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Secrets to Losing Weight  in College

Secrets to Losing Weight in College

Use this information from a man that lost 120 pounds in one year while in college.

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Gaining weight during your freshman year in college seems to be a process that many students go through. Well now there is a book that teaches you to do just the opposite. Secrets to Losing Weight in College is a book written by Bennett Gavrish where he shares how he reversed the famed freshman 15 and lost 120 pounds in one year. Bennett is a software developer with a degree in journalism. His previous novel titled Train Wreck won the Amazon Breakthrough Novel Award Contest. Secrets to Losing Weight in College is a great guide for college students that might be struggling with their weight. Within the book, Bennett shares his exact diet, exercise routine and his mental approach which led to his successful weight loss. While this book is targeted at college students, anyone can use the information to get into shape and eat healthier. You will find information on exactly what you need to do to create a healthier and happier body.

Do You Know the Best Diets of 2025?

  • Talks about making lifestyle changes rather than temporary deprivation
  • Author speaks from his personal success of losing weight quickly
  • Book includes some humor to keep it light
  • Instead of completely eliminating certain foods, it is suggested that you eat them less often and in smaller amounts
  • Includes meal ideas and exercise plan
  • Focuses on changing daily habits for the better to maintain healthy lifestyle
  • Limits advice to college students
  • Not all tips are doable for college students living in dorm rooms

The advice offered in Secrets to Losing Weight in College is simple and the author takes the time to deal with proper eating as well as any excuses that may be offered. There are four keys that serve as the backbone to this program. One of the most crucial ones is to drink only water and milk. This means no alcohol at first, and eliminating soda completely. There is no magic number for how much water you should drink, but the author states that anytime you have a change to drink it, you should. For the milk, you can have small servings with breakfast and lunch and then a full glass with your dinner. After a few months of water and milk only, you can add in 100 percent fruit juice, but sparingly.

One other piece of nutrition advice from the book is to cook your own meals. College students typically end up eating in dining halls where they have no control over the ingredients used. By cooking your own meals and avoiding late night takeout or food from the cafeteria, you can ensure you are eating healthier foods. This may not be feasible for students that live in a dorm room or those that may be using a student meal plan and can’t buy their own groceries.


For exercise, Secrets to Losing Weight in College suggests that you work hard to turn everyday encounters into exercise. This includes doing things like taking the stairs rather than the elevator and parking farther from the door whenever you go somewhere. For college students things like riding a bike to various classes around campus or even walking to class can be great ways to sneak in exercise. Doing some sort of structured exercise is also helpful provided you find something you love. Colleges typically have intramural sports teams available as well as access to an on campus gym for current students which can be a great way to meet people and get your exercise.


Secrets to Losing Weight in College chronicles one man’s journey to lose 120 pounds in 12 months while in college. His tips prove that it can be done and he shows you the way. Keep in mind that not everyone will find the same level of success that the author did, but the advice is solid and will improve your health for the better if you try it.

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