What is it?
The Baha’i Diet is a way of eating healthy which is emphasized by followers of the Baha’i faith. It’s not necessarily a diet nor is it made for weight loss, but it’s suggested as a way to maintain a more wholesome lifestyle.
There are also differentapproaches one can take with this diet, as some of the Baha’i teachings suggest adopting a vegan or vegetarian lifestyle. It’s also recommended tofast for a prolonged period lasting 19 days. By reviewing many types of diets our review experts have concluded the best for weight loss is the 18Shake Diet. It has a combined fat burning weight loss diet pill and an appetite suppressing meal replacement. Learn more about the benefits of the 18Shake Diet by clicking on the link provided here.
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The Baha’i Diet Ingredients and Side Effects
The rules and standards of this plan are difficult to outline as there are mainly suggestions made. For example, a scholar of Baha’i teachings named Susan Gammage mentions:
“there is nothing in theteachings about whether people should eat their food cooked or raw; exercise or not exercise; resort to specific therapies or not; nor is it forbidden to eat meat”
Eating meat isn’t necessarily banned or looked down upon, but the teachings of this faith mention that eating animal protein isn’t needed for proper health.
It’s particularly recommended to eat fruit, cerealsandvegetables as the idea is that our teeth are designed to enjoy these foods easier. This however has not been proven true, as our teeth are also sharp enough to chew meat.
The only things banned are alcohol in any form and any kinds of drugs. It’s also advised to eat in moderation, as their teachings say:
“In all circumstances they should concoct themselves with moderation; if the meal be only one course this is more pleasing in the sight of god… they should seek to have this single dish be of good quality”
See which weight loss diets were rated as the best by clicking on the link here.
It’s also advised to fast for a prolonged 19 day period starting from March 2nd to the 20th. The only thing one can have is water during this period from sunrise to sunset. This can be potentially dangerous and difficult for people to follow. Possible side effects are numerous and they include:
• Low blood sugar, headaches, and fatigue.
• Mood swings, irritability, and fits of anger.
• Nutritional deficiencies, aches, and ill feelings.
Furthermore, the Health Guidance.org group has discussed the damaging effects of fasting:
“there are also many ways that it can damage your health”
“your body will be without many important nutrients for at least a short amount of time and this can cause some damage”
There aren’t many restrictions on what kinds of foods one can eat, only recommendations on what’s preferable. This allows for a lot of flexibility, but it’s also not a guaranteed way for people to lose weight.
It’s also important to recognize that although this is described as a diet, it’s not intended for weight loss, and it’s meant to be suggestions made to help honor a god. There is no scientific proof nor is it suggested to be a weight loss solution.
There is also no support offered via an actual menu, recommendations for calories, or any other practical tips to help those who want to use this diet. The ideas are fairly straightforward and there are no additional resourcesavailable to learn more. Our experts have crafted comprehensive best of list of the highest rated weight loss diets.
EDITOR’S TIP: Combine this diet with a proven meal replacement such as 18 Shake for better results.
The Baha’i Diet Quality of Ingredients
It’s advised to eat more grains, vegetables, and fruits and it’s preferred to avoid meat of any kind. It doesn’tplace a ban nor does it suggest any particular foods or meals.
The idea behind this diet is fairly simple, as it’s recommended to eat in moderation and to avoid alcohol. There are really the only two rules one must follow. While this is easy to follow, it’s also not a guaranteed way for one to lose weight. There’s no additional support offered to help those who need real useful weight loss advice.
The suggestions made for a healthier body are already well known, other than the idea that adopting a vegan or vegetarian diet would be preferable. There is no evidence to help prove this claim when healthy meats are eaten in moderation.
This is not the intended reason for following this plan however. It was created for followers of the faith to help have a closer connection to their god.To see a list of the very best weight loss diets, click on the link here.
The Price and Quality of The Baha’i Diet
Pricing depends on the quality of foods one chooses. No specific recommendations are made as to what kinds of foods need to be eaten. It’s also suggested to become vegan or vegetarian, but meat is still allowed as there is no ban.
