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The Flex Diet

The Flex Diet

Design your own diet plan with this flexible diet.

Top Rated Diets of 2025
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The Flex Diet is a book written by Dr. James Beckerman that allows you to design your own weight loss plan. Dr. Beckerman is a cardiologist that believes you cannot use the same method of treatment for all people with the same problem. This book is about the small changes you can make that will give you some big health benefits. The program covers three different phases including Today, Every Day and Your Way. Each of these three phases involves a different amount of time. The Today phase includes the changes you can make right away that will make a difference and is two weeks in length. The Every Day part of the program is three weeks long, and gives you tips of things you can do every day to make a difference in your overall health. Last is the Your Way stage. In this stage, you learn some things you can do to create a lifetime of changes that are easy to implement and will make a difference.

Instead of teaching you one way to lose a large amount of weight, you have hundreds of ways to lose a small amount of weight. You can choose how you lose the weight in a way that will work best for you. The Flex Diet offers you a way to truly design your weight loss plan and includes several nutritious meals and ways to boost your energy.

Do You Know the Best Diets of 2025?

  • Allows you to customize how you lose weight
  • Asks that you make small changes to reach your goals
  • Plan created by a medical doctor
  • Medically proven way to lose weight
  • Includes directions for boosting energy
  • Encourages exercise
  • Broken into three different phases
  • None to speak of

The Flex Diet offers a fully customizable plan for those trying to lose weight. This book does not adopt a one size fits all approach, but instead offers many different suggestions for how you can make small changes that yield big results. The Flex Diet does include three different phases. The phases are:

  • Today – These are changes you can make immediately, or today. This phase is two weeks in length and involves doing things like weighing yourself daily, drink six glasses of water each day, call your doctor, become someone’s coach and close the kitchen after dinner. In this stage you can lose five pounds by making some of these changes.
  • Every Day – This stage is three weeks in length and allows you to lose ten more pounds. This portion of the plan is where you introduce meal plans for breakfast, lunch and dinner. The book includes several recipes to aid in the planning of meals. Additionally you will receive some tips on what heart healthy exercises you can implement. Some of the other tips offered include switching to skim milk, storing leftovers before eating, eating beans, tofu and fish one per week, avoiding all-you-can-eat restaurants and walking during your breaks at work.
  • Your Way – The final stage of The Flex Diet offers almost 100 different lifestyle changes that will help keep the inches away and allow you to take things to the next level. Some of the most helpful tips include eating until you are 80 percent full, use cooking spray, eat more protein at breakfast, avoid white starches and shop at a farmer’s market once per week.

Exercise is important with The Flex Diet to lose weight and improve your health. With this program, you use your own body weight in a simple resistance training program. This will help you reduce belly fat, build lean muscle and increase your metabolism. Some of the tips you receive on adding more fitness elements include:

  • Move your exercise to early morning
  • Run every other day
  • Exercise during commercials
  • Add interval training to your workout
  • Increase your time exercising by one minute each week
  • Race
  • Dance
  • Swim
  • Bicycle
  • Take up yoga

The Flex Diet offers a great approach to weight loss. This book shows how you can make small changes to reach a big goal. It also tackles one thing at a time. When you have a lot of weight to lose, it can seem like an impossible task, but The Flex Diet gives you a long list of small changes you can make to reach that goal. This book and plan have a lot to offer in the area of health as well as weight loss. The best part is you can actually start before you finish reading the book with the Today section.

Common MisspellingsCommon Misspellings

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