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Diet Tuffy

Diet Tuffy

A pre-diet that prepares you to successfully lose weight.

Top Rated Diets of 2025
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As of 2/10/11, Diet Tuffy no longer appears to be available.

Diet Tuffy is a five-step interactive program that allows you hone in on your main diet challenge and take the steps necessary to overcome it.

Diet Tuffy is the mental preparation you do before you start your diet. In essence, Diet Tuffy is meant to "toughen" you up so that you are equipped with the right tools and plans to make your next diet a success.

Many studies show that overeating and diet failure are not so much about food but rather about the thought and emotional patterns that shape our relationship to food. Diet Tuffy helps you develop your own personal empowerment plan for diet success.

Do You Know the Best Diets of 2025?

  • Helps you identify your diet challenges
  • Creates a personalized plan for you to overcome your diet challenges
  • Mentally prepares you for your next diet
  • Does not include a diet plan

The Diet Tuffy plan does not include a diet per se, but it does help you overcome your eating challenges.


There is no exercise component with the Diet Tuffy program, but if you determine that your main diet challenge is physical activity, a plan for how you can get motivated to exercise, have fun with it and maintain that momentum will be developed for you. It is then your responsibility to apply this plan to your next diet.


If you are someone who has a history of yo-yo dieting and you fall victim to the same diet patterns that eventually leave you gaining back the weight you lost then Diet Tuffy might be just the solution for you to finally overcome your diet challenges and lose the weight for good.

Common MisspellingsCommon Misspellings

diet tufy, diet toughie, diet toughy, diet tuff, diet tough

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