The lack of strict standards makes this an easy to follow diet plan, but it’s also not secure enough to help promote weight loss. The intention for this diet is to help honor the followings of a specific faith, so it was never intended to be a weight loss solution. Eating in moderation is certainly a good thing to follow, but it’s also common sense advice that’s already known.
There are no tips or suggestions on how to achieve moderation in eating however, it only suggests what one should be doing, not how to do it.
For a detailed list of the very best weight loss diets, click on the link cited here.
Business of The Baha’i Diet
This diet came about from the Baha’i faith, which is a religion that was created in Persia or current day Iran. The idea behind this faith is to unit god, mankind, and religion.
There is no specific guide for this diet, as the information is offered in a holy text which certain websites have listed for all to read.
It’s also not marketed or intended to be a weight loss solution. Instead it’s meant to honor a specific god, and it’s intended to be the best way to remain healthy. There is no evidence provided however to help prove this claim. To see which weight loss diets where rated the most effective, you can read the top ranked list here.
EDITOR’S TIP: The top 10 list of the best diets is available here.
Customer Opinions of The Baha’i Diet
There’s no available reviews about the diet itself, as there is no complete resource or selling of a particular guide. People who have tried eating as recommended by this diet do so because they believe in the faith, not because they are looking to lose weight.
Very little information about this diets use is documented anywhere. There are only a few short blurbs which help explain what it takes to maintain. No information is provided to help prove that this is a better diet for health than other plans.
Due to the lack of opinions, it’s unknown how difficult or beneficial this diet might be. The required 19 day fast can be hard for some to follow however, as it only allows water with no form of substitutions. This is also not intended to be a way to help one lose weight however.
Conclusion - Does The Baha’i Diet Work?
The Baha’i Diet is best described as a way of eating emphasized by a certain faith to help honor god. It’s suggested to be a healthier way to achieve a better body and mind, and it’s nowhere suggested to be a weight loss solution. The information available about this diet is limited to a few short blurbs, and there’s an ease of use to following it. There are some suggestions made but most of it does not have to be followed except the banning of alcohol and moderation in eating. While these are good approaches to weight loss, it’s lacking in much more information to help promote results. The main thing to take away from this diet is that it requires moderation, without an explanation as to how one can achieve this.
Our review experts have analyzed many unique kinds of weight loss diets, and they’ve found the 18Shake Diet was the most effective overall. It combines two products, a meal replacement that suppresses appetite for hours with its high protein and fiber, and a fat burning diet pill free of stimulants. They both are free of colors, artificialadditives, preservatives, fillers, binders, or any unwanted additives. Customers have also given them rave reviews for their potent weight loss effects. Testimonials are even offered on the official website from satisfied users.
The 18Shake Diet is also backed by an entire 30 day money back guarantee policy. This allows for a risk free return offered with no questions asked for the entire period. Learn more about the benefits of this diet when you click on the link here.
User Feedback
(Page 1 of 1, 3 total comments)MC
+What a great overview!
posted Feb 17th, 2016 2:25 pmHowever, I would also insist that an edit be done to be fully accurate: not even water is allowed to be consumed during the Fast.
Many thanks for putting this up in ome consice article!
I agree with Ruth. The information is quite accurate and comprehensive except for the fact that during the Baha'i fasting period not even water is allowed from sunrise to sunset. It is a period of complete abstinence from all physical sustenance. Please correct the statement for absolutely accurate information on the Baha'i diet.
posted Jul 8th, 2015 6:29 pmRuth
This description seems accurate enough except for the last part about fasting. Not even water is to be consumed during the day.
posted Jan 17th, 2011 5:59 amAlthough it is not in the writings, a good way to start the day during the fast is with plenty of whole grains, a big glass of water and no caffeinated drinks. Whole grains give digest slower. Caffeine can be dehydrating.