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A new drug that's being tested on animals for eliminating fat cells.

Top Rated Diet Pills of 2025
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  • Established: 2011
  • Founder: Dr. Wadih Arap and Renata Pasqualini
  • Accessibility: Not yet available
  • Diet Type: Diet and cancer pill
  • Gender: Male and female

Do You Know the Best Diet Pills of 2025?


Adipotide is a new drug that is showing some promise in the area of obesity research. This drug was initially created as a cancer treatment designed to starve cancer cells of a blood supply so they would stop growing. The effects of Adipotide have shown that the drug actually starves fat cells of blood forcing them to die and be reabsorbed into the body. Initial tests were done on rats and then moved on to monkeys. The results from testing on rats showed a 30 percent decrease in body weight. After four weeks of daily injections of Adipotide followed by four weeks of non-treatment, 10 obese female rhesus monkeys lost an average of 11 percent of their body weight and 39 percent of fat deposits. Most of the loss was experienced during the non-treatment period.

The news isn’t all great where this drug is concerned though. Some of the main negative side effects to this drug included dehydration and small kidney lesions, which left untreated could lead to kidney failure. Once the drug was discontinued, these problems disappeared. However, as the drug progresses to human clinical trials, these side effects will need to be dealt with. Adipotide is still a long way from being available for purchase, but the initial studies do make it sound promising.

  • Initial studies look promising
  • Drug has been proven to reduce body weight and fat deposits in rats and monkeys
  • Fat loss continues even after drug is discontinued
  • Completely starves fat cells of blood supply so they die
  • Drug causes dehydration
  • Can produce kidney lesions
  • Still in the initial testing phases
  • Raises more questions than answers at this point

The ingredients for Adipotide are unknown at this time.


This product is not available for purchase over the counter or through prescription so no dosage information is available. So far, the dosages used on animals is based on their weight.


No information available due to this product not being available.


The initial studies on Adipotide sound very promising, but there are some definite concerns that need to be addressed before this drug is available for human consumption. The drug was found to be ineffective for monkeys who were already lean so it also raises the question of if this drug would stop working once a certain weight or body fat level is reached. It appears that Adipotide is going through the proper channels for testing. This could be a great breakthrough in obesity research, but we must all remember the importance of addressing potentially dangerous side effects.

Common MisspellingsCommon Misspellings

Adipote, adipotite, apoditide, apotide

How Does Adipotide Compare?
  • Product Name
  • User Rating
  • Has Good Appetite Suppressant
  • Has Only Natural Components
  • Contains No Coffee
  • Adipotide
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