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CHIP, which stands for Coronary Health Improvement Project, is an education-based lifestyle change program that helps people better understand the cause and effect relationship among diet, exercise and disease. It also helps individuals become more motivated to make important lifestyle changes that lead to better health. While the intention of the CHIP program is to prevent anyone from having heart disease, it is also beneficial to anyone who has had a heart attack and wants to take more control over their life and health.
The four components of the CHIP program are diet, regular exercise, avoiding tobacco products and developing a positive attitude and support system.
The program was founded and is presented by Dr. Hans Diehl, and endorsed by the Physicians’ Committee for Responsible Medicine (PCRM) and the Center for Science in the Public Interest. It is a 6- or 12-week course that takes place in specific cities throughout the country or via DVD.
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- CHIP is a comprehensive lifestyle-based weight loss program
- Educational focus is important for lasting change
- Does not include any gimmicks or fad diets
- Not for those merely seeking weight loss
Proper eating is one of the four main components of the CHIP program. It's a science-based eating plan that encourages consuming less processed, fatty, sugary, salty and high cholesterol foods and more whole foods like unrefined grains, beans, fruits and vegetables. You are also encouraged to cut back on your meat intake, but the program is not a completely vegetarian diet.
As part of the CHIP program, you will learn about the importance of exercise and how it relates to a healthy heart, body and sense of wellness. You will create an exercise plan that fits your lifestyle and your level of fitness and you will learn how to steadily improve your duration and intensity over the course of the program.
The CHIP program is nationally-recognized and has been endorsed by some of the most prominent health institutions and doctors throughout the country. Its educational component and its comprehensive scope tries to teach individuals how lifestyle factors adversely affect their health and how making changes through diet, exercise, outlook and smoking habits can make a significant difference in improving their health.
Chips, C.H.I.P., Chip Program, Chip Diet, Coronary Heart Improvement Project, Coronary Heart Improvement Program
User Feedback
(Page 1 of 1, 14 total comments)Robert
CHIP is a holistic approach to health. It is extremely well researched and based on solid science. It emphasis life style change leading to greater vitality. I find the rating scale used to rate diets lacking. Cheap and fast is not the best if you just gain the weight back with yo-yo dieting. Instead, change your lifestyle and you will change you life. Dr. Diehl is the real deal!
posted Jan 3rd, 2018 4:55 pmKeryn Wolff
This is getting back to basics and it works. Commenting after others about lack of protein, there is plenty of protein in all the foods that are included in the CHIP program. it doesnt feel like a diet as you are well fed on good filling foods. Its your choice how strict you wish to be with regards to eating meat but it works best if you cut it out completely. It is a wholistic approach to health and its not just about what to eat and what not to eat but rather why we should eat or shouldnt eat certain foods. My aim is to lower my cholesterol and ill come back with more feedback once i have completed the course. oh and the course runs over 12 weeks and you get plenty of support during that time which aids success. And if you have done CHIP before you can do it again at anytime and is cheaper. You do pay a little bit but you get good value for what you get, and its ultimately cheaper than a gym membership which inevitably wont get used!! And search up CHIP on FB for some support groups you can join!! Happy CHIPping everyone :-)
posted Aug 21st, 2017 9:56 pmTeresa
Lost 10 pounds in a week and a half. Feel so much better. Blood sugar is down. Blood pressure is way down. Will have blood work done in July anxious to see that.
posted Jun 5th, 2017 10:29 amKaylee
Not for everyone, if you strictly adhere to their eating guidelines. Not enough protein so you need to add lean meats. MUST take the program slowly or you will have digestive problems and feel weak which will stop many people from continuing with this change. Make sure to check with your MD, if you're having problems and discontinue this lifestyle change if it's not right for you. There are less stringent programs out there that will work for you - everyone is different.
posted Nov 4th, 2016 11:29 amkaren
My completion of a very successful program in northern Minnesota several years ago led to many years of life style change, but I am beginning to lapse and would benefit involvement of a support group or retake of the program. In which direction do I lean from Des Moines, IA?
posted Dec 9th, 2015 4:03 pmJimmy Zelski
Excellent medical science-based program combining education of how the body is affected by the types of food we choose as well as a cooking class with demonstrations of how to prepare the many delicious plant-based recipes provided in the cookbook. My cholesterol plummeted 25% in three weeks, I lost 3 pounds, my blood pressure improved and I never went hungry. I can't recommend this program highly enough.
posted Mar 17th, 2015 4:41 pmMarcia
+I did this program years ano and was successful. I would recommend it to anyone. I really felt goo while I was on the wagon. I fell off but would like to climb back on.
posted Mar 4th, 2015 3:25 amRonald Fields
+Have been on this now for 3 weeks and feel pretty good.... some veggie food is very tasty... I do have a little chicken or ocean fish on occasion...
posted May 12th, 2012 8:31 pmmarilyn schoonover
+Recently I met someone at a pickleball tournament in Arizona who discussed with me this program. It had worked so effectively with him that I went to the grocery store and bought a good supply of fruits and vegetables etc. Marilyn
posted Mar 9th, 2012 9:15 pmcheryl
+My husband and I both attended the CHIPS seminar and we both lost about 15 pounds in 28 days. My husband was able to get his blood pressure down & we both had our cholesterol readings go down quite a bit. This program is very educational, and works!
posted Jan 9th, 2012 8:36 amRonnie Borel
+I started this program Sep 1. I have lost 25 pounds and feel better than I have in 20 years. Of course consult your doctor before beginning any program, but I highly recommend this program. It has worked great for me!
posted Oct 30th, 2010 3:29 pmGwendolyn Dehaney
I have not tried the diet , so I don,t know if I jike it or not
posted Aug 15th, 2010 11:31 amGerald Andrews
+life style change that will add years to one's life , something worth trying
posted May 19th, 2010 8:26 pmW Whyte
posted Oct 29th, 2009 5:19 amI felt so much better in just 2 weeks on the programme. I have been suffering for years and am now starting to live a life again.