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Dr. Sears' High Speed Fat Loss in 7 Easy Steps

Dr. Sears' High Speed Fat Loss in 7 Easy Steps

Lose weight quickly and keep it off for a lifetime.

Top Rated Diets of 2025
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The name "Sears" is quite a popular one when it comes to health and diets. And while Zone Diet guru Barry Sears promotes his 40-30-30 plan of eating, Dr. Al Sears, an anti-aging doctor who also manufactures and sells several health supplements, has created a 7-step plan to help you lose weight - fast.

In the book Dr. Sears' High Speed Fat Loss in 7 Easy Steps, he lays out a weight loss program that focuses on eating a whole-foods, low-carbohydrate diet and following the PACE exercise plan.

Complete with a food journal, meal logs, progress evaluations, body composition charts and a workout journal, Dr. Sears' High Speed Fat Loss has all the tools you need to jump start your weight loss program in one book.

Do You Know the Best Diets of 2025?

  • Focuses on an unprocessed diet with plenty of fresh vegetables and lean proteins
  • Includes scientific information on the benefits of specific nutrients on fat loss
  • Sheds light on the truth about popular diet pills
  • Offers scientific data on the health dangers of artificial sweeteners, additives and processed ingredients
  • Includes a diet and exercise plan that emphasizes a lifestyle approach to maintained weight loss
  • May be confused with Dr. Barry Sears of the Zone Diet
  • Low carbohydrate diets are difficult to adhere to for extended periods of time.
  • Does not include a sample menu or diet plan
  • Does not explain what a portion size is

The Fast Fat Loss Diet is a high protein, low glycemic diet that involves eating in a certain way to facilitate fat loss. Four of the seven steps to fat loss are strongly related to diet. They are:

  • Boost your metabolism with protein by consuming one gram of protein for every pound of lean body mass.
  • Avoid starchy carbs and eat carbs that have a GI score of 40 or less per serving
  • Eat Omega-3 fats
  • Consume supplements containing magnesium and chromium to speed fat loss

Dr. Sears' High Speed Fat Loss diet does not include a sample meal plan so you're on your own to determine how much food you need to consume in order to lose weight.

It does include a Dr. Sears' Healthy Food Pyramid which looks very different than the USDA Food Guide Pyramid. Dr. Sears recommends eating protein at every meal, having 3 servings of above-ground vegetables, eating 1-2 servings of both nuts or plant oils and fruit every day, having 1-2 servings of dairy every day and eating less than one serving of grains, pastas, cereals, bread or potatoes each day.


Dr. Sears has developed his own PACE fitness program which he endorses in his book. The PACE program is a cardiovascular workout in which you vary the intensity every few minutes so that you are burning fat quickly and effectively.

The program recommends that you exercise for no more than 15 to 20 minutes a day using the PACE approach of short interval workouts, where short periods of exertion and recovery alternate so that your body can reach into its carbohydrate stores to burn as fuel and will start to burn fat after you exercise.


The Dr. Sears' High Speed Fat Loss in 7 Easy Steps is a no-nonsense look at how to lose weight effectively without spending hours at the gym or monitoring fat grams. His low-glycemic, high protein and interval exercise program is rooted in scientific data that often goes against the whole-grain, high complex carbohydrate diet that is strongly endorsed by many in the health field.

Its lack of a sample meal plan and specific measurements on portion sizes may make the dieter feel a little lost when it comes to mapping out what to eat and how much to eat.

Despite those two criticisms, the High Speed Fat Loss diet can be incredibly effective and healthy if it's followed correctly.

Common MisspellingsCommon Misspellings

Dr. Sears High Speed Fat Loss, Dr. Sears High Speed Fat Loss in Seven Easy Steps, Dr. Sear High Speed Fat Loss, Sears Diet, Al Sears Diet

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are his exercises low impact? I can't find an answer to this question any where, so I'm hoping you can help: are his exercises low impact? I'm a spondylothesis patient and can't have any running or jumping or anything with impact to my spine. I'm hoping Dr. Al Sears' exercises are low impact. But I need to know either way. Thanks!

posted Jun 3rd, 2011 8:06 pm

Alexandra Sanders

I am just beginning Dr. Sears' Pace Program which I downloaded in PDF format. It appears to be very comprehensive and explains many misconceptions about exercise. His writing is easy to read and his program is fairly easy to implement. I will repost in a couple of months and share how I am doing.

posted Oct 27th, 2009 10:50 am


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