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No White Foods Diet

No White Foods Diet Review (UPDATED 2025): Don't Buy Before You Read This!

Banning starchy white foods from your diet for weight loss.

Top Rated Diets of 2025
What is it?

No White Foods Diet was created to help avoid high glycemic for those with blood sugar concerns and people looking to lose weight. The belief is that white foods tend to have a higher amount of simple carbohydrates, which in turn leads to increased weight gain through a spiking of insulin.

The diet also goes by the names of Eat Nothing White and No White at Night. The increase of blood sugar caused by simple white foods is said to cause overeating. The rules are to exclude certain foods while aiming to replace them with more nutritious foods such as brown rice instead of white rice. Our review experts have analyzed countless diets and have concluded the most effective one is the 18Shake Diet. This weight loss diet provides both a natural meal replacement and a weight loss pill made with wholesome extracts. Learn more about the benefits of the 18Shake Diet in the link here.

Do You Know the Best Diets of 2025??

No White Foods Diet Ingredients and Side Effects

Since the diet focuses mainly on excluding foods, here’s the banned list:

• White potato, white rice, white or refined sugar, white beans,and white flour foods such as white bread and regular pasta.

• Cheddar cheese, butter, fruit juice and any white fats with added artificial color.

• Salad dressing with added sweeteners, syrup, potato chips, pastries, noodles, sugar sweetened drinks, pretzels, jam, jelly, and bagels.

Instead, dieters are told to add and allow:

• Egg whites, parsnips, cauliflower, milk, white fish and chicken.

• Substitute using whole grains such as whole wheat pasta, brown rice, whole grain bread, and many fruits and vegetables.

There are no added considerations for the diet; it simply suggests what foods can replace typically processed white foods. While this is healthy, it can be difficult to avoid all types of white foods.  The SF Gate.com also adds:

“does not inform followers about portion control or provide sample menus for people with differing nutritional requirements”

“Some dieters may find it too hard to eliminate all white rice, bread, pasta, and potatoes… may end up regaining all the weight they lost when they begin eating these foods again”

The concern is that this diet offers very limited information, and there are slightly different details as there’s no official guidebook or website available. To see a link of the top rated diet plans, click the linkprovided here.

The problem with a diet like this is that it lacks much available support. It’s more of an official guideline that simply has a few details offered. There’s also no allowance for any of the banned foods. This can be difficult to uphold in places like restaurants or social settings. To completely ban all types of white foods that are listed is often a strategy of certain diets, but there’s no guarantee that this is the best approach towards weight loss.

EDITOR’S TIP: Combine this diet with a proven meal replacement such as 18 Shake for better results.

No White Foods Diet Qualityof Ingredients

The foods suggested can be healthier alternatives, but the total ban of certain foods can be hard especially since these are commonly eaten. There’s also no need to completely ban them to remain healthy, as Web MD adds:

“White, refined foods can be part of a healthy diet, but moderation is key”

Since many of the banned foods are carbohydrates that are commonly eaten, it can be difficult to resist them at all times. Click the link cited here to see a list of the highest rated diet plans.

The idea that one should completely ban certain foods is not backed by any legitimate science. There’s also a lack of information on why a complete ban was put in place. This means one cannot eat any of these foods for the entirety of one’s life. While it’s important to limit certain foods on the banned menu, it’s unclear if this would be enough for sustained weight loss.

For many it can be difficult to simply ban all white foods when no support, guides, or full explanation is offered.

The Price and Quality of No White Foods Diet

The price depends more on where you purchase your foods from. There are no prepacked meals or diet supplements recommended in the No White Foods diet.

It can be usually pricier and more caloric to get the full whole grain substitute for things like bread, rice, and pasta. Though one does not necessarily have to eat these foods, they’re just suggested as alternatives to their white version.

No evidence is provided and it’s unknown exactly who created this diet. It’s similar to other restrictive diets that makes simple suggestions but does not offer much else information. This can make it hard to follow, as many of the people who were interested in the No White Foods diet frequently asked questions in forums.

People were concerned about why certain foods were banned, what allowances for cheating is there, if any, and whether or not certain foods were allowed. There was also no quality information about portion sizes, which ends up playing a bigger role in weight loss than restricting certain foods.

For a comprehensive list of the top 10 ranked diet plans, click the link here.

Business of No White Foods Diet

There is a book that outlines the diet, but it’s still unclear who created the No White Foods diet. Information on how it came to be is not available anywhere. This makes it difficult to see if the plan was created with science in mind. No clinical reviews are offered to show how completely banning all white foods would be healthy. Sites like Web MD have confirmed that it can be safe to eat in moderation.

There’s also a complete lack of guidelines, only a few advised and banned foods. No exercise recommendations, recipes, support, or any guidance is offered. This makes it difficult to see why the diet was created, as there is no information on its makers.

For a list of the top 10 ranked diet plans click on the link provided here.

EDITOR’S TIP: The top 10 list of the best diets is available here.

