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When you’re trying to lose weight, one thing that can help you stay on track is getting results quickly. Although gaining weight doesn’t happen overnight, most people think that losing weight should happen almost that fast. One book that offers a quick solution to weight loss is Lose the Fat, Lose the Years. This book by Dr. James Lyons offers a 30-day plan that will transform the way you look and feel. It may not be overnight, but 30 days can go by fairly quick and if you can see results at the end of that, you might stay motivated enough to continue with the plan. In this book, Dr. Lyons shows that fat is the key to a youthful appearance, rather than being the enemy like many other diets suggest. The book also shows that different types of fat have different effects on the body. This book will teach you how to differentiate between good and bad fats and how to use the good fats for the appearance you desire.
Lose the Fat, Lose the Years also talks about how diet and exercise can take years from your appearance and inches from your body. This book includes an eating plan that alternates proteins and carbohydrates so that your blood sugar is kept level to avoid producing more fat. Your exercise routine is also included and involves weights and bungee cords instead of cardio. This type of workout is designed to keep your metabolism pumping on a constant basis. There are two different hormone categories that contribute to how you age. Each diet and exercise plan is geared toward those hormone types and the book will tell you which type you are.
Do You Know the Best Diets of 2025?
- Teaches you about how your hormone type ages
- Program is just 30 days long
- Offers both diet and exercise recommendations
- Encourages eating healthy fats for health and appearance reasons
- Written by a medical doctor
- Exercise program uses weights to keep the metabolism going constantly
- Some fear they will receive a bulky body when using weights
- Dr. Lyons specializes in plastic surgery which may cause skepticism for some
The eating plan on Lose the Fat, Lose the Years alternates carbohydrates with protein to keep your blood sugar in check. This type of eating also keeps new fat stores from forming. Raising your level of healthy fat is used to keep a youthful appearance and a leaner body overall. There are different types of fat that are identified in the book. Brown fat in the body is good while yellow fat in the body is bad. The book covers two different diet and exercise plans depending on which hormonal group category you fit into.
For your meals, you are eating six meals each day with one day being a choice day where you can eat what you want within reason. On carb days, you can eat any vegetables including starchy vegetables like potatoes. You also don’t have to eat protein at every meal, everyday. Having too much protein results in it being stored in the body as yellow fat which is what you want to avoid. This program encourages you to find foods that are healthy that you love. Dr. Lyons suggests that if you force yourself to eat something you don’t love, you will lose out on the pleasure of eating.
Exercise in Lose the Fat, Lose the Years takes a less traditional approach. Instead of having you do hours of cardio every week to burn fat, this program has workouts using weights and bungee cords. These types of workouts will get your metabolism going continuously. Cardio will only do that temporarily so it is not used. Some of the included workouts are:
- Biceps exercise: Use alternating curl on the bungee cord – Do 10 half reps immediately followed by 10 with a full range of motion; 3 sets
- Calves exercise: Standing stair raise – Do three sets of as many reps as possible
- Hamstring exercise: Leg curl bungee – Do one set of 10 back kicks and one set of 10 back lifts
Lose the Fat, Lose the Years offers information that seems to be different than what the typical diet program teaches. This program is based on Dr. Lyons findings and research as a plastic surgeon. The program only lasts for 30 days and can truly get you some results that may change your mind about diets. The program does encourage eating healthy and exercising, but just in some different ways. Those who have tried other things may find that this program is just right for them. If you’ve got 30 days to try this out then you may find this is just the program you’ve been looking for.
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Lose the Fat, Lose the Years
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