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A colon cleanse that can help you lose up to 20 pounds.

Top Rated Diet Pills of 2025
BACKGROUNDBACKGROUND Start the Diet Now Advertisement

ColoThin is a cleansing supplement that is designed to remove harmful waste from your digestive system leaving you feeling lighter and more energized.

Infused with natural ingredients that flush food debris and toxins from your colon, ColoThin claims to help to reduce water retention, bloat, constipation and symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome. The product also claims to help you lose 20 pounds of harmful waste.

While the website features images and quotes from health magazines and high profile health professionals and celebrities, none of these publications or individuals are promoting the product ColoThin.

Do You Know the Best Diet Pills of 2025?

  • May help to temporarily improve digestion
  • May see the number on the scale go down
  • Misleading website
  • Website does not feature ingredient list
  • May cause gastrointestinal problems
  • If used excessively, may lead to dehydration or electrolyte imbalances
  • May prevent your digestive system from working properly on its own
  • Automatically enrolls you in their monthly program
  • Makes exaggerated health claims

Neither the website nor the customer service phone support was able to provide the ingredient list of ColoThin.


ColoThin's dosage instructions should be followed according to those cited on the product's label.


There are no dietary or exercise guidelines to follow while using ColoThin.


ColoThin is a detoxification supplement that contains unknown ingredients and may cause more harm than health to your gastrointestinal system.

If you are curious about following a detoxification program, speak with a medical or health professional first.

Common MisspellingsCommon Misspellings

colo thin, colonthin, colathin, cola thin, colon thin, colan thin, colotrim, colo trim

How Does ColoThin Compare?
  • Product Name
  • User Rating
  • Has Good Appetite Suppressant
  • Has Only Natural Components
  • Contains No Coffee
  • ColoThin
  • /100
  • .
  • .

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User Feedback

(Page 1 of 3, 55 total comments)

gloria lowe

Do not recommend. Does not work!!! Also it is a rip off. They charge your bank account twice for $79.95. I ordered as a trial only. They say its in the fine print but its so small you can't make it out. I want my money back. All of it! The $159.90.

posted Nov 28th, 2014 7:28 pm



So is the Flawless Raspberry Ketone a scam? Raspberry Ketone scam?

posted Oct 7th, 2013 9:19 pm



oh holy goodness.
I am just on my second day, was doing fine, then all of a sudden I was breaking into a heavy sweat, panting like a dog, doubled over, my arms and hands went numb, my hands were in a cramped FROZEN state,my husband tried to pry them open and did not succeed, this went on for over 10 minutes. I really thought I was waiting on death....then all of a sudden, I exploded like a whale shoots water out of his water hole.
my husband tried to call and no one was available.

posted Sep 8th, 2013 3:12 am

Sandi C


SCAM I searched everywhere for an address or phone number to contact them, it took me half a day to locate there phone number to get an address, my trial period ended yesterday and Voila there was the charge for $69.95 on my bank account. Colon Thin did nothing for me at all.

posted Jul 18th, 2013 3:55 pm



It made me constipated.

posted May 28th, 2013 2:05 pm

jennifer Mckinstry


I would also like to cancle all further products.

posted Jan 24th, 2013 5:14 pm


Thank you so much for all of your honest feedback. I usually don't let comments from others sway my decisions and even though all I would have to pay is s&h, I won't be wasting my time or money. Thanks for the comments! They are much appreciated.

posted Jul 23rd, 2012 8:32 pm



What is the site I cancel on with the cancellation code I received over the phone? I just want to know where I can put the cancellation code I got (what website) so I can be rid of this. shouldve read reviews BEFORE I got it...

posted May 11th, 2012 7:10 pm


Thank goodness I decided to read all these comments just before hitting "submit" to order ColoThin! So glad I did! Thanks for all the feedback discouraging me to purchase this and AcaiBerry Max.

