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- Product: A natural berry that grows in the Amazon rain forest
- Accessibility: Online and some retailers in pill form
- Diet Type: Dietary supplement
- Gender: Male and female
Do You Know the Best Diet Pills of 2025?
Just the mention of a product coming from the Amazon has the overtones of possessing mysterious health benefits. Acai (pronounced ah-sigh-ee) is the high-energy berry of a special Amazon palm tree. Its nutritional benefits are so powerful, Dr. Nicholas Perricone lists it as one of his top 10 Super Foods at Oprah's Web site.
Studies have shown that the Acai berry is one of the more nutritious and powerful foods on the planet. Harvested in the rainforests of Brazil, Acai tastes like a mix of berries and chocolate. Hidden within its purple pigment is what makes it the perfect energy fruit. Acai is packed full of antioxidants, amino acids and essential fatty acids. You probably won't find it in your local supermarket, but you may have better luck at health food stores, or from the many products springing up online.
The benefits of Acai are purported to be good for detoxing and maintaining optimal health for balancing your pH level. Proper pH balance is vital to our immune health and for disease prevention and correction. Other benefits you'll enjoy:
- Acai has a high concentration of antioxidants that combat premature aging. It has 10 times the antioxidants that red grapes have, and as much as 30 times the anthocyanins of red wine. Anthocyanins may have antioxidant effects, possibly fighting cancer, diabetes, and bacterial infections, to name a few.
- Healthy monounsaturated fats, dietary fiber and phytosterols together help promote cardiovascular and digestive health.
- An amino acid complex in conjunction with valuable trace minerals, help with muscular health.

- Research concludes that there appear to be significant benefits to Acai
- On Dr. Perricone's list of Super Foods
- Natural ingredients have disease-fighting qualities
- Increases energy
- Offers antioxidants and amino acids
- Good source of fiber
- Organic products available
- Many juices and other products available in major grocers
- Like other exotic products, Acai can be pricey
- Many imposters
Each Acai product will vary in its ingredients. Be sure to look for Acai products that are all-natural, and do not include a long list of other ingredients. Acai in its purest form is most effective.
Acai comes in many forms, including the whole berry, juices, powders, capsules and pills, food items and more.
Like any weight loss product, you should commit to a consistent exercise regimen. Be sure to look for Acai products that support a balanced and active lifestyle.
Exotic health foods, like the Acai berry, can provide untapped health benefits, if you can afford it. For whatever reason, these organic products are often on the steep side. But what else is more important than your health? If you can find room in your budget, a product like Acai is worth exploring.
Asai, Akai, Ackai, Acia, Acai Berry, Acaiberry, Acai Deit
User Feedback
(Page 4 of 28, 542 total comments)basamgymnast
Don't do it. I ordered this and after the free trial I cancelled it. The next month they sent me (2) bottles, and when I called them out on it they said "sorry" we will credit your card within 5 business days. Day 4 and no credit yet. Liars
posted Apr 29th, 2010 9:16 amJJ
Definitely do NOT sign up for the free trial offer listed on They are scammers! They claim you will only be charged less than $5 for the free trial, but then they charge $158!! I canceled immediately and I'll be going to my local CVS instead. Wish I had found this site before I signed up for the un *free* trial.
posted Apr 28th, 2010 5:30 pmpaula
+purchased at walmart, and it does work , acaitrim brazilian diet aid
posted Apr 28th, 2010 5:25 pmLexus
I saw the reveiw from the channel 7 lady and decided to give acai berry and colon clense together a try. But right under her reveiw was the price which was 1 something down and some money a month also for each product. So I went to my local GNC store because I didnt feel like I should have to spend large amounts of money to loose weight. So I picked up an acai berry dietary supplment and a colon cleanser and have been taking it for a week now. I lost four pounds! I stomach is very trimmed, I can fit into my size 5 jeans again, I have plenty of energy and my appetite is gone. Sometimes I have to make myself eat because I dont think about food as much anymore. Hope this helps! Good Luck!
posted Apr 26th, 2010 12:05 pmmichael
+well best diet is to try english rubarth plus acai mixed
posted Apr 12th, 2010 5:56 pmtea
-The Better Business Bureau's Warnings
posted Apr 12th, 2010 4:22 pmThose "free" 14-day trial offers for "super food" diet supplements claiming celebrity endorsements may be too good to be true, according to the Better Business Bureau.
The bureau released a statement this January warning consumers to be wary of online sales offering acai berry-related weight loss products, saying the marketing of these products is often misleading. The bureau said it has received "thousands" of complaints from consumers about online sales of acai berry products.
In a scheme called "negative option" advertising, dozens of companies nationwide offer "free" trials of acai diet products, claiming endorsements from Oprah Winfrey, Rachael Ray and others, but then charge month after month unless the consumer cancels the order, according to the bureau.
"BBB [the Better Business Bureau] can't speak to the restorative or weight-loss properties of acai-based products, but we are taking companies to task for their misleading sales and marketing practices," bureau spokesman Steve Cox said in a statement.
