighting cancer, diabetes, and bacterial infections, to name a few.
- Healthy monounsaturated fats, dietary fiber and phytosterols together help promote cardiovascular and digestive health.
- An amino acid complex in conjunction with valuable trace minerals, help with muscular health.

- Research concludes that there appear to be significant benefits to Acai
- On Dr. Perricone's list of Super Foods
- Natural ingredients have disease-fighting qualities
- Increases energy
- Offers antioxidants and amino acids
- Good source of fiber
- Organic products available
- Many juices and other products available in major grocers
- Like other exotic products, Acai can be pricey
- Many imposters
Each Acai product will vary in its ingredients. Be sure to look for Acai products that are all-natural, and do not include a long list of other ingredients. Acai in its purest form is most effective.
Acai comes in many forms, including the whole berry, juices, powders, capsules and pills, food items and more.
Like any weight loss product, you should commit to a consistent exercise regimen. Be sure to look for Acai products that support a balanced and active lifestyle.
Exotic health foods, like the Acai berry, can provide untapped health benefits, if you can afford it. For whatever reason, these organic products are often on the steep side. But what else is more important than your health? If you can find room in your budget, a product like Acai is worth exploring.
Asai, Akai, Ackai, Acia, Acai Berry, Acaiberry, Acai Deit
User Feedback
(Page 8 of 28, 542 total comments)Trish
There is no such thing as FREE. If you like it and decide to try it you are charged for the so called "Free" trial. You are also enrolled in Live Lean with a $25 monthly fee ... did not learn about this until I received my credit card statement. Live Lean claims to have emailed me info with my user name and password. I received nothing but it was not up for discussion. RIP OFF!!!!!!!!
posted Aug 14th, 2009 1:28 pmannette
-I have hasd the same issue as many of you. I ordered the free trail and got charged shipping charges which I expected. Package came via mail and I ended up also paying Customs on it of $25.00. then only to discover they charged my credit card $132.80 at the end of the month. Tried emailing them and of course they don't receive email. Finally got thru on the not Toll free number to the UK. God only knows how much that will cost. They agreed to cancel immediately but I am not taking any chances Will be cancelling credit card so that it doesn't happen again.
posted Aug 13th, 2009 2:43 pmAlso i took the pills(2 pills a day) I followed diet Mainly fruits and Vegetables with low amount of meats. And guess what No weight loss. Not even 1/2 lb. I had major constipation as well as major pains in stomach. Stopped taking pills and no more pain.
Tried to find side effects on internet of the acaiberry and the are saying there are none expect wight loss. Don't find that to be true. They really need to update their info.
-the aciaberry is a scam i dont care what you people say they charge your credit card multiple times in one month of 87.13 this has got to be a crime!!!! and this is america huh
posted Aug 11th, 2009 8:07 pmMARIE
posted Aug 9th, 2009 12:17 amRene
I also tried the "Acai Vitality" ... I saw the 30 day supply (60 capsule pills) that they give you a free trial of for a 4.95 shipping fee.
posted Aug 6th, 2009 4:31 pmEven better, I noticed it is just pure Acai Berry and 4:1 extract, so it is even more potent than I thought it would be.
I did have to wait 6 days to get my shipment but I started taking it right away which was around July 8th., and I can tell you what I noticed so far.
I have lots more energy and my skin looks much brighter (the skin benefit is a plus) . I have also lost 4 pounds, but I don't know if it is because i have more enrgy and I'm running around more, or if it's completely due to the AcaiVitality 4:1 extract.
I have 26 more pounds to go, and I will post again in a couple of weeks to verify how it's going.
BTW - the kind I got was AcaiVitality
I would like to tell anyone that decides to order ANYTHING on line please get a prepaid credit card from your bank. That way these morons are not accessing your account any time they want. The prepaid card is less than 5.00 and saves you the trouble of canceling your credit cards. My bank recommended this to me and I put just enough to cover what I wanted to pay for the trial they have no recorse I just tossed the prepaid when I was done. Can't charge an account if your card is not attached to an account :)
posted Jul 23rd, 2009 6:32 pmcaty
i am very nervous about ordering this product because i have seen both amazing success stories and also awful reviews from some people. i am 16 almost 17 and i have tried to loose weight. i am also the type of person that has to find out for myself, so i think i will still order it but there i have to admitt there is some fishy stuff going on with some of the success stories. i found a lady's success story and then found the same lady with a different name,town,state on another web site. but you can tell which stories are fake or not because the ones that are have a WARNING WAIT YOU CAN ORDER THE ACAIBERRY PRODUCT WITH ANOTHER DISCOUNT message if you try to navigate from the site. i just hope that it works because i really need to loose weight. lets hope for the best. thank you so your information.
posted Jul 20th, 2009 3:39 pmMichelle
Do not order online! I just went to my local grocery store and found 60 tablets - all natural 1000 mg. for $11. Also GNC is carrying it as well.