Customer Opinions of No White Foods Diet

Here are some quotes taken from actual customer reviews:

“I am not feeling “great”… just feel blah and a bit down”

“It’s a completely arbitrary and somewhat nonsensical diet”

“It’s a lifestyle not a diet”

There were very few reviews available online. The few that existed were from customers who either often cheated, or they did see some faint weight loss results. In reducing many of these carbohydrate heavy foods, it’s likely that any weight loss will be due to a result of water weight and not actual fat.

Most people who talked about this diet often had several unanswered questions. There was concern for some that maintaining the diet was difficult, and that results were not guaranteed. Some did manage to lose some weight, but it’s unknown if this was truly body fat lost, or simply water weight.

Carbohydrates tend to store water weight which can be upwards of 20 pounds. Often when limiting carbohydrates, this initial weight loss will only be water. Though this can seem like one is losing weight rapidly, as soon as carbohydrates are consumed the water weight will return.

The list cited here has our expert reviewed top 10 list of the best diets.

Conclusion - Does No White Foods Diet  Work?

In reviewing the No White Foods diet it became clear that it’s based on two principles, what to avoid and what can be substituted. No other support is offered and it’s clear that the suggestions are general weight loss tips. Without seeing any actual evidence on why this diet was created, it doesn’t make sense to ban all types of white foods such as rice, bread, pastries, and other foods. The few who have triedthis strategy often mention it’s difficult and that they often cheat. There is very little offered in terms of what should be considered for this diet, and it can be extremely difficult to completely ban all white foods. Another issue is that it’s been shown that eating the banned foods in moderation is not harmful, and that it can be part of a healthy diet.

Our experts have discovered that the most effective solution for weight loss was the 18Shake Diet. It combines two natural weight loss products, a meal replacement shake and a diet pill. They both are made in a FDA approved GMP facility, and they’re free of stimulants, binders, fillers, artificial colors, or any cheap additives. The benefits of the meal replacement are that it helps suppress appetite for hours, when combined with the diet pill it doubles the amount of fat loss. Many customers have left positive reviews and testimonials on their official website, adding that they have lost significant amounts of weight.

They are both supported by a full 30 day money back guarantee, which ensures customers can make purchases risk free. This allows for a return with no questions asked. To learn more about the benefits of the 18Shake Diet, click the link here.

How Does No White Foods Diet Compare?
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(Page 1 of 1, 18 total comments)


I did this diet for 1 month and I went down 1 pants size. I did not exercise. This is a good easy way to eat better and lose weight.

posted Jul 18th, 2018 11:58 am


Just starting this way of eating and this was very helpful an encouraging

posted Mar 17th, 2018 9:53 am

person a

I eat as much as I want on this diet and I lost 25lb so far. If people could do one thing to improve their health it would be to give up refined sugar, it's absolutely toxic. not only did I lose weight but my blood pressure and cholesterol came way down as well.

posted Oct 23rd, 2017 9:18 pm

Lindsay SMith

I have been on a version of this diet since January 1st. I avoid all forms of sugar, white flour, white rice, fruit juice and dried fruit but I am still eating white potatoes, all fruit all veg, all beans. I have lost 12 lbs in 3 weeks and I feel this is a way of life that is sustainable for life. I am simply not hungry. Having got over the whole addicton to sugar and white flour, I finally feel n control of my eating. I have also chosen to only eat for 8 hours a day. I have breakfast when I'm hungry - usually at school break time - 11 am (a home made oaty bar). Lunch is soup, at 1pm and a lovely made from scratch meal at around 6 - 6.30. I make quick meals using Nigella Lawson or Nigel Slater or Jamie Oliver. I have said goodbye to ready meals. I am full of energy and feel brilliant. Still 4 stone to go but I believe I will do it by the end of this year at a sensible pound a week. This is a life changer!! It's healthy and was recommended by my GP.

posted Jan 23rd, 2017 2:40 pm

Bonnie Finlayson

Am looking toward to really getting healthy. Seems the older I get my system can't handle the carbs.

posted Dec 6th, 2015 4:15 am



Friends of mine wen on this and have had great results. My husband and I will start on the 5th of january 14.new week new year new lifestyle

posted Dec 31st, 2014 8:52 pm



what would be a good daily meal plan for someone picky with veggies? This sounds really efficient as me and my boyfriend both want to lose 40 pounds. Can you eat maple brown sugar oatmeal, I usually have it for breakfast? And also what yogurts would be appropriate? Thank you for everyone who responds with tips or anything.

posted Dec 31st, 2013 3:32 am



thanks for the list of foods. i have been told by my doc to use this diet to help ease inflammation and joint pain.

posted Dec 13th, 2012 3:03 pm


what do you eat for breakfast

posted Jun 23rd, 2012 5:28 pm

No Whites Baking


I've been on the "no whites" diet since 2009 when I was diagnosed with pre-diabetes and my doctor told me to eliminate white flour, white sugar and white rice from my diet. My a1C is down, and my weight is stable and even down a little. I craved sweets, so I developed my own recipes and published them.

