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Run Your Butt Off!

Run Your Butt Off!

A beginner's running guide to weight loss.

Top Rated Diets of 2025
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Run Your Butt Off is a book from the editors of Runner’s World and written by Leslie Bonci, Sarah Butler and Budd Coates. This book offers a breakthrough plan that is great for shedding pounds. This plan is great for beginners who want to start running even if they have no previous experience. Through running, you can shed unwanted pounds and keep them off. The Run Your Butt Off plan takes you through the basics of running and offers weight loss that you will be able to sustain. The logic behind the program is a simple calories in versus calories out equation. You will be able to become stronger and more fit when following this program. You start out simple and slow. Each week you will build upon what you’re already doing. You can also take this program at your own pace. If you aren’t ready to move on you can continue in one area until you are ready.

Do You Know the Best Diets of 2025?

  • A great guide for those that want to start running to lose weight
  • Offers nutrition advice as well as step by step instructions on creating a running workout
  • Written in a down to earth tone
  • Book comes from the editors of Runner’s World magazine
  • Includes nutritional advice
  • None to speak of

The nutrition section of Run Your Butt Off focuses on eating a reduced calorie diet in order to help you lose weight. There are no special formulas when it comes to this program. You simply need to burn more calories than you consume to lose weight. Along with watching what you eat, there are 12 steps to being successful when it comes to your diet. Following the steps below will give you success as you continue life as a runner:

  • Log it! Write down everything you eat.
  • Space it! Eat at regular four to five hour intervals throughout the day.
  • Measure it! Measure all of your foods to make sure you’re staying within proper portion sizes.
  • Shop it! Make your shopping list after planning out your menu for the week. Stick to the list when shopping.
  • Slow it down! Chew your food and taste it when eating. Put your fork down between bites.
  • Color it! Add one red, yellow, orange, green or purple food to every meal.
  • Muscle it! Eat some protein at every meal.
  • Drink it! Women need 90 ounces of fluid each day and men need 125. Anything that’s not alcohol counts.
  • Swap it! Look for swaps you can make to cut calories or add nutrients to your diet.
  • Season it! Use herbs, spices, seasoning mixes and flavorings to give healthy foods an extra kick.
  • Fine-tune it! Log your food intake again and figure out what areas you have improved, and what needs more attention.
  • Think it through! Anticipate restaurant dining or weekend events that might challenge your resolve to eat well and plan ahead.

Run Your Butt Off takes on the thought that anyone can be a runner when they have the proper tools leading them. Many find running intimidating but as the book states, it all starts with one step. Although this program is designed to create a running regimen and help you lose weight, it is important that you take things slow. Losing weight is not going to happen overnight, so it’s important not to push yourself too hard trying to get quick results. One of the first things you will do on this program is find time for your workout. You must schedule this in like you would other appointments so that you can stick to the workouts. Your target starts at 30 minutes four times per week. Something else that is important is to be stubborn with your exercise time. Once you’ve picked a schedule you can live with, stick to it and block off that time to run for yourself.

Another important step is to scout out a good location. You start off walking but this turns into running so you must select a good location. Some of the other tips that are helpful with the exercise portion of this program include:

  • Slow Build – This plan is gradual, so take your time building up to where you want to be.
  • No Excuses – It’s only a 30 minute workout, so don’t waste precious time trying to think of excuses
  • Plan Ahead – Take the time to sit down and eat your food. Don’t skip meals or you will eat more later.
  • Skip the Scale – Don’t weigh yourself too often. Maybe go for weighing every other week, and use your clothes as a guide for your progress.

Run Your Butt Off is a great book for beginning runners or those interested in getting started. This plan can get you great weight loss results and you improve your health overall. Starting slowly and building upon what you do allows you to truly appreciate the art of running and will encourage you to make running part of your lifestyle.

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john boire

great book ive read it twice!! but i am still stubborn about that food log

posted Mar 23rd, 2016 10:35 am



I like it..

posted Jan 2nd, 2014 10:41 pm


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