"Many businesses across the country are using the same selling model for their acai products: They lure customers in with claimed celebrity endorsements and free trial offers, and then lock them in by making it extremely difficult to cancel the automatic delivery of more acai products every month," he said in the release.
The endorsements are also misleading, according to the bureau, and some lawyers representing those celebrities have already gone after these online companies.
"Consumers should be aware that Oprah Winfrey is not associated with nor does she endorse any acai berry product or online solicitation of such products. Attorneys for Harpo are pursuing any companies that claim such an affiliation," said Don Halcombe, spokesman for Harpo Productions, Winfrey's production company. Rachael Ray has also complained to companies that falsely claim she has endorsed their products.
Consumers can check to get a "reliability report" on particular companies before purchasing an online product.
"These companies are simply abusing general acai berry endorsements from well-known, trusted celebrities by using it as a tacit endorsement of their company and products specifically," added the bureau's Cox.
"Consumers trust Oprah and unfortunately, if they are tricked into believing that she is putting her stamp of approval on a product then they are definitely more likely to purchase it," he said.
-I have been using the capsules for like 6 days now i got the one from vitamin world it has green tea....its useless it kinda curbed my appetite. it doesnt help me with #2 i have severe IBS i am constipated all the time...not to be gross... but it doesnt do anything for me! useless!! actually my mom bought one without green tea that one gives more energy!!! i bought the good one thinking it has green tea its prob the lady who works at vitamin world told me that the green tea one works better... FALSE!!!!!!!!
posted Apr 7th, 2010 1:33 pmBrandie
hey... i just got this acai trim.. im not sure about it.. i just want to lose 10 lbs or so... can anyone tell me more about it?
posted Apr 7th, 2010 2:04 amjohn
-it sucks
posted Apr 5th, 2010 4:10 pmCarrie
I've had it for about a week now and ive seen a little result. Not much. Ive noticed ive been getting cramps alot more ever since starting these pills and you tend to have to use the restroom more than usual. Before the pills i'd go #2 about every other day. Now its like twice a day.
posted Apr 5th, 2010 11:21 amTessa
+First, it states very clearly that this is a dietary AID, not a weight loss pill. Also, a cleanse generally means that you will spend some time in the bathroom getting all of the toxins out of your body.
posted Mar 31st, 2010 3:05 amSecondly, never buy anything online that can be bought easily and cheaply at your local Wal-Mart or CVS(I got mine for less than $10 at Wal-Mart).
I have been using this product for 2 months and have found it to be effective. I noticed an immediate decrease in my appetite and an increase to my energy levels. I also exercise regularly 3 times a week and eat healthy foods. With this in mind, I have in two months time lost 16 lbs. I feel great and as funny as it sounds, my skin is radiant and my hair looks glossy now. This is a huge plus after having three children, to see my body going back to something of what it was before I had them. Now I just need something that will actually work on stretch marks! I would really recommend this product to people to add it to their regular dieting routine paired with healthy eating and regular light exercise.
Hillary Williams
In Acai you get the healing power of many phytonutrients in one delicious package. There�??s no disputing the health benefits of anthocyanins and essential fatty acids. Both have proven to be powerful nutritional tools in the quest for good health. However, Acai is one food that delivers it all�??plus other healthy nutrients like fiber, phytosterols, and vitamins C and E. For centuries, it�??s been a staple for people in Brazil, yet virtually unknown to anyone outside the region�??until now. For some information you can visit this site..
posted Mar 24th, 2010 4:59 amJESSICA P
posted Mar 17th, 2010 5:29 pmbarbara jankowski
-this is a shame it does not work .
posted Mar 13th, 2010 3:27 pmShar
-I would not recommend this diet. I tried it and the reason I lost weight was because it gave me such horrible diarrhea that I couldn't leave the house. I had to stop taking it.
posted Mar 8th, 2010 3:33 pmker
-it did not do anything like it said...very disappointed!
posted Mar 3rd, 2010 10:02 pmmelzz
why are yall ordering it off the enternet??? go to the store and get it so you dont have the scams
posted Mar 3rd, 2010 9:35 pmMary
Ryan, How can I reach you to find out what product you sell?
posted Feb 28th, 2010 8:56 amNancy
+I bought it at cvs for 10 dollars and it has worked for me. i been just doing my daily activities and it has been working. most people at my job, were already taking it and they got results and so have i. so far withouth exercise, i have notice a real difference. believe me or not it really doesn't matter to me, but for only 10 bucks and 2 pills daily, i am seeing results in this pill more than others. i would recommend it, but hey who iam i. Just try yourself and see, you have nothing to lose but some wieght.
posted Feb 27th, 2010 2:49 amJanet
-DECEPTION. Bought it online after reading the blog about the mother. Ordered it online. Gives sparks of energy--then ur tired ALL DAY and depressed/dragging. Works for the first week, now im GAINING WEIGHT and have massive headaches. People probably comment after the first week, but now im on my third and I am tired!! Im done with this. Its hard to get through the line and cancel. And they take forever sending emails (and the product) out to you.. scam???!! Doesnt work in the long run.
posted Feb 18th, 2010 10:57 am