posted Apr 30th, 2012 6:31 pm


Eu comprei o ColoThin o ano passado, já tomei 03 potinhos e estou ordenando mais 03. A vida toda tive problemas de digestão e intestino e o ColoThin simplesmente regulou meu dia a dia, mesmo quando eu não tomo por alguns dias, meu intestino quantinua regular. Por causa do Colo Thin tenho ido ao banheiro diariamente, o que nunca, nunca aconteceu comigo. Lógico que automáticamente a gente se sente mais disposta e desinchada, sem barriga. Não sei se as pessoas que ordenaram o ColoThin tinham realmente problemas com o intestino. Junto com o Colo Thin comprei o Tri Slim, este sim me deu enjoos e ficava indisposta, parei de tomá-lo e tenho um pote cheio para quem se interessar. Quanto ao Colo Thin, continuarei tomando. Ele contém Aloe Vera que desinflama os intestinos; Raiz de Ruibarbo, que é laxane e desinflama o fígado; Cáscara Sagrada, também é um laxante suave que estimula os movimentos peristalticos do intestino; Alcaçuz, calmente das paredes intestinais e regulador intestinal, cria ainda uma proteção no estomago tratando a acidez estomacal; Sene, tem poder laxante; Gengibre, atua nas síndromes do intestino grosso e delgado e previne o cancer de intestino, além de poderosp energético; Hortela Pimenta, também para a síndrome do intestino irritável; Açai, livra o intestino dos restos alimentares e regula o intestino. Para mim, o problema que identifiquei na compra de ColoThin, foi a demora na entrega. E a pesar disso, e não ter emagrecido milagrosamente 20 quilos, perdi 5 quilos em 1 mês, e mesmo que não emagreça mais continuarei tomando o ColoThin, pois só que sofre com o intestino sabe como é bom algo que realmente resolva. Uma última observação, alguns desses componentes citados não devem ser tomados constantemente em doses elevadas, então dar um intervalo entre alguns potes acho eu que possa ser o ideal.

posted Jan 29th, 2012 1:01 pm



I wish i had read these before ordering, I have been having stomach pains and when i called to cancel I could barely understand him. I'm glad the number was listed just have to cancel the acai berry one. neither have worked a little dissappointed they lied on their website. Such a scam glad i cancelled early.

posted Jan 26th, 2012 1:13 am


I opened this product today once I got it in the mail and there was a seal on the outside, but the seal inside was ripped up and tampered with and there were only 29 pills instead of 45. This means someone probably returned it and they turned around and resold to someone else!!! Isn't that illegal, not to mention disgusting to think what happened with this bottle before it got to me. That's money down the drain! I called and cancelled the auto membership I was enrolled in and has to speak with someone in India who could barely hear me and could care less what I found in the bottle. He did manage to cancel my membership so I'll see if that part of this SCAM is true. DO NOT BUY THESE PILLS!!!! TOTAL SCAM!!!!

posted Jan 18th, 2012 11:18 pm


The only person named "Helen Miller" in Marlbrough MA is 77 years old. The woman on the site claiming to be Helen Miller who lost a ridiculously absurd amount of weight is obviously all lies!

posted Sep 12th, 2011 2:43 pm



posted Jul 2nd, 2011 7:59 pm

sheryl brown

I don't like the product and the fact that you have to hunt down a phone number thru unhappy customers thru the website. I am older and this product caused major problems for me, I don't recommend this product to be used unless a doctor checks it out.

posted Jun 14th, 2011 8:44 pm


be sure to cancel other wise you will be charged call 877-390-4552

posted Jun 14th, 2011 5:01 pm


I had ordered this 5 days ago. I have not yet received it or tried it, but after reading these reviews, which I should have done before ordering, I called to cancel. Though the person I was canceling through wanted me to extend the trial period, I got it canceled and was given a cancellation code, so will see what happens from here.

posted Jun 2nd, 2011 8:10 am


Thanks for the feedback on this product. I just called 877-390-4552 to cancel. I knew it sounded too good to be true!

posted May 24th, 2011 6:48 pm


I just called and cancelled!! The number was 877-434-0151. Thank goodness.

FYI: I also once ordered the Acai Berry Blast and cancelled it at 877-390-4552

posted Apr 29th, 2011 2:47 pm

John Doe


posted Apr 8th, 2011 6:30 pm


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