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Herbal Magic

Herbal Magic

Canada's largest commercial weight loss company.

Top Rated Diets of 2025
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  • Established: 1996
  • Founder: Dieter Decker
  • Headquarters: Toronto, Ontario
  • Accessibility: Dieting centers
  • Diet Type: Natural foods, one-on-one counseling, natural supplement products
  • Gender: Male and female

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Herbal Magic Weight Loss and Nutrition Centers offer a weight loss program that focuses on eating real food, having a personal coach and using natural supplements. The program was founded in 1996 based in Toronto, Ontario and currently operates close to 300 centers. Herbal Magic is Canada’s largest commercial weight loss company. At the centers you will receive an in-depth consultation before you sign up for the program so that all of your questions can be answered and your current health conditions addressed. There are programs available for men, women and youth ages 12 to 17. On an Herbal Magic customized program, you can expect to lose about two pounds per week.

All of the weight loss programs are categorized into three phases – the weight loss phase, stabilization phase and the maintenance phase. There is a new program available from Herbal Magic called Advansa which is specially designed to help prevent habituation and advance you to the ultimate goal of long-term weight loss success. Several people have been able to lose large amounts of weight through the Herbal Magic Weight Loss programs. You won’t have to buy pre-packaged meals while on this program and all of your meals will be balanced and portioned controlled.

  • Offers a customized plan
  • Program is established and gets results
  • Program designed by a scientific advisory team
  • Focuses on eating real food through a balanced diet
  • Personal coaching included
  • Supplements made from natural products
  • No pricing information available online
  • Purchasing multiple supplements can be expensive
  • Centers only available in Canadian provinces
  • Complaints that the program is expensive
  • Focuses mainly on eating and less on exercise

The diet portion of the Herbal Magic program focuses on eating real foods from the groups of vegetables, fruits, meat and dairy. You will get to purchase and prepare your own foods rather than having to order pre-packaged meals. You can eat out at restaurants while on the program, although cooking at home is the recommended practice. There is a guide to dining out for those times when eating out can’t be avoided. There is also a guide for eating frozen foods included with your program for the few times you may need to eat frozen food. There are three different critical phases including the weight loss phase, the stabilization phase and the maintenance phase. The weight loss phase focuses on reducing your calorie intake moderately and helping you lose weight safely and consistently. During this phase you will start keeping a food diary to record your daily calories. This phase lasts until you reach your goal weight.

The stabilization phase is what you transition to after you reach your goal weight. During this time you will have your daily calorie count increased slowly. This phase lasts for six weeks. The final stage is the maintenance phase. During maintenance you will be educated on how to maintain your weight loss. The maintenance phase length will vary depending on how much weight you lost during the weight loss phase. There are some recipes available that you can follow to prepare different meals. Some of the highlighted Herbal Magic recipes include:

  • Mexican Omelet
  • Garlic Shrimp
  • Legal Lasagna
  • Twisted Mash Potatoes
  • Chicken in Peach Sauce
  • Breakfast Sandwich
  • Beef Stroganoff

Being active is encouraged on the Herbal Magic program because of the many health benefits and the prevention of health conditions. There are several Herbal Magic supplements recommended for all levels of workout intensity. Your workout plan will be covered with your counselor during your sessions.


For those living in Canada, Herbal Magic is an option for a customized diet that can help you get results. The program may be expensive for some, but it does appear to get results. The supplements are said to be optional with this program, and those costs can quickly add up. The initial consultation is free, so you can easily check the program out and see if it’s right for you.

Common MisspellingsCommon Misspellings

herbal majik, herbed magic, herbal majic, herbals magic

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Twyla Mielke

I need to know what portions I would use I weigh 164 pounds

posted Sep 18th, 2017 5:53 pm



What can you eat and how much during stabilization and maintenance phase on herbal magic? During the stabilization phase in herbal magic which is 6 weeks what quantities can you eat? During the maintenance phase do you increase the caloric intake and if yes, how much? For example; weight loss phase you eat 1fat, 3 veggies, 2 protein, 2 fruits, 2 starches, 1 free exchange, 1 dairy. What would stabilization and maintenance look like? Thanks for your help

posted Jul 20th, 2013 2:49 pm

John smith

Supplements are required to be on program. They r not optional.. $83/ wk for supplements.

posted Mar 3rd, 2013 5:24 am


I went on HM in 2008.. I was 258 lbs and struggled with weight issues from my early 20's on. I was given a planner, my supplements and I had excellent coaching. I did this for me. Yes, it was expensive, but isn't our life worth it? I lost 100 lbs and 115 inches. It took me 1 year to loose it. I didn't exercise much, but it did give me energy to do more, especially with my kids. Now, 3 years later, I still have my weight off. I know what I need to do to keep my weight off, and I feel so much better because I know what to do! I love HM.

posted Mar 24th, 2012 9:56 pm


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