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As of 2/17/11, Doug Rice's Bridalicious Workout no longer appears to be available.
The Bridalicious Workout is a 60-day workout plan that features 16 different workouts all designed to help you look fabulous and fit for your big day. This ebook is available to download and was created by Doug Rice, a Beverly Hills-based fitness professional. In four simple steps, Doug helps you transform your body, burn fat, stay motivated and choose the right foods so that you can wear your dream wedding dress with confidence and radiance.
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- Ebook format gives you quick access to program
- Includes a diet and exercise program
- Features an organized plan in a short-time duration
- Purchase of ebook may include bonus features
- Targeted toward brides
- Program claims sound a bit gimmick-like
The Bridalicious Workout includes a complete diet plan that helps you lose weight before your wedding day. In addition to a daily menu to follow, you will also receive a grocery list of the best fat-burning and metabolism-boosting foods to purchase and eat.
The Bridalicious Workout outlines a low-carb and low-glycemic diet plan that includes plenty of fresh vegetables, low-fat dairy and lean protein.
Rather than spending hours at the gym everyday in preparation for your big day, the Bridalicious Workout requires that you workout approximately three hours each week performing Rice's own bridal bootcamp workout routine. Done either at home or at the gym, Bridalicious Workout combines calorie-blasting cardio with sculpting exercises in a circuit training format.
You will also learn how to create long, lean and sleek arms, shoulders and back using Rice's own "bridal trifecta" targeted exercises.
Bridalicious Workout is a 60-day weight loss program designed to help you look your best for your wedding. Developed by fitness trainer Doug Rice, this ebook contains helpful advice on what to eat and how to exercise so that you can lose pounds and inches in just four simple steps.
Featured in Star and Shape magazines and on the television show Extra, Bridalicious Workout includes Rice's own bootcamp style routines and may offer you just what you need to meet your wedding weight goals.
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Bridalicious Workout
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