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Bring It!

Bring It!

The creator of P90X offers a fitness plan through his first book.

Top Rated Diets of 2025
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Bring It! is a new book by Tony Horton that offers a revolutionary fitness plan for all levels that burns fat, builds muscle and shreds inches. Horton has gained fame as the creator and host of the workout series P90X. This program has helped millions see great results by pushing their bodies and integrating muscle confusion. Bring It! is Horton’s first book and it shares his secrets to melting away pounds and getting healthy. Horton believes that a one-size-fits-all approach will not work for everyone. He designs unique programs for each of his clients and shows you how to create your own in this book. Bring It! will help you create your own diet and exercise program based on your lifestyle, goals and preferences.

You start off by taking a Fitness Quotient quiz which helps you determine your likes, dislikes and what level you are at currently for fitness. Once you know these things, you can set out to create the customized program that will help you reach your goals. This book includes photos and step-by-step instructions so you’re able to master the needed techniques. Some of the workout categories in this book include cardio fat burners, lower body blitzers, core strengthening, plyometrics, yoga and several others. For dieting there is an eating plan that includes delicious recipes.

Do You Know the Best Diets of 2025?

  • Allows you to create your own diet and exercise program
  • Book written by proven fitness expert Tony Horton
  • Gives you access to a fully customizable plan
  • Creation of your plan involves analyzing your goals
  • Tony Horton has a 25 year history of transforming bodies
  • Includes photos of the workout moves
  • Puts you totally in control of your weight loss
  • Complaints that there is no new information
  • Difficult to see correct form in a photograph

While using Bring It!, you will be able to create your own diet and exercise program that will meet your personal goals. There are some principles that Horton believes everyone should follow for an overall healthier lifestyle. There are 10 toxic foods that you should try to avoid. One thing that is very much highlighted is how to transition your body away from sugar. Most processed foods include sugar in some form, and increased sugar consumption has paralleled the rise in obesity over the past 35 years. Some of the ways you can avoid sugar include banning soda from your home, avoid high-fructose corn syrup, beware of juices, eat fresh fruit when you crave sweets, plan ahead when you dine out and stop eating fried foods, junk foods and processed carbohydrates. The top ten foods you should avoid are listed below:

  • Caffeine
  • Soda
  • Sports drinks
  • Artificial sweeteners
  • White flour
  • White sugar
  • White potatoes and rice
  • Fried foods
  • Gluten
  • Dairy, especially ice cream and cheese

Fitness is a big part of the Bring It! program. You will design your own workout plan based on the goals you have and your current fitness level. In this book you will learn how to do exercises that will benefit your body and health without getting bored. There are several pages of photos in the book to help with your form. Horton is experienced in fitness and has reached millions through his at home workouts. With Bring It! you can have that expertise along with his moves and workout combinations. Horton believes that when you get your body into shape and regularly eat healthy, everything else in life becomes easier. Opportunities start to materialize in places you wouldn’t expect because things are simpler and your body is healthy. Some of the workouts included in the book are:

  • Cardio fat burners
  • Lower body blitzers
  • Core strengthening
  • Plyometrics
  • Yoga

Bring It! is Tony Horton’s first book after years in the fitness industry. He allows you inside his personal expertise that is used for celebrity clients to create your own program for weight loss. Some complain that this book has too much information but for those just starting out, this is a good thing. There are some eating tips that may be hard to adjust to for those who eat a diet heavy in sugar. If you want to get true results you will have to make some changes as this book suggests. Tony Horton has been successful with his fitness DVDs and Bring It! builds upon some of the same principles.

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