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It's a well-known fact that Americans are amongst the heaviest and most unhealthy people in the world, largely as a result of the way Americans eat. The Western diet is typically high in saturated fats, red meat, enormous serving sizes, preservatives and quick-fixes like fast food. Many people are starting to look across the globe at healthier lifestyles that they can easily mimic to lose weight and live healthier themselves. The Asian Diet is one such lifestyle that is being modeled.
Asian countries, such as Japan and China, have some of the healthiest people in the world. There is little incident of heart disease, diabetes, cancer and other weight-related illnesses that plague the U.S. and other Western countries. It was also announced recently that Japanese women have the longest lifespan in the world, much of which can be attributed to their diet.
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- The diet has the ultimate proof of its healthfulness and has helped millions of Asian people.
Asian diets are typically rich in fish, rice, soy, fruits and vegetables and tea. The Asian Diet offers generous amounts of fiber, antioxidants, vitamins and minerals, protein, iron and calcium. Dairy and meat are consumed sparingly.
Each day, as part of the Asian Diet, you should consume:
- Grains such as rice, noodles, corn and potatoes
- Fruits and vegetables, with cabbage, scallions, dark leafy greens, bananas, grapes and pineapple being amongst the more popular varieties
- Nuts and legumes, which can include soy products
- Vegetable oil for cooking, as it is an unsaturated fat
Other inclusions of the Asian Diet are eggs and poultry as part of a few meals each week, dairy and fish as desired. Dairy is not a traditional part of an Asian Diet. Osteoporosis is not typically a concern amongst the Asian culture, as lifestyle and other calcium sources usually alleviate any problem. However, Americans choosing to include dairy should seek low- or non-fat milk and cheeses. Red meat should be consumed in limited amount, not more than a few times a month.
The Asian Diet isn't strictly about what you eat. What you drink and physical activity are also very important. Alcoholic beverages are not restricted, it's just encouraged to consume them in moderation. Teas are very popular, most notably green and black, and are known to provide medicinal benefits as well, including antioxidants, and build immunity toward some types of cancer.
Regular exercise is key to enjoying the benefits of an Asian lifestyle. Biking, walking and other physical activities will especially drive results of the Asian Diet, as well as help you lose weight and prevent disease.
The results speak for themselves. The Asian Diet has the ultimate case study- the Asian population! That doesn'tt include most food you get at American Chinese takeout, though. Otherwise, following the traditional eating habits of the Far East will certainly lead to a healthier you.
Asan diet, Asain diet, asian deit
- The Chinese Diet
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(Page 2 of 2, 25 total comments)larry
+thats the problem with the united states...too much saturated fats also alot of red meat too much prostrate cancer because of our men...God made vegetables and grains it says in genesis for man to eat...not so much red meat ....
posted Feb 2nd, 2009 5:47 amUkee_Ken
yeah....I agree at that...
posted Jul 30th, 2008 9:47 amRymel
y'know, being chinese, i think i can safely take fair shots at this - it's nothing special. at all. asians eat a lot of vegetables and soy-based foods such as tofu and bean curd, and since they lacked milk cows they had soy milk in the mornings (not that that means you can't have it any other time of the day). oh and obviously we like a lot of teas, regular and herbal. basically it sums it up that we take in a lot of, that's a shock. eating more veggies = better health. if you wanna go regional to the coastal areas, they eat lots of seafood too. which again is no shock that seafood is good for your health. hm, i see a pattern here. lastly, just as they mentioned above...exercise. they work really hard, especially in poorer regions. many of them also bike or walk to school or work daily. i've heard the trash about how carbs are bad yadda yadda yadda, but if carbs are bad, yet they give you energy, then asians must be the pinnacle of energy generation because it's pretty much all burned off and then some, considering how much veggies they eat. i read somewhere once that in some areas of china they'll eat up to a pound of vegetables per person - uncooked weight. that's a LOT. and they're still bone skinny. hm. see where i'm going with this? it ain't a fad, it's stuff you already learned about proper eating.
I've heard this takes some getting used to (as does anything new) but it's a great way to lose weight.
seems like common sense. it's well know that the asian diet is healthy, so why not immitate it