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Is caffeine healthy or unhealthy for you is one of the most ping-ponged questions addressed by the health and medical communities. Some research suggests that caffeine is quite healthy and may actually promote protection against certain diseases like heart disease and diabetes and others studies suggest that caffeine may excite an already overly-stimulated nervous system or produce digestive problems.
In the book, The Decaf Diet: Is Caffeine Making You Fat?, author Eugene Wells discusses a number of ways in which caffeine contributes to overeating through its impact on the hormones cortisol and insulin, and also as a result of the additional calories that we put into our caffeinated beverages and foods.
Throughout the book you will learn how caffeine may actually slow down our metabolisms in the long-term by promoting muscle breakdown and how the widespread use of caffeine in diet pills may produce more health hazards than health gains.
The Decaf Diet recognizes Americans' addiction and dependency on caffeine and consequently outlines two plans for dealing with caffeine’s fattening effects. The first is that of caffeine reduction, and the other is that of optimal caffeine use, through which the reader continues to drink coffee but makes nutritional and lifestyle adjustments in order to blunt caffeine’s fattening effects.
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- Makes a strong argument for the role that caffeine may play in weight gain
- Promotes awareness of the empty calories contained in coffee drinks, sugary sodas and energy drinks
- Proposes an well-outlined plan for reducing caffeine intake, rather than eliminating it entirely
- Chapters are heavily-researched
- Encourages eating a healthy, nutrient-rich and clean diet with regular exercise
- Numerous scientific studies point to the benefits of caffeine and health, including its potential role in heart disease and diabetes prevention
- Does not provide a day-to-day action plan for reducing caffeine or caloric intake
The Decaf Diet includes an impressive amount of information detailing the effects of caffeine in our bodies, where caffeine is found and how it may be associated with weight gain.
The Decaf Diet plan is designed to help you lose weight by reducing or eliminating your caffeine consumption.
In regards to seeking out caffeine-free alternatives to coffees, teas and sodas, The Decaf Diet recommends drinking the following beverages: Calorie-free seltzer waters, herbal teas like roobios, peppermint, ginger, and chamomile, coffee alternatives, and fruit teas.
While the author goes into great depth comparing and contrasting low-fat and low-carbohyrate diets, The Decaf Diet is one that is a balanced combination of the two, emphasizing eating plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables, especially those that are rich in vitamin C.
To eliminate caffeine in the diet, gradual steps are recommended. For those who typically pair a morning coffee with a pastry, the plan recommends that the pasty is eliminated and replaced with a piece of fruit and over time, the cream and sugar from the coffee are taken away also.
The plan also recommends that as you whittle down your caffeine intake, you also watch your chocolate intake, since cocoa contains caffeine. Substituting small amounts of dark chocolate for milk chocolate is recommended.
The book also provides information on the effects of artificial sweeteners and the caffeine used in diet pills.
The Decaf Diet strongly promotes regular exercise as a way to promote weight loss, boost energy and stay fit. The plan recommends doing 1-2 hours of aerobic exercise per week as a starting point, distributed among 20-30 minute sessions, or sessions of a different length that suit you based on your lifestyle, schedule, and fitness level. And this should be aerobic exercise that you enjoy doing.
Once you have achieved a baseline level of fitness and have gotten into the habit of exercising regularly, you should then incorporate a strength-training routine into your fitness plan. The book recommends introductory exercises to get you started such as pull-ups, push-ups and others. In addition, it also recommends a few websites that provide instruction and sample weight-based routines.
In The Decaf Diet, Eugene Wells explains how coffee, tea, soda, and chocolate are making a large contribution to the obesity epidemic. Wells explains how caffeine drives overeating while hindering weight loss, and in doing so he empowers readers to decide for themselves just to what extent caffeine should control their waistlines.
In The Decaf Diet you will learn how caffeine makes you overeat, reduces your muscle mass, slows your metabolism, keeps your stress and insulin levels elevated, and can negatively affect thyroid function.
While the book goes against many of the scientific studies that have suggested coffee drinkers are actually healthier and leaner than non-coffee drinkers, if you are concerned that your daily iced mocha frappucino habit is canceling out any benefits caffeine may have, The Decaf Diet can show you how to nix the habit and nix a few extra pounds as well.
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The Decaf Diet
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