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Venice A. Fulton has seen much success in the U.K. with his unconventional diet book Six Weeks to OMG: Get Skinnier Than All Your Friends, and is now bringing his popular book to the U.S.
In this no-frills book, the author focuses on five main areas for weight loss: lose fat, get toned, slim down your thighs, flatten your belly, and keep your skin, hair and nails growing. It may sound like a superficial approach at first glance, but Fulton argues these are the areas most people realistically focus on.
While he argues against common body fat measuring systems, such as BMI and body fat scans, Fulton delivers some sound advice on what's important: "Trust yourself, and compare yourself to yourself." Doing so, he says, will make you stop comparing yourself to your friends and start focusing on your own progress instead, despite what the title of the book may imply.
The author also argues that anyone can be skinny and that being healthy is not only possible for everyone, 'it's for everyone, is incredibly important, and is how the body loves to be.' He promises that anyone reading the book can lose 10-20 pounds of fat in six weeks, losing fat at a rate of up to 3.5 pounds per week.
As for the book's practical weight loss advice, Fulton recommends the following a straight forward 6-step plan which he reveals in detail in one of the final chapters of the book. Some of the key points are skipping breakfast to workout on an empty stomach, being active throughout the day, avoiding snacking and instead eating three square meals a day, and mostly avoiding carbs and sugar.
Do You Know the Best Diets of 2025?
- Written by an expert in fitness and nutrition
- Promotes eating plenty of fruits and vegetables
- Promotes being active often
- Encourages avoiding junk food, especially complex carbs and sugar
- Promises fast weight loss
- Not scientifically-backed
- Much of the book is the author's own opinion and advice
In Six Weeks to OMG Venice Fulton argues against the use of weight loss drugs and supplements and instead points readers toward simply eating healthy. He also argues against complicated diets and eating too little or too much, as it's not how our bodies are designed to work.
Fulton's first diet rule is to skip breakfast, which goes against just about everything any health expert has ever proposed. But he says being active on an empty stomach causes our body to burn more fat.
Other weight loss and diet advice includes taking cold baths, drinking black coffee, and ignoring the rule that says eating frequently helps you lose weight. With this last rule, Fulton says eating three meals a day is ideal.
Fulton doesn't discriminate against any one diet and says his plan can be followed by meat-eaters and vegetarians alike. He recommends eating a variety of fruits and vegetables, and says protein powders are a good source of protein. He recommends filling your plate with one full serving of protein at every meal, and also recommends avoiding sugar and especially carbs, because our bodies don't need them and they're meant to be a 'back-up' source of energy.
The author recommends being active but not too active, stating that our muscle cells develop small tears when used. But if we tear them too often, our body starts to react negatively.
As a general rule, he says our body doesn't need lots of exercise it just likes to stay active and craves movement, so we should do that as much as possible throughout our day.
Fulton also suggests that the more muscles we use at any given time, the more calories we'll burn. But overall, he recommends finding a movement that works for you, and to do it for 30 minutes to one hour a day.
He's also a big proponent of weight lifting and recommends doing intense resistance training three times a month as to not lose muscle mass. He also includes specific advice on what lifts to do and how many reps to complete of each.
To measure progress, Fulton suggests owning at last one if not two accurate mirrors and an at-home scale. Otherwise, he says, you won't know what you really look like or how much you truly weigh. He recommends weighing yourself no more than once a week to track progress.
Overall, this book goes against much of the conventional wisdom that's been put out there by today's health and fitness experts. But it seems Venice Fulton isn't going for scientifically-based or widely-agreed upon standards: he's going for real weight loss that works fast.
Overall, his diet advice seems doable but not necessarily safe for everyone, especially those with medical problems. And while his workout advice is non-traditional, it is at minimum safe and feasible for just about anyone following the diet.
While health experts wouldn't agree with much of what Fulton puts forward in Six Months to OMG, he claims it's worked for himself and many people who've read the book and fallen in love with it. For this reason, it seems he doesn't care much about what others would have to say about his ideas, because he presents the book as a straight-forward approach to getting sexy and slim fast, and how to maintain that over the course of your life. And he doesn't present it as much more than that.
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Six Weeks to OMG
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posted Jul 9th, 2012 9:08 pm