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In Defense of Food

In Defense of Food

Michael Pollon explains why should eat a plant-based diet.

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Michael Pollan, author of five food-related books, writer for the New York Times Magazine and professor of journalism has some very strong feelings when it comes to food and the Western Diet. In his book, In Defense of Food: An Eater's Manifesto, Pollan shapes a very convincing and informative argument that we should all adhere to: "Eat food. Not too much. Mostly plants."

In Defense of Food takes a sharp look at the Western Diet, the American food industry and a cross-comparison look among other cultures who view food not so much for health and longevity but rather for pleasure, identity, and socialization.

Pollan, who is also the author of The Omnivore's Dilemma, believes that most of the items we buy in the grocery store and at restaurants is not in fact food. He instead encourages a more back-to-basics diet where fruits and vegetables occupy most of the dinner plate's real estate and meat, even red meat, is positioned as a side dish.

In Defense of Food sheds light on the paradox of the Western Diet, its effects on health and how the commonly-thought evil twins of red meat and dairy are not so evil after all and do have a place at the dinner table.

Pollan also just happens to be the sister of Tracy Pollan, wife of actor and activist, Michael J. Fox.

Do You Know the Best Diets of 2025?

  • Espouses a natural and whole-foods based diet
  • Encourages an examination of your own food habits and choices
  • Supports eating more of the right foods, cooking at home and delighting in the pleasures of eating
  • Advocates for portion control
  • Discusses the ironies of the Western Diet in an informative and fact-based manner
  • Message may come off as too elitist
  • Not everyone has continual access to fresh fruit and vegetables

"Eat food. Not too much. Mostly plants" is Pollan's basic credo. In Defense of Food calls on you to examine your eating habits and take a closer look at how the food industry packages, markets and sells food as being one-bite-away from optimal health. Pollan asserts that nothing could be farther from the truth when it comes to eating the way that most Americans do.

In Defense of Food challenges you to eat smaller portions of everything, consume three solid meals everyday with no snacking in between, make vegetables the mainstay of your diet, and eat more whole and unprocessed foods.


There are no exercise guidelines given.


In Defense of Food is an eye-opening call for all Americans to put down their forks and re-examine their eating habits and food choices. Weaving politics, health, business and cultural issues together, author, writer, professor and activist Michael Pollan encourages us all to reconnect with natural and plant-based food and our kitchens so that we are delighting in the pleasures of eating while also doing something wonderful for our health .

Common MisspellingsCommon Misspellings

In Defend of Food, In Defence of Food, Food Defense, Defending Food, Easter's Manifesto

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