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As of 2/9/11, the Devotion Diet website no longer appears to be live.
The Devotion Diet is a diet that debunks diet myths, fad diets, pills and other magic diet tools that in the end leave you feeling confused, hungry and in many cases heavier than when you started the diet. It instead uses the principles of “The Glycemic Timing Principle” which dictates what you can eat and when you can eat it.
Foods are categorized according to the glycemic index and color-coded for easy use. You will learn how to eat the foods that you enjoy eating without gaining weight as long as you eat them moderation and at certain times of the day.
The Devotion Diet charges a one-time fee which is good for a whole year. Access to the website includes: weekly and monthly tips and submissions, educational articles, email support, forums and chats.
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- No foods are prohibited
- Promotes moderation
- Encourages you to mindful about what you are eating and more importantly when you are eating it
- Eating plan is fairly simple to follow
- Glycemic index is a healthy tool
The Devotion diet centers around eating foods that are categorized into three different color codes. The three colors correspond to foods and their glycemic load. The time of day will determine which section you can choose from. Foods with higher glycemic levels are eaten in the beginning of the day while foods with less sugars in them are eaten towards the end of the day. In addition, protein should be eaten at every meal
On the Devotion Diet, you will teach your body to eat every 2-4 hours. No foods are off-limits. You can enjoy everything you love to eat in moderation and according to the Devotion Diet's mini-meal principles.
No exercise information is given.
The Devotion Diet is a unique method of eating that is based upon when you eat certain foods. Using a special color-coded system which ranks foods according to their glycemic load, you eat foods that contain more carbs in the beginning of the day and foods that contain less at the end of the day.
The diet which was created by two personal trainers is a scientifically-acceptable, affordable, convenient and enjoyable way of eating.
Devoshun Diet, Devotoin Diet, The Devotion Diet, Devote Diet, Deovotion Diet, Glycemic Index
- Devotion Diet
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User Feedback
(Page 1 of 1, 4 total comments)Zack
+Did you see this OPRAH??? (call me!)
posted Jun 19th, 2009 4:20 pmbsometimes
+I like choosing what I want to eat, no changes in shopping, no pills...So far so good. Easy to understand.
posted Jun 11th, 2009 2:56 ambrian
+I like choosing what I want to eat, no changes in shopping, no pills...So far so good. Easy to understand.
posted Jun 11th, 2009 2:53 ambrian
+Great Diet Plan! It's not expensive, and there is no change in my grocery list...I get to eat what I want!!! Can't ask for a better diet than that.
posted Jun 11th, 2009 2:20 am