Just about anyone you ask has some desire to lose weight or change their body. Most people with weight loss goals have been on countless diets trying to achieve their dream body. The book Diet-Free for Life offers a chance to get that dream body without ever going on another diet. This book written by Robert Ferguson offers a revolutionary food, fitness and mindset makeover that maximizes fat loss. Ferguson has also created the Fat Loss for Food Lovers program using the same principles in the book. While reading this book, you will discover the fat melting fast/slow carb combo, how to get lean with the Unique CircoFit workout, and learn how to use the best tools to keep yourself motivated.
Diet-Free for Life is based on principles that combine five types for maximum weight loss. While you use this program to maximize your glycemic profile, you don’t have to worry about feeling deprived. This program includes a 21-day Mindset makeover that eliminates self-defeating thoughts and helps you develop motivation that will help you succeed. Nutrition tips and exercise tips are included along with recipes, information on shopping and eating out, and how to handle eating on special occasions.
Offers sound information that will keep you from dieting
Will help you lose weight through nutrition and exercise
Principles are easy to follow
Works on changing your mindset first
Includes before and after success photo stories
Tells you what foods to eat in the proper combinations to get results
Great for those who have been on numerous diets
Includes recipes
Program keeps you satisfied
Program is basically based on the glycemic index way of eating; nothing new
Not a lot of information on how the program works
The eating for Diet-Free for Life basically chronicles the glycemic index of foods. This program shows you how slow and fast carbs work. You will also learn what proteins, fats and condiments will launch a proven weight loss program. Diet-Free for Life works so that you can adopt a lifestyle f eating that will be good for you forever. This can break the endless cycle of diets that many people have grown accustomed to. There is a 21 day Mindset Makeover that will help fill your mind with positive motivation to succeed. One of the key things you will learn is how to still eat your favorite foods, but in the right combination to lose weight without feeling deprived. Below are the lists of slow carbs, fast carbs and proteins:
Slow Carbs
Dark beans
Dark pasta
Dark breads
Fast Carbs
White pasta
White bread
Exercise is another important part of the Diet-Free for Life program. The key here is to start out slow and build up as you are able. You start with 12 minute workouts and then increase the length of time and intensity as time passes. You can really choose any type of workout that suits you. There are no limitations to what you can do, but you should find something you enjoy doing. Some recommendations are:
Learning a responsible way to eat and incorporating exercise are the best ways to change your body into one that you will love. There are so many different diets available that you can spend a lot of time trying to find the right solution by trying them all. Diet-Free for Life offers a great way to change your body once and for all. This book offers useful solutions that you can enjoy while learning how to use food combinations to fuel your metabolism. This book is perfect for those that want to get off the diet roller coaster and lose weight the proper way.
Common Misspellings
diets free for life, diet free for a lifetime, diet free for lives, deit free for life
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