posted Jul 17th, 2009 12:29 pmErnestine
-After taking Acadi for 1 week, I experinence 3 bowel movements per day however, I got a rash across my abdomen, which spread to my hips accompanied by an itching. I called Acidia 1-800-943-3083 I can get through to cancel the order after accepting the free trial. I will take matters in my hands to prevent them from billing my account.
posted Jul 15th, 2009 8:14 amDan
Be careful. My brother ordered this free trial and within a couple days they added 2 months worth on his credit card. When he called the number, it didn't exist. He finally had to call his credit card company to withhold payment. He did lose the 1st month because they already paid. This is the stuff Oprah endorses. Look at the facts people. Acai is "WAY" over priced. Blueberries do the same thing.
posted Jul 5th, 2009 7:58 pmPS
I'm glad I read comments before ordering free trial!!!!!!!!!! thanks everyone.
posted Jun 20th, 2009 1:47 pmfran
+Why order from the internet, I went to a health food store and talked to a professional about it , and got 2 bottles for for 40.00
posted Jun 14th, 2009 10:40 amlehlers
-I just ordered this yesterday for the $2.95 s/h charge. I decided to read up on this a little more and THANK GOD I did. I immediately called and canceled the order. The phone # that was listed on my bank statement was 1-800-226-2804. Hopefully I canceled it in time, my bank statement only showed the $2.95 charge so hopefully I caught this terrible mess in time! Thank you all for your input!
posted Jun 9th, 2009 1:38 pmlia
+Let me begin by saying that I had the same problem--even after I cancelled the shipping of additional bottles of both the acai and detox stuff, they were still charging me for this. Thankfully, my credit card company contacted me, and I was able to cancel my card and get a new one. This sucks, but like others have said, there are more reputable places and websites to acquire similar products.
posted Jun 2nd, 2009 11:48 pmNow for the good news! I was a size 12, and although I don't eat too much junk, every once in a while I get very hungry and pig out. My irregular eating habits meant my metabolism was very low.
I changed my pattern of eating a little but not too much. I ate leaner protein, drank fat free smoothies with protein powder, etc., and took the pills of course. I also did some light exercise--ab workouts, walking, etc.--and not every day. I realized today that i dropped to a size 8, and I didn't even notice it.
So these products do help, but they won't perform miracles. You've got to compromise a little, and you'll see the difference, like I did.
nothing in life is free! always know that
posted Jun 2nd, 2009 8:00 pmlona
-The phone number is 1-866-943-3083 I just called and told them I did not want the product and they gave me a return address. I dont have enough on my credit card for them to keep billing me. So the Joke is on them!
posted Jun 2nd, 2009 3:27 pmAlysha
+Yes the free trails are a scam, I had the same problem. However, I bought (about $30.00) a bottle of the acai berry pills ( is excellent) along with a colon cleanse program ( and it worked fantasitcally. I just watched what I ate and illiminated red meat for 2 months and lost almost 50 lbs. I went from a size 12 to a size 5 and I have never been happier. There is no such thing as a magic pill that will make you lose weight no matter what you eat. Easting right and exercising in combination with the acai berry and colon cleanse can really boost your weight loss potential.
posted May 28th, 2009 11:34 amccwgetskinny
The ACAI and cleanse combination is wonderful...however...I need a forum to share some truth and testimony about both products. First the ACAI supplement is a wonderful ANTIOXIDANT like many other antioxidant fruits in the world. The formulation of the "Garden Greens" line carried in GNC has surpassed many others in quality and price. Secondly, the cleansing component of this "diet" is misconceived. One will not lose "fat" from a cleanse. One will decrease his/her weight by the elimination of toxin/waste in the intestines. In plain english...the weight one losses is backed up POOP flushed out of your intestines. To achieve an optimum cleanse of toxins/poop in ones system, and ultimately prepare your body to absorb the proper levels of nutrition/supplementation one needs to partner the use of ACAI with a "COMPLETE BODY CLEANSE" from GNC. The complete body cleanse(not referred to as a COLON CLEANSE) will provide your body with a thorough rejuvenation of your body's digestive, gastro, liver and kidney functions. Try this combination, which I have done successfully for the past 3mnths. You will be amazed at well your entire digestive, blood circulation, liver and kidney function is improved.
posted May 27th, 2009 11:08 pmPenny
If anyone is interested in trying the Acai and colon cleanse diet, you should check on Puritans Pride. They have a special on now for both products together. Buy one, get one free and the package deal is only $36.00. I did a lot of research and found the same things as you all. It might work; it might not, but I do know it won't hurt to try as your getting antioxidants and cleansing your colon, both things a body needs. I will try it, but I am not falling for that pay later crap on the websites. We'll see what happens. Puritans even has a special if you buy two for 60 some odd dollars, you get 3 free, but I couldn't see buying all that if it doesn't work. I'll try it for a few weeks, then reorder. Thanks for all of your input.
posted May 27th, 2009 4:35 pmGINA
THE PHONE NUMBER IS 8668349155 EMAIL ADDRESS SUPPORT@[email protected]
posted May 26th, 2009 5:27 pm