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Body By Banks

Body By Banks

You're just 18 exercises away from a sleek new you!

Top Rated Diets of 2025
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Body By Banks is an all-inclusive workout DVD that helps you eat the right foods, exercise to a bikini-proof body and stay motivated.

Created by personal trainer Michael Banks, The Body By Banks Starter Kit includes all of the essentials you need to transform how you look and feel about yourself. With effective but simple workouts, an easy diet plan and tips to keep you on track and motivated, Body By Banks is a comprehensive health program that will help you get in shape and lose weight, irrespective of your weight loss goal.

Do You Know the Best Diets of 2025?

  • At-home setting offers privacy and flexibility in workout schedule
  • Includes a diet and exercise plan
  • Workouts are not very time-consuming
  • May tire of program
  • At-home setting of fitness program may encourage slacking off
  • Website lacks descriptive information on what the exercise and diet requirements are
  • Not targeted to suit men

The Body By Banks Starter Kit comes with a diet DVD, which shows you how to eat in order to lose weight and keep your energy up. The diet promises to be a simple approach to weight loss so that you're eating the foods you enjoy while still losing weight.


The workouts in Body By Banks are centered around low-impact and fat-burning exercises. In total there 18 custom workouts that target a women's challenging spots and transforms them with lean and toned muscle definition.

Workouts may require the use of hand weights, an exercise mat or other home fitness equipment.


Body By Banks is an at-home fitness DVD collection that is designed to transform a women's body, help her lose inches and pounds and stay motivated so that she reaches her weight loss and fitness goal.

With three DVDs and 18 workouts, the Body By Banks Starter Kit includes guidance on how to eat right and exercise effectively and efficiently. If home fitness is your thing and you're looking for a challenging but simple exercise routine that you can fit into your busy schedule, then Body By Banks might just be what you need to get the body of your dreams.

Common MisspellingsCommon Misspellings

Body by Blanks, Banks Body, Body Banks, Michael Banks Fitness

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  • Cheap Price
  • Fast Results
  • Body By Banks
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