posted Jun 1st, 2012 12:48 am

Judy Trudell


I have lost 14 pounds in 14 weeks and I am never hungry

posted Mar 28th, 2012 9:52 pm



i have been on the no whites diet for around one month. i've lost 21 lbs so far. i work out every once in a while, i usually dont have time. but i cant wait to get more results!

posted Aug 10th, 2011 6:55 pm


I started the no white diet for a new year resolution. I've lost 40 lbs so far. I take a b-12 vitamin, and stool softner daily. I pretty much eat meat, vegs, and salads. Just cut the starches. I cheat once or twice a week. Drink water, black coffee, unsweet tea with Splenda. Also try to walk the treadmill three times a week at least a mile each time. Basically a lifestyle change, you get used to it.

posted May 8th, 2011 10:42 am

Chris Mack

I Loss 14 Pounds In 2 Weeks Without Any White Foods Plus Working Out

posted Mar 21st, 2011 5:02 pm


I have lost 50 lbs. in 8 months and then gained 16 lbs. back after getting off, no white diet. I have now lost 20 more lbs. and back to where I need to be. After getting into the diet you can reduce your portions very easily, with no effert. It's a life style not a diet you can live with.

posted Feb 21st, 2011 7:49 am


I've lost 30 lbs using this without exercise. It's not difficult, you don't have to count anything. After a while you don't really miss it. I still eat dark chocolate daily.

posted Jan 12th, 2011 5:53 pm


I also began this diet because of PCOS, I lost 50 lbs in about 4 months. The scale moved slowly, but I dropped inches really fast. I am a carbaholic, and thought this diet would be hard to follow, but it was very easy.

posted Apr 26th, 2010 5:02 pm


I have been using this method for 2 months per my Dr.s request and have lost over 30lbs. I did not start this to lose weight but because I have PCOS and it would help with my sugar insulin, but the outcome has been all good. :)

posted Apr 19th, 2010 7:49 pm


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BACKGROUNDBACKGROUND Start the Diet Now Advertisement

The No White Foods Diet is a new take on low glycemic diets that shun nutrient-less, high starch and high sugar foods that are well, white. Just as it sounds, while on this diet you simply eliminate all white foods, most notably white sugar and flour, which have been shown to send your blood sugar levels into a frenzy and your hips widening.

There are just a few exceptions to this rule, egg whites cauliflower, parsnips, milk, lean poultry and white fish are allowed. White plant-based foods like potatoes and white beans are also no-nos. You then replace those foods with their colorful and far more nutritious counterparts such as vibrant veggies, sweet fruits and nutty whole grains.

The No White Foods Diet also requests that you limit white solid fats from your diet such as butter and cheddar cheese. These foods are white before food coloring is added to them.

Foods rich in white starches are refined and have the highest glycemic index. The short-term effect of these types of foods is that they make you retain weight and pounds, especially around the midsection. Over the long-term, they can cause an insulin deficiency that leads to diabetes.

Do You Know the Best Diet Pills of 2025?

  • Very simple to follow
  • No special books or equipment to purchase for this diet
  • Carbs are not completely eliminated; just replaced with healthier alternatives
  • Provides a healthier way of eating
  • Some may find it difficult to give up certain foods
  • May be unrealistic to maintain for a long period of time
  • No definitive diet guide
  • No information on portion control
  • Another name for any diet that nixes sugar and refined ingredients

This program is all about what you should and shouldn’t eat. There are several resources available to point out the correct foods to have on this diet. Basically anything white will be eliminated from your diet with the exception of all white meat chicken, fish, cauliflower and milk. A list of the foods to be avoided and those to be eaten is given below:

Foods to be avoided:

  • White potatoes
  • White pasta
  • White rice
  • White bread
  • Anything made using white flour
  • White sugar
  • White beans
  • White solid fats

Foods you can eat:

  • Whole wheat pasta
  • Brown rice
  • Full grain bread
  • Green leafy vegetables
  • Yams
  • Colorful vegetables
  • Fruit
  • Egg whites
  • Milk
  • Cauliflower
  • Fish
  • Lean chicken breast

Exercise is recommended with this plan, but there are no specific instructions given. As with all diets, adding a form of exercise into your routine greatly increases your chances of losing weight quickly and will give you faster results.

Most experts recommend getting in at least thirty minutes of exercise on most days of the week.


The No White Foods Diet is a low-glycemic eating plan that encourages you to give up the sugars and flours included in processed foods and a few high starch veggies and replace them with more nutritious and natural foods.

It's important to remember that although the guidelines are pretty straight forward, you must consider portion control as well. Replacing an entire bowl of regular pasta with whole grain pasta and sauce is still going to add quite a few calories to your tally. Eating more nutritious foods will certainly help your weight loss efforts, but not if you continually overeat.

This plan is easy to follow and with the right amount of dedication, it can help you reach you weight loss goals while changing your eating style to one that’s healthier.

Common MisspellingsCommon Misspellings

no wite foods diet, no white foods deit, no whyte foods diet, no white food diet, no sugar and flour diet

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