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Jillian Michaels 6 Week Six-Pack

Jillian Michaels 6 Week Six-Pack

Jillian whips you into shape in only six weeks.

Top Rated Diets of 2025
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Do you want to have a slim, toned, and flat tummy? JIllian Michaels of The Biggest Loser can show you how to do so in only six weeks with her DVD, 6 Week Six-Pack.

Jillian combines cardio circuits and abdominal exercises in high-intensity 30-minute workout sessions. The program includes two workout levels to ensure you continue to see results and do not hit a plateau after the first three weeks.

Although all the exercises are designed to target your core, you also likely to see results in your biceps, triceps, shoulders, chest, and back because these muscles are used during plank exercises, which target your core.

These videos are very challenging. You will probably feel results after the first day and will see them soon after. As always, Jillian keeps her workouts fast-paced and upbeat, so be prepared to work hard while working out with her.

Do You Know the Best Diets of 2025?

  • You will quickly see results
  • Upbeat, fast-paced exercises
  • Only 30 minutes a day
  • Watching the same videos every day can become boring
  • Could be too difficult for people who are new to exercise
  • May not see a six-pack in six weeks

There are no diet and nutrition guidelines associated with this product.


You are encouraged to follow Jillian's workouts for six weeks. The videos do not say how often to follow the videos each week, but a general rule of thumb is 30 minutes of exercise, five times a week. This rule can easily be applied to following the 6 Pack Six Weeks program.


If you are willing to work very hard for 30 minutes each day for six week in order to see results, then this video series is for you. Jillian Michaels will challenge you with cardiovascular exercises and abdominal toning exercises in a circuit training system.

Although the videos promise a six pack in only six weeks, this can be slightly deceiving. Not everyone will have washboard abs after completing this fitness program, but everyone who dedicates the time and effort that Jillian requires will see some sort of results. It just might take longer than six weeks to actually have a six pack.

These videos are very challenging and not appropriate for everyone. However, if you are dedicated and want to see results in a short amount of time, this is a good plan for you.

Common MisspellingsCommon Misspellings

Jillian Micheals, Six Pack Six Week, Six Pack in Six Weeks, Six Weeks to a Six Pack, Biggest Loser 6 Week Six Pack, 6 Week 6 Pack, Six Week 6 Pack

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After two weeks I have lost a lot af my belly fat allready! I will do workout to se results.

posted Sep 2nd, 2015 8:23 pm

Get it done 2015

I haven't ever stuck to a workout before but I have been doing the workout for a week now. The first two days I couldn't bend over without hurting but I felt good. Now I haven't seen any results but I have more energy and it has taught me how to breathe correctly. I'm already pleased with the results so far and I'm ready to continue.!

posted Jan 15th, 2015 2:49 pm



ihave been doing six week six pack level one and kick boxing level three and i am only a kid

posted Jan 13th, 2014 2:45 am


i'm on the near end of my 3rd week. Though i don't have that 6pack yet, which i didn't expect that i could have even after 6weeks ( hey! I'm a newbie), but i felt that my core is getting harder or firmer. I could endure the whole session which i could barely do the first day. The planks and the consistent use of my wrists really kills me, i took it slowly, so long i could endure it. i listened to my body. Took bigger step at a time. Tried the advance at some points.
The whole work out is awesome! It makes me feel stronger everytime! :)

posted Sep 27th, 2013 8:07 pm



How often to do Jillian Michaels 6-Week Six-Pack? should i do five times a week or 3?becoz ive heard that u should workout ur abs 48 hours after each ab workout to prevent from over tiring ur abs!idk im confused , any advices please?

posted May 2nd, 2013 11:58 am



I'm on my second week and I haven't seen any results, I have maybe lost one or two pounds. Even though I haven't seen results I'm gonna keep trying because I am willing to get that prefect stomach for summer.

posted Mar 4th, 2012 10:47 pm



week 2 almost done.. feels great 4 weeks to go.. GET SOME!~

posted Feb 24th, 2012 12:52 am



I am about to start my third week (although i missed a few days in week two) and my endurance has dramatically increased, i have also lost belly fat already!

posted Dec 4th, 2011 4:38 pm



like ashlee, i've only been doing the dvd for 2 days and yes everything hurts, but it's a good hurt because that's letting me know that i'm doing the exercises correctly. i've tried so many different things and methods to lose my muffin top, but then when the results aren't satisfying for over a period of time, i give up. but, now with jillian's method i trust that i'll beable to get at least some if not all of the results i've been seeking for so long. she's given me the will to want to stick to it. best wishes to everyone making an effort.

posted Jul 5th, 2011 1:41 am



I've been doing it for only a week and a half now and have dropped a few pounds. Also, I am losing A LOT of belly-fat. It's working AMAZING. combined with healthy eating and doing it everyday, it really pays off. I would recommend it to EVERYONE with unwanted belly fat and those who want a stronger core.

posted Mar 12th, 2011 5:26 pm

Kona girl

It is a good workout not just for the core. Jillian offers variations for beginners as well as for the more advanced.

posted Feb 20th, 2011 5:09 pm


i have only done this workout 2 days now in a row, but i am sore! my stomach and back muscles have def. worked. of course i havent seen any kind of results yet, but i plan on sticking with it to see what i can do!

posted Feb 17th, 2011 9:18 pm


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