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The Gorgeously Green Diet

The Gorgeously Green Diet

Shrink your waste and your waist with this lifestyle diet.

Top Rated Diets of 2025
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It no longer just suffices to recycle your plastic water bottles. Today, it's becoming increasingly more popular (and necessary) to live a truly green life. Author of the New York Times Bestseller, Gorgeously Green, Sophie Uliano has created The Gorgeously Green Diet, a guide to help you shrink not just your waist but your carbon footprint as well.

Complete with eco-friendly recipes, this four-week diet includes three separate eating plans - light green, bright green and deep green - to that you can green your lifestyle in a pace that is comfortable for you. The green challenge also shows you to make your own natural, inexpensive and effective skin care, cleaning products, how to grow your own garden, and recycling basics.

But if you think you're going to be shelling over gobs of money while following The Gorgeously Green Diet, think again. The guide includes tons of practical steps, tips and strategies to keep more money in your pocket as you slim down and green up.

Do You Know the Best Diets of 2025?

  • Includes a natural, preservative-free and whole-foods based diet
  • Very budget-oriented
  • Environmentally-friendly
  • Includes an exercise plan
  • Teaches you to green other areas of your life
  • Flexible plan allows you to follow at your own pace and comfort level
  • Diet is meant to be a long-term lifestyle plan
  • Recipes don't provide nutrition information
  • Does not provide a scheduled day-to-day diet

The Gorgeously Green Diet is a comprehensive diet overhaul. The underlying premise of the Gorgeously Green Diet is to select food for its quality rather than its calories, carb content or convenience. The book teaches you not only why certain foods are detrimental to your health but to the environment as well.

There are three levels of the diet that you can choose to follow: Light green for the beginner eco-friendly foodie, Bright Green for the intermediate level and Deep green for the advanced. Once you choose your level, you perform a complete kitchen purge where you rid your fridge and pantry of unhealthy eats and replace them with upgraded staples.

You will also learn about how to shop for budget-friendly organic and natural foods, the top ten gorgeous snacks (think dark chocolate, dried apricots and cucumbers) and the essential supplements and vitamins that should be taken every day.

A typical day on the Gorgeously Green Diet might start with a bowl of homemade nutty granola or an Orange Bran Flax muffin, for lunch you might chomp on a Lentil and Quinoa salad or spoon up a bowl of Garlicky Cucumber Soup, and for dinner you might feast on a Warm Scallop salad, Citrus Roast Chicken or Three-Mushroom Fettuccine. Dessert might be Pomegranate, Banana and Ginger Brulee, Flourless Chocolate Cake or Apple Crunch. Overall, the book includes 100 recipes.

Since the emphasis is on quality and not quantity, there are no nutritional stats for recipes.


The Gorgeously Green Diet encourages that you create a fitness goal. The exercise plan includes partaking in one vigorous activity once a day for 30 minutes or more. Finding a physical activity that you enjoy doing whether it's walking, jumping on the trampoline or playing tennis, is strongly endorsed since it makes the difference between you sticking to your fitness goal or ditching it after a few days.

In addition, the guide gives you a number of strength-training and flexibility exercises that you can do from your own home. You will need basic props like a stable chair, 2-5 pound weights and a resistance band to do them. Five of the exercises in the book should be done every day following your cardiovascular workout.


The Gorgeously Green Diet is a well-rounded and informative guide to help you green over your life. From what you eat to how you exercise and to the products that you clean your house with, this female-targeted guide teaches you about the importance of green-living and how to incorporate it into your life regardless of your income or level of experience.

With its reliance on natural and unprocessed foods, you might find yourself losing weight but since the Gorgeously Green Diet does not include a day-to-day eating plan or any nutrition statistics alongside its recipes, you might find yourself crunching calorie numbers on your calculator, if that sort of thing matters to you.

Overall, the Gorgeously Green Diet is an educational, proactive and hands-on guide to helping you live a more mindful and healthier life.

Common MisspellingsCommon Misspellings

Gorgously Green Diet, Gorgeiously Green Diet, Gorjeously Green Diet, Gorgeous Green Diet, Green Diet

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I had the first book and saw this one and decided to try it. I love a diet where I can eat chocolate!! and feel good about it. great info on getting your kitchen into shape and your bottom. it's has as much lifestyle info as diet. great read too, good sense of humor, no doom or gloom

posted May 5th, 2009 5:52